4 Repositories
Swift realmcocoa Libraries
Safe and easy wrappers for RealmSwift
RealmWrapper RealmWrapper is wrapper library for RealmSwift in realm-cocoa If you use RealmWrapper, you can easily use UI update through Notification
Unrealm is an extension on RealmCocoa, which enables Swift native types to be saved in Realm.
Unrealm enables you to easily store Swift native Classes, Structs and Enums into Realm . Stop inheriting from Object! Go for Protocol-Oriented program
Unrealm is an extension on RealmCocoa, which enables Swift native types to be saved in Realm.
Unrealm enables you to easily store Swift native Classes, Structs and Enums into Realm . Stop inheriting from Object! Go for Protocol-Oriented program
Safe and easy wrappers for RealmSwift
RealmWrapper RealmWrapper is wrapper library for RealmSwift in realm-cocoa If you use RealmWrapper, you can easily use UI update through Notification