4 Repositories
Swift swiftgen Libraries
Swiftlint, SwiftGen and Sourcery for your SPM package
BuildSystemPlugins This plugin assumes you have the same architecture proposed in here as a base. As an example for this implementation you can check
SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects
SwiftGen SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects (like images, localised strings, etc), to make them ty
A SwiftUI Weather App powered by World Weather Online API
SwiftUI-Weather The SwiftUI Weather app, allow users get the current weather for a particular locatio and view a 5-day weather forecast for the select
SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects (like images, localised strings, etc), to make them type-safe to use.
SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects (like images, localised strings, etc), to make them type-safe to use.