5 Repositories
Swift swiftstudentchallenge Libraries
My WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge submission [Submitted]
WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge Submission An educational iPad app teaching some fundamental rules of typography in a fun and interactive way. Created
WWDCScholars is a community of Apple WWDC Scholarship winners
WWDCScholars iOS App WWDCScholars is a community of Apple WWDC Scholarship winners. Every year bright minds from all around the world compete against
My Winning Submission for Apple's WWDC 2021 Swift Student Challenge
Symmetries This playground book gives a quick insight into the symmetry groups of 3-dimensional objects like the platonic solids. The user can play ar
My WWDC21 Swift Student Challenge Submission
Swift3D A 3D framework for everyone. I love SwiftUI. I have been using it constantly since it came out in 2019 and its power and ease of use are what
WWDC21 Swift Student Challenge Submission
CircuitPlay Introduction Hello, welcome to Jose Adolfo Talactac's submission for WWDC21 Swift Student Challenge, CircuitPlay! CircuitPlay is an inter