10 Repositories
Swift tic-tac-toe Libraries
An original board game for 2 players, a mash-up of Sudoku and Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe
An original board game for 2 players, a mash-up of Sudoku and Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe. It is implemented as an iOS app in Swift and C/C++
An iOS adaptation of MorpionTPE py project
An iOS adaptation of MorpionTPE py project
🕹 iOS game - classic Tic Tac Toe with AI and state machines [Swift + SpriteKit + GameplayKit].
🕹 iOS game - classic Tic Tac Toe with AI and state machines [Swift + SpriteKit + GameplayKit].
Tictactoe-ultimatum - iOS implementation of Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe game
TicTacToe Ultimatum An iOS app in Swift implementing the classic game of Ultimat
Tic-Tac-Toe implemented using ARKit+Scenekit
arkit-tictactoe Bjarne Lundgren / bjarne@sent.com / @bjarnel In this example I have taken the simple scenekit tic-tac-toe (another of my repositories)
Tic Tac Toe - Tic Tac Toe mobile application game developed with SwiftUI and AI technology
Hello, there! Welcome to The Tic_Tac_Toe IOS Applicaition The Aricah Cross platf
TicTacToe - A Tic Tac Toe game built with swift
TicTacToe This is Tic Tac Toe game :) There are two players, Player X and Player
Created a Tic Tac Toe game with pure swift that runs within zsh shell.
Swift TicTacToe Created a Tic Tac Toe game with pure swift that runs within zsh shell. The computer is actually really hard to beat and it ends up bei
Tic-tac-toe on the Apple Watch
ticTacToe_Apple_Watch Tic-tac-toe on the Apple Watch to challenge friends and strangers off the street Made it without much tutorials, felt good :) Sw
Tic Tac Toe game developed in SwiftUI
TicTacToe Tic Tac Toe game developed in SwiftUI Requirements macOS 11.1 Big Sur Xcode 12.3 iOS 14 Getting Started Clone the Repository Royalty free au