103 Repositories
Swift visual-regression-testing Libraries
WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.
WKZombie WKZombie is an iOS/OSX web-browser without a graphical user interface. It was developed as an experiment in order to familiarize myself with
The fast path to autolayout views in code
NorthLayout The fast path to autolayout views in code Talks https://speakerdeck.com/banjun/auto-layout-with-an-extended-visual-format-language at AltC
Write concise Autolayout code
Winner of Hacking with Swift Recommended award You + Stevia = 🦄 💡 Write concise, readable layouts 🏖 Reduce your maintenance time 🎨 Compose your st