WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.



Twitter: @mkoehnke Version Carthage compatible SPM compatible License Platform Build Status

WKZombie is an iOS/OSX web-browser without a graphical user interface. It was developed as an experiment in order to familiarize myself with using functional concepts written in Swift 4.

It incorporates WebKit (WKWebView) for rendering and hpple (libxml2) for parsing the HTML content. In addition, it can take snapshots and has rudimentary support for parsing/decoding JSON elements. Chaining asynchronous actions makes the code compact and easy to use.

Use Cases

There are many use cases for a Headless Browser. Some of them are:

  • Collect data without an API
  • Scraping websites
  • Automating interaction of websites
  • Manipulation of websites
  • Running automated tests / snapshots
  • etc.


The following example is supposed to demonstrate the WKZombie functionality. Let's assume that we want to show all iOS Provisioning Profiles in the Apple Developer Portal.

Manual Web-Browser Navigation

When using a common web-browser (e.g. Mobile Safari) on iOS, you would typically type in your credentials, sign in and navigate (via links) to the Provisioning Profiles section:

Automation with WKZombie

The same navigation process can be reproduced automatically within an iOS/OSX app linking WKZombie Actions. In addition, it is now possible to manipulate or display this data in a native way with UITextfield, UIButton and a UITableView.

Take a look at the iOS/OSX demos in the Example directory to see how to use it.

Getting Started


The best way to get started is to look at the sample project. Just run the following commands in your shell and you're good to go:

$ cd Example
$ pod install
$ open Example.xcworkspace

Note: You will need CocoaPods 1.0 beta4 or higher.


For a Command-Line demo, run the following commands inside the WKZombie root folder:

$ swift build -Xcc -I/usr/include/libxml2 -Xlinker -lxml2

$ .build/debug/Example <appleid> <password>


A WKZombie instance equates to a web session. Top-level convenience methods like WKZombie.open() use a shared instance, which is configured with the default settings.

As such, the following three statements are equivalent:

let action : Action<HTMLPage> = open(url)
let action : Action<HTMLPage> = WKZombie.open(url)
let browser = WKZombie.sharedInstance
let action : Action<HTMLPage> = browser.open(url)

Applications can also create their own WKZombie instance:

self.browser = WKZombie(name: "Demo")

Be sure to keep browser in a stored property for the time of being used.

a. Chaining Actions

Web page navigation is based on Actions, that can be executed implicitly when chaining actions using the >>> or >>* (for snapshots) operators. All chained actions pass their result to the next action. The === operator then starts the execution of the action chain.

The following snippet demonstrates how you would use WKZombie to collect all Provisioning Profiles from the Developer Portal and take snapshots of every page:

>>* get(by: .id("accountname"))
>>> setAttribute("value", value: user)
>>* get(by: .id("accountpassword"))
>>> setAttribute("value", value: password)
>>* get(by: .name("form2"))
>>> submit
>>* get(by: .contains("href", "/account/"))
>>> click(then: .wait(2.5))
>>* getAll(by: .contains("class", "row-"))
=== myOutput

In order to output or process the collected data, one can either use a closure or implement a custom function taking the result as parameter:

func myOutput(result: [HTMLTableColumn]?) {
  // handle result


func myOutput(result: Result<[HTMLTableColumn]>) {
  switch result {
  case .success(let value): // handle success
  case .error(let error): // handle error

b. Manual Actions

Actions can also be started manually by calling the start() method:

let action : Action<HTMLPage> = browser.open(url)

action.start { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let page): // process page
    case .error(let error):  // handle error

This is certainly the less complicated way, but you have to write a lot more code, which might become confusing when you want to execute Actions successively.

Basic Action Functions

There are currently a few Actions implemented, helping you visit and navigate within a website:

Open a Website

The returned WKZombie Action will load and return a HTML or JSON page for the specified URL.

func open<T : Page>(url: URL) -> Action<T>

Optionally, a PostAction can be passed. This is a special wait/validation action, that is performed after the page has finished loading. See PostAction for more information.

func open<T : Page>(then: PostAction) -> (url: URL) -> Action<T>

Get the current Website

The returned WKZombie Action will retrieve the current page.

func inspect<T: Page>() -> Action<T>

Submit a Form

The returned WKZombie Action will submit the specified HTML form.

func submit<T : Page>(form: HTMLForm) -> Action<T>

Optionally, a PostAction can be passed. See PostAction for more information.

func submit<T : Page>(then: PostAction) -> (form: HTMLForm) -> Action<T>

Click a Link / Press a Button

The returned WKZombie Actions will simulate the interaction with a HTML link/button.

func click<T: Page>(link : HTMLLink) -> Action<T>
func press<T: Page>(button : HTMLButton) -> Action<T>

Optionally, a PostAction can be passed. See [PostAction](#Special- Parameters) for more information.

func click<T: Page>(then: PostAction) -> (link : HTMLLink) -> Action<T>
func press<T: Page>(then: PostAction) -> (button : HTMLButton) -> Action<T>

Note: HTMLButton only works if the "onClick" HTML-Attribute is present. If you want to submit a HTML form, you should use Submit instead.

Find HTML Elements

The returned WKZombie Action will search the specified HTML page and return the first element matching the generic HTML element type and passed SearchType.

func get<T: HTMLElement>(by: SearchType<T>) -> (page: HTMLPage) -> Action<T>

The returned WKZombie Action will search and return all elements matching.

func getAll<T: HTMLElement>(by: SearchType<T>) -> (page: HTMLPage) -> Action<[T]>

Set an Attribute

The returned WKZombie Action will set or update an existing attribute/value pair on the specified HTMLElement.

func setAttribute<T: HTMLElement>(key: String, value: String?) -> (element: T) -> Action<HTMLPage>

Execute JavaScript

The returned WKZombie Actions will execute a JavaScript string.

func execute(script: JavaScript) -> (page: HTMLPage) -> Action<JavaScriptResult>
func execute(script: JavaScript) -> Action<JavaScriptResult>

For example, the following example shows how retrieve the title of the currently loaded website using the execute() method:

>>> browser.execute("document.title")
=== myOutput

func myOutput(result: JavaScriptResult?) {
  // handle result

The following code shows another way to execute JavaScript, that is e.g. value of an attribute:

>>> browser.get(by: .id("div"))
>>> browser.map { $0.objectForKey("onClick")! }
>>> browser.execute
>>> browser.inspect
=== myOutput

func myOutput(result: HTMLPage?) {
  // handle result


Some HTMLElements, that implement the HTMLFetchable protocol (e.g. HTMLLink or HTMLImage), contain attributes like "src" or "href", that link to remote objects or data. The following method returns a WKZombie Action that can conveniently download this data:

func fetch<T: HTMLFetchable>(fetchable: T) -> Action<T>

Once the fetch method has been executed, the data can be retrieved and converted. The following example shows how to convert data, fetched from a link, into an UIImage:

let image : UIImage? = link.fetchedContent()

Fetched data can be converted into types, that implement the HTMLFetchableContent protocol. The following types are currently supported:

  • UIImage / NSImage
  • Data

Note: See the OSX example for more info on how to use this.


The returned WKZombie Action will transform a WKZombie object into another object using the specified function f.

func map<T, A>(f: T -> A) -> (element: T) -> Action<A>

This function transforms an object into another object using the specified function f.

func map<T, A>(f: T -> A) -> (object: T) -> A

Taking Snapshots

Taking snapshots is available for iOS. First, a snapshotHandler must be registered, that will be called each time a snapshot has been taken:

WKZombie.sharedInstance.snapshotHandler = { snapshot in
    let image = snapshot.image

Secondly, adding the >>* operator will trigger the snapshot event:

>>* get(by: .id("element"))
=== myOutput

Note: This operator only works with the WKZombie shared instance.

Alternatively, one can use the snap command:

>>> browser.snap
>>> browser.get(by: .id("element"))
=== myOutput

Take a look at the iOS example for more information of how to take snapshots.

Special Parameters

1. PostAction

Some Actions, that incorporate a (re-)loading of webpages (e.g. open, submit, etc.), have PostActions available. A PostAction is a wait or validation action, that will be performed after the page has finished loading:

PostAction Description
wait (Seconds) The time in seconds that the action will wait (after the page has been loaded) before returning. This is useful in cases where the page loading has been completed, but some JavaScript/Image loading is still in progress.
validate (Javascript) The action will complete if the specified JavaScript expression/script returns 'true' or a timeout occurs.

2. SearchType

In order to find certain HTML elements within a page, you have to specify a SearchType. The return type of get() and getAll() is generic and determines which tag should be searched for. For instance, the following would return all links with the class book:

let books : Action<HTMLLink> = browser.getAll(by: .class("book"))(page: htmlPage)

The following 6 types are currently available and supported:

SearchType Description
id (String) Returns an element that matches the specified id.
name (String) Returns all elements matching the specified value for their name attribute.
text (String) Returns all elements with inner content, that contain the specified text.
class (String) Returns all elements that match the specified class name.
attribute (String, String) Returns all elements that match the specified attribute name/value combination.
contains (String, String) Returns all elements with an attribute containing the specified value.
XPathQuery (String) Returns all elements that match the specified XPath query.


The following Operators can be applied to Actions, which makes chained Actions easier to read:

Operator iOS OSX Description
>>> x x This Operator equates to the andThen() method. Here, the left-hand side Action will be started and the result is used as parameter for the right-hand side Action. Note: If the right-hand side Action doesn't take a parameter, the result of the left-hand side Action will be ignored and not passed.
>>* x This is a convenience operator for the snap command. It is equal to the >>> operator with the difference that a snapshot will be taken after the left Action has been finished. Note: This operator throws an assert if used with any other than the shared instance.
=== x x This Operator starts the left-hand side Action and passes the result as Optional to the function on the right-hand side.


Once in a while you might need to handle authentication challenges e.g. Basic Authentication or Self-signed Certificates. WKZombie provides an authenticationHandler, which is invoked when the internal web view needs to respond to an authentication challenge.

Basic Authentication

The following example shows how Basic Authentication could be handled:

browser.authenticationHandler = { (challenge) -> (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) in
	return (.useCredential, URLCredential(user: "user", password: "passwd", persistence: .forSession))

Self-signed Certificates

In case of a self-signed certificate, you could use the authentication handler like this:

browser.authenticationHandler = { (challenge) -> (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) in
	return (.useCredential, URLCredential(trust: challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust!))

Advanced Action Functions


The returned WKZombie Action will make a bulk execution of the specified action function f with the provided input elements. Once all actions have finished executing, the collected results will be returned.

func batch<T, U>(f: T -> Action<U>) -> (elements: [T]) -> Action<[U]>


The returned WKZombie Action will execute the specified action (with the result of the previous action execution as input parameter) until a certain condition is met. Afterwards, it will return the collected action results.

func collect<T>(f: T -> Action<T>, until: T -> Bool) -> (initial: T) -> Action<[T]>


Note: Due to a XPath limitation, WKZombie can't access elements within an iframe directly. The swap function can workaround this issue by switching web contexts.

The returned WKZombie Action will swap the current page context with the context of an embedded <iframe>.

func swap<T: Page>(iframe : HTMLFrame) -> Action<T>
func swap<T: Page>(then postAction: PostAction) -> (iframe : HTMLFrame) -> Action<T>

The following example shows how to press a button that is embedded in an iframe:

>>> browser.get(by: .XPathQuery("//iframe[@name='button_frame']"))
>>> browser.swap
>>> browser.get(by: .id("button"))
>>> browser.press
=== myOutput

Test / Debug


This command is useful for debugging. It prints out the current state of the WKZombie browser represented as DOM.

func dump()

Clear Cache and Cookies

Clears the cache/cookie data (such as login data, etc).

func clearCache()


WKZombie logging can be enabled or disabled by setting the following Logger variable:

Logger.enabled = false

User Agent

The user agent of WKZombie can be changed by setting the following variable:

browser.userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.32 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/13A4254v"


An operation is cancelled if the time it needs to complete exceeds the time specified by this property. The default value is 30 seconds.

browser.timeoutInSeconds = 15.0

Load Media Content

This value is 'true' by default. If set 'false', the loading progress will finish once the 'raw' HTML data has been transmitted. Media content such as videos or images won't be loaded.

browser.loadMediaContent = false

Show Network Activity

If set to true, it will show the network activity indicator in the status bar. The default is true.

browser.showNetworkActivity = true

HTML Elements

When using WKZombie, the following classes are involved when interacting with websites:


This class represents a read-only DOM of a website. It allows you to search for HTML elements using the SearchType parameter.


The HTMLElement class is a base class for all elements in the DOM. It allows you to inspect attributes or the inner content (e.g. text) of that element. Currently, there are 7 subclasses with additional element-specific methods and variables available:

  • HTMLForm
  • HTMLLink
  • HTMLButton
  • HTMLImage
  • HTMLTable
  • HTMLTableColumn
  • HTMLTableRow

Additional subclasses can be easily implemented and might be added in the future.

JSON Elements

As mentioned above, WKZombie as rudimentary support for JSON documents.

Methods and Protocols

For parsing and decoding JSON, the following methods and protocols are available:


The returned WKZombie Action will parse Data and create a JSON object.

func parse<T: JSON>(data: Data) -> Action<T>


The following methods return a WKZombie Action, that will take a JSONParsable (Array, Dictionary and JSONPage) and decode it into a Model object. This particular Model class has to implement the JSONDecodable protocol.

func decode<T : JSONDecodable>(element: JSONParsable) -> Action<T>
func decode<T : JSONDecodable>(array: JSONParsable) -> Action<[T]>


This protocol must be implemented by each class, that is supposed to support JSON decoding. The implementation will take a JSONElement (Dictionary<String : AnyObject>) and create an object instance of that class.

static func decode(json: JSONElement) -> Self?


The following example shows how to use JSON parsing/decoding in conjunction with WKZombie:

>>> browser.decode
=== myOutput
func myOutput(result: Book?) {
  // handle result



To integrate WKZombie into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

pod 'WKZombie'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


To integrate WKZombie into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "mkoehnke/WKZombie"

Swift Package Manager

To build WKZombie using the Swift Package Manager, add it as dependency to your Package.swift file and run the following command:

swift build -Xcc -I/usr/include/libxml2 -Xlinker -lxml2


How can I use WKZombie and Alamofire in the same project?

When using Alamofire and WKZombie in the same project, you might encounter a collision issue with keyword Result like this:

'Result' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context

This is due to the fact, that both modules use the same name for their result enum type. The type can be disambiguated using the following syntax in that particular file:

import enum WKZombie.Result

From this point on, Result unambiguously refers to the one in the WKZombie module.

If this would still be ambiguous or sub-optimal in some files, you can create a Swift file to rename imports using typealiases:

import enum WKZombie.Result
typealias WKZombieResult<T> = Result<T>

For more information, take a look at the solution found here.


See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out. You'll need to run

$ Scripts/setup-framework.sh

in the root WKZombie directory to set up a buildable framework project (WKZombie.xcworkspace).


  • More Unit Tests
  • More examples
  • Replace hpple with more 'Swifty' implementation
  • More descriptive errors


Mathias Köhnke @mkoehnke

More Resources



WKZombie is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Recent Changes

The release notes can be found here.

  • HTTPS request unable to parse

    HTTPS request unable to parse

    Cancelling Rendering - Optional("REQUEST\nhttps://") .2016-10-26 21:09:43.529 DYC[12587:442455] Unable to parse.

    I can give you an external address to this if you need it, it is using a self sign cert just wondering how to get round this

    opened by avisual 6
  • Get all HTMLRows in HTMLTable on page

    Get all HTMLRows in HTMLTable on page


    I'm trying to convert my backend scraper to an on-device scraper using your library, but I'm finding it hard to understand the documentation without examples, how would one use WKZombie to login and get a HTML Table, and how do you debug it? I can't seem to get document.title to print anything other than nil. I'm opening an URL that will redirect me to a page, where I can login.

    I have the following code for now:

    func testScraper(_ url: URL, user: String, password: String) {
            >>> get(by: .id("username"))
            >>> setAttribute("value", value: user)
            >>> get(by: .id("password"))
            >>> setAttribute("value", value: password)
            >>> get(by: .name("f"))
            >>> submit(then: .wait(2.0))
            >>> getAll(by: .contains("class", "DataSelect"))
            === handleResult

    But I'm just getting a "error loading page: Not found" when printing the result, but I can't debug it without knowing if it has been redirected before It tries to get the table and forth? And do you recommend using browser.* instead of the >>> operators? I'm having a very difficult time adjusting the example code to my own use-case, as I keep getting errors like "operands here have types 'Action' and '([HTMLElement]) -> ()'.

    All the best, Christian

    opened by CaptainMack 6
  • UI API called on a background thread - iOS 11 - Xcode 9

    UI API called on a background thread - iOS 11 - Xcode 9

    Hi! FYI: WKZombie unfortunately does not work on iOS 11. The NSOperationQueue is of type USER_INITIATED and calls to WKWebView requires to be on the main thread.

    With the new Main Thread Checker in XCode 9 it prints out the following in the console:

    • Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[WKWebView isLoading]
    • Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[WKWebView configuration]
    • Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[WKUserContentController addScriptMessageHandler:name:]
    • Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[WKWebView setNavigationDelegate:]
    • Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[WKWebView loadRequest:]
    • Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[WKWebView evaluateJavaScript:completionHandler:]

    Best regards, Erik

    opened by fishfisher 5
  • open method not visible when using WKZombie in Objective C project

    open method not visible when using WKZombie in Objective C project

    Hi, after adding WKZombie to my podfile and adding @import WKZombie;, I can invoke some methods on the WKZombie.shareInstance, e.g. dump, setTimeoutSeconds, but the essential open method is not visible for some reasons.

    Would you have any hints on how to solve this?


    opened by billylo1 5
  • click() assumes links?

    click() assumes links?

    I have an use case where I need to click a <button> on the page. I tried using >>> click(), but It looks like that action assumes the target to be an <a> tag. How can I use WKZombie to click a button on the webpage?

    opened by insidegui 5
  • Swift Package Manager - unsupported layout

    Swift Package Manager - unsupported layout

    Hi I am receiving the following whenever I try to download using SPM.

    error: the package has an unsupported layout, unexpected source file(s) found: /Users/Reid/Developer/airbnb_wishlister/Packages/WKZombie-1.0.6/Tests/Tests.swift fix: move the file(s) inside a module

    opened by rchatham 4
  • Form submission

    Form submission

    Hello, is it possible to submit a form without the form's name or just with the id?

    I tried doing: browser.get(by: .Id("theId") ) or browser.get(by: .Name(""))

    browser.submit ()

    and the browser.dump just returns ... after it returns the html of the page.

    Sorry for having too many questions and thanks in advance!

    opened by jaloo555 4
  • === problem

    === problem

    Hi, I tried using WKZombie for this code


    browser.get(by: .Id("Username")) browser.setAttribute("value", value: username) browser.get(by: .Id("Password")) browser.setAttribute("value", value: password) browser.get(by: .Id("site-login-form")) browser.submit(then: .Wait(2.0)) browser.get(by: .Contains("href", "#studentmyday/schedule")) browser.click(then: .Wait(2.0)) browser.getAll(by: .Id("accordionSchedules")) === handleResult

    and it returns the error: Binary operator '===' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Action<[HTMLElement]>' (aka 'Action<Array>') and '(Action<[HTMLTableRow]>) -> ()'

    . All the methods are the same with the sample files and I am sure I have the update version. Any ideas? Thanks!

    opened by jaloo555 4
  • Update to Swift 3?

    Update to Swift 3?

    This framework looks perfect for what I've been looking for! The only problem is that my app is made in Swift 3, and yours seems to be older than that. I installed the Cocoapod, and there were 99 errors! The reason is because it needs to be updated. So is there an update to WKZombie for Swift 3 comming anytime soon?

    opened by odonckers 3
  • Show network activity indicator

    Show network activity indicator

    When WKZombie is loading a webpage or fetching content online, it would be good to show network activity indicator on the status bar by internally increasing and decreasing network activity count.

    Or, WKZombie can send notifications to allow users handle network activity indicator themselves.

    opened by gbmksquare 3
  • Migrated to Swift 5.2 and added protocol fix for XCode 12

    Migrated to Swift 5.2 and added protocol fix for XCode 12

    Some minor updates to fix for Xcode 12 (the current version won't build as it complains about type T not having an init method in Parser.swift - adding a simple Initializable protocol with the required init method fixes it). And some updates to bring the code from Swift 4 to Swift 5.2 and remove the constant warnings to migrate it.

    opened by maxesse 1
  • Not opening forms and href as relative?

    Not opening forms and href as relative?

    When i submit a form or try to open a href, i get network request failure As i think its trying to open the action without the baseurl? for example:

    <form action="/some/action">

    where the url is relative not absolute.

    Is this intentional? And is there a workaround?


    opened by nicwhitts 0
  • Trying to import swift.package

    Trying to import swift.package

    So im trying to import the swift package, just to get the darn thing to start but i keep getting this error when ever i try to add package dependency: The package dependency graph can not be resolved; unable find any available tag for the following requirements:

    Even if I have the Package.Swift in xcode I cant import Package becasue ill get hit with the

    /Users/Stjames/Desktop/Instore/Package.swift:1:8: No such module 'PackageDescription'

    Im having alot of trouble even getting started :(

    any help would be great

    opened by Stjames19 0
  • Help me with the error caused by === syntax with Xcode 11.1

    Help me with the error caused by === syntax with Xcode 11.1

    I am using the Xcode version 11.1 targeting ios 12.0 image

    I have just installed this framework pretending to make some automatization process with this framework on the native ios web browser. But I find this error at the beginning and I have no idea why. Can anyone help me to continue?

    opened by jiaxiangcheng 1
  • Help with OpenThen, Batch, Fetch Functions

    Help with OpenThen, Batch, Fetch Functions

    Hi @mkoehnke!

    Thank You: First, thank you for building this repo, I've only been able to use some of the basic features, but it's already been incredibly useful!

    Goal: I'm using WKZombie to open a website, login, wait for redirect, scrape video links, scrape each video source, and download the linked files. The video source is on the individual page of each video link.


    • Signing into social networks like LinkedIn.
    • Performing many URL Requests at once causes the host to block access.

    Request: Could you please help teach how to login to LinkedIn, delay URL requests, and use openThen?

    Additional Notes:

    • Read WKZombie manual, reviewed iOS and MacOS demo, reviewed swift files in WKZombie pod, and searched Stack Overflow, Google, YouTube, and GitHub for examples.
    • Using WKZombie with SwiftSoup.
    opened by david-littlefield 0
  • 1.1.1(Mar 3, 2018)

  • 1.1.0(Sep 23, 2017)

    This release brings iOS11 + Swift 4 compability and includes:

    • Fixes issues raised by Xcode's Main Thread Checker
    • Documentation of how to use Alamofire and WKZombie in the same project
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.8(Mar 3, 2017)

    This version adds the showNetworkActivity property, that can be used to enable/disable the network activity indicator in the status bar. Furthermore, there's better error handling in the iOS sample.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.7(Feb 9, 2017)

  • 1.0.6(Dec 18, 2016)

    This version adds an authentication handler to the WKZombie class, which can be used to handle authentication challenges (e.g. Basic Authentication).

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.5(Sep 20, 2016)

    This version adds support for building WKZombie with the Swift Package Manager. As iOS targets are currently not supported, this feature is OSX only.

    To build a module, use the following command inside the WKZombie root folder:

    swift build -Xcc -I/usr/include/libxml2 -Xlinker -lxml2
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Sep 19, 2016)

    This release requires Xcode 8.0 because it has been completely refactored to compile against Swift 3.0. Any older versions of Xcode will NOT COMPILE.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.9.5(Jun 20, 2016)

    • Due to a XPath limitation, WKZombie can't access elements within an iFrame directly. In order to work around this issue, a swap() method was added to switch the current page with an embedded iframe page.
    • Bugfix for submitting a form using the ID tag
    • Added additonal execute() / map() functions for easier JavaScript usage
    • Breaking Change: Removed brackets from execute() and snap() function
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.9.4(May 26, 2016)

    • Added support for taking snapshots (#31)
    • Added property for setting/getting the user agent
    • === operator now accepts functions/closures with Result and Optionals as parameter
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.9.3(Apr 10, 2016)

    WKZombie 0.9.3 is a small release, but with several worthwhile and important improvements:

    • Carthage support
    • Added ability to set a process pool for each WKZombie instance (thanks @insidegui)
    • New JavaScript execute() method
    • New inspect() method for retrieving the currently loaded page
    • Added HTMLButton class + press() method to "click" a
    • Added Logger class to enable/disable WKZombie logging
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Mathias Köhnke
Mathias Köhnke
Mongrel is a Swift and HTML hybrid with a bit of support for CSS and Javascript.

Mongrel is a Swift and HTML hybrid with a bit of support for CSS and Javascript. Using a declaritive style of programming, Mongrel makes writing HTML feel natural and easy. Mongrel also uses a SwiftUI like body structure allowing structs to be completely dedicated as an HTML page or element.

Nicholas Bellucci 12 Sep 22, 2022
Library for scanning documents via MRZ (Machine Readable Zones) using  Vision API

MRZScanner Library for scanning documents via MRZ using  Vision API. Example The example project is located inside the Example folder. To run it, you

App in the Air 48 Nov 22, 2022
The most swifty way to deal with XML data in swift 5.

SwiftyXML SwiftyXML use most swifty way to deal with XML data. Features Infinity subscript dynamicMemberLookup Support (use $ started string to subscr

Kevin 99 Sep 6, 2022
CheatyXML is a Swift framework designed to manage XML easily

CheatyXML CheatyXML is a Swift framework designed to manage XML easily. Requirements iOS 8.0 or later tvOS 9.0 or later Installation Cocoapods If you'

Louis Bodart 24 Mar 31, 2022
An Objective-C framework for your everyday HTML needs.

HTMLKit An Objective-C framework for your everyday HTML needs. Quick Overview Installation Parsing The DOM CSS3 Selectors Quick Overview HTMLKit is a

Iskandar Abudiab 229 Dec 12, 2022
Easy XML parsing using Codable protocols in Swift

XMLCoder Encoder & Decoder for XML using Swift's Codable protocols. This package is a fork of the original ShawnMoore/XMLParsing with more features an

Max Desiatov 657 Dec 30, 2022
SwiftSoup: Pure Swift HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery (Supports Linux, iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS)

SwiftSoup is a pure Swift library, cross-platform (macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux!), for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very conveni

Nabil Chatbi 3.7k Jan 6, 2023
Swift minion for simple and lightweight XML parsing

AEXML Swift minion for simple and lightweight XML parsing I made this for personal use, but feel free to use it or contribute. For more examples check

Marko Tadić 975 Dec 26, 2022
A sensible way to deal with XML & HTML for iOS & macOS

Ono (斧) Foundation lacks a convenient, cross-platform way to work with HTML and XML. NSXMLParser is an event-driven, SAX-style API that can be cumbers

Mattt 2.6k Dec 14, 2022
Simple XML parsing in Swift

SWXMLHash SWXMLHash is a relatively simple way to parse XML in Swift. If you're familiar with NSXMLParser, this library is a simple wrapper around it.

David Mohundro 1.3k Jan 3, 2023
A simple way to map XML to Objects written in Swift

XMLMapper XMLMapper is a framework written in Swift that makes it easy for you to convert your model objects (classes and structs) to and from XML. Ex

Giorgos Charitakis 109 Jan 6, 2023
A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support

Fuzi (斧子) A fast & lightweight XML/HTML parser in Swift that makes your life easier. [Documentation] Fuzi is based on a Swift port of Mattt Thompson's

Ce Zheng 994 Jan 2, 2023
Ji (戟) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift

Ji 戟 Ji (戟) is a Swift wrapper on libxml2 for parsing XML/HTML. Features Build XML/HTML Tree and Navigate. XPath Query Supported. Comprehensive Unit T

HongHao Zhang 824 Dec 15, 2022
Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift.

Kanna(鉋) Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for cross-platform(macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux!). It was inspired by Nokogiri(鋸). ℹ️ Documentation Fea

Atsushi Kiwaki 2.3k Dec 31, 2022
📄 A Swift DSL for writing type-safe HTML/CSS in SwiftUI way

?? swift-web-page (swep) Swep is a Swift DSL for writing type-safe HTML/CSS in SwiftUI way. Table of Contents Motivation Examples Safety Design FAQ In

Abdullah Aljahdali 14 Dec 31, 2022
Swift package to convert a HTML table into an array of dictionaries.

Swift package to convert a HTML table into an array of dictionaries.

null 1 Jun 18, 2022
Simple XML Parser implemented in Swift

Simple XML Parser implemented in Swift What's this? This is a XML parser inspired by SwiftyJSON and SWXMLHash. NSXMLParser in Foundation framework is

Yahoo! JAPAN 531 Jan 1, 2023
Fetch a XML feed and parse it into objects

AlamofireXmlToObjects ?? This is now a subspec of EVReflection and the code is maintained there. ?? You can install it as a subspec like this: use_fra

Edwin Vermeer 65 Dec 29, 2020
WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser.

WKZombie WKZombie is an iOS/OSX web-browser without a graphical user interface. It was developed as an experiment in order to familiarize myself with

Mathias Köhnke 1.1k Dec 16, 2022
Erik is an headless browser based on WebKit. An headless browser allow to run functional tests, to access and manipulate webpages using javascript.

Erik Erik is a headless browser based on WebKit and HTML parser Kanna. An headless browser allow to run functional tests, to access and manipulate web

Eric Marchand 544 Dec 30, 2022