131 Repositories
DynamicCodableKit DynamicCodableKit helps you to implement dynamic JSON decoding within the constraints of Swift's sound type system by working on top
JASON is a faster JSON deserializer written in Swift. JASON is the best framework we found to manage JSON at Swapcard. This is by far the fastest and
JSONJoy Convert JSON to Swift objects. The Objective-C counterpart can be found here: JSONJoy. Parsing JSON in Swift has be likened to a trip through
Codable code is a Swift Package that allows you to convert JSON Strings into Swift structs.
Now Archived and Forked PMJSON will not be maintained in this repository going forward. Please use, create issues on, and make PRs to the fork of PMJS
Mutanus Command line tool written in Swift dedicated to perform Mutation Testing of your Swift project. Inspired by Muter Usage mutanus -c path-to-co
Alexander Alexander is an extremely simple JSON helper written in Swift. It brings type safety and Foundation helpers to the cumbersome task of JSON u
SwiftIB is a pure Swift implementation of the Interactive Brokers TWS API library on Mac OS X, with Core Foundation of crouse. All the API interfaces are implemented. Request Market Data and Request History Data interface are thoroughly tested.
Functional JSON Parser Feature Linux Ready Type-safe JSON parsing Functional value transformation Easy to parse nested value Dependency free No define
A tiny Safari Web Extension for presenting highlighted JSON files
Stop repeating your data parsing code in iOS apps. Data parsing is one of most common tasks we need to do in our apps, yet still majority of people do
Now Archived and Forked PMHTTP will not be maintained in this repository going forward. Please use, create issues on, and make PRs to the fork of PHMT
Mappable is a lightweight, flexible, easy-to-use framework to convert JSON to model, specially optimized for immutable property initializatio
Capstone Project 🎯 About Developed with use Swift language. As a third party library used SDWebImage. JSON parsing using URLSession with TMDB API. Ad
SwiftyJSONDecoder 功能 继承自 JSONDecoder,在标准库源码基础上做了改动,与其主要区别如下 使用 SwiftyJSON 解析数据,使用其类型兼容功能 废弃 nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy 属性设置,Double 及 Float 默认解
PlurkOnWatch To view plurk on Apple Watch. Device that you need iPhone Apple Watch How to use Install APP on your iPhone & Apple Watch Login from iPho
ZConform A replacement for as? which runs in constant time instead of O(n) when the conformance is not satisfied. How it works ZConform does a one-tim
Dogtector Project description Dogtector is dog breed detection app for iOS using YOLOv5 model combined with Metal based object decoder optimized for u
UIWindow subclass to enable behavior like adaptive round-corners & detecting when Control Center is opened.
CrimeMapper A data visualisation tool that adds publicly available crime data from UK police forces to an interactive map. Download on the App Store Y
SwiftCSSParser A lightweight CSS parser for Swift that uses cssparser (cpp) under the hood. Basic usage Here's a simple code snippet to get you starte
JSONHelper Convert anything into anything in one operation; hex strings into UIColor/NSColor, JSON strings into class instances, y/n strings to boolea
Decodable Simple and strict, yet powerful object mapping made possible by Swift 2's error handling. Greatly inspired by Argo, but without a bizillion
MusicAlbumApp This is an educational application for finding music albums and vi
#JSONCodable Hassle-free JSON encoding and decoding in Swift Installation Simply add the following to your Cartfile and run carthage update: github "m
#Motis Object Mapping Easy JSON to NSObject mapping using Cocoa's key value coding (KVC) Motis is a user-friendly interface with Key Value Coding that
CryptoTracker In order to combine my work and studies, I made a small project that keeps the user's registration datas in memory, checks them when nee
App Store Link Application where you can build your portfolio with your Educations, Experiences, Projects, and Achievements Description Signup with ne
NewsApp A prctice project by DevProjects... A mobile app to consume the News API and display a list of news articles. Clicking one of the news article
easySwiftToast A very simple solution to show a toast message by writing single one line of code. Installation easySwiftToast is available through Coc
UIElements • First screen was contain of Uiimageview where user set there profile photo, Using + Button on Uitabbar the UIimagepicker will be open aft
Alexandria A library of Swift extensions to turbocharge your iOS development. Background Here at Oven Bits, we love Swift. We started using it when it
ARCamera. Camera that can take AR pictures and movies. You can also learn basic functions of ARKit+SceneKit. How to build 1, Download or Clone this pr
SwiftUIMKMapView SwiftUI wrapper for MapKit's MKMapView (UIKit). ▶️ Usage Add as a dependecy to your project using Swift Package Manager. Embed map vi
CodableView Library of Swiftui Views conforming to Codable, meaning we can produce JSON driven UI! Adding a CodableView Type Create View that conforms
swift-add Easily add Swift packages from the command line! Note: This is a work-in-progress. Somethings may not work. Please file issues if you run in
JSONRPCKit JSONRPCKit is a type-safe JSON-RPC 2.0 library purely written in Swift. // Generating request JSON let batchFactory = BatchFactory(version:
Cheap Flight Price Detector ✈️ Have you ever searched for flight tickets in a wa
ServiceLocator Simple service locator infrastructure. Pass around protocols backed by these locators to your view controllers and coordinators to simp
XcodeJSONValidator XcodeJSONValidator is your script to to check for possible wr
PicToSend_G03_iOS_Project Pic-To-Send iOS Application Repository Application User Interface How to run the application: Pre-requisite: Xcode 13 or lat
Tiercel 是一个简单易用、功能丰富的纯 Swift 下载框架,支持原生级别后台下载,拥有强大的任务管理功能,可以满足下载类 APP 的大部分需求。 如果你使用的开发语言是 Objective-C ,可以使用 TiercelObjCBridge 进行桥接 Tiercel 3.0 特性 环境要求
iBirdcall Librarian By Jonathan Mason for Project: You Decide!, iOS Developer Nanodegree. Allows the birdwatcher to record birdcalls in the field, for
MetalpriceAPI MetalpriceAPI is the official Swift wrapper for MetalpriceAPI.com. This allows you to quickly integrate our metal price API and foreign
dog-playground-ios An advanced Swift (IOS Native) application that uses SOLID architectural principles, consumes a RESTFUL Service, downloads & im
Weather App I made this project to practice using CoreLocation, fetching data fr
TouristApp Project Name: Tourist Project Description : Tourist it's App enable users to search about touristic places in saudi arabia . Features List:
JSON JSON using @dynamicMemberLookup, which allows us to write more natural code
Apple Watch Pedometer With Widget Pedometer application work in background and send statistics on iPhone Updating the widget Using Complications to Di
iTunesSearch iTunesSearch is a screenshot listing project that using iTunes Search API. This project written in Swift with MVVM architecture. Installa
RedditFeed Steps to run the application: Download the project. Open Terminal and go to the root of the project. Run pod install Open RedditFeed.xcwork
Aging F.R.I.E.N.D.S 🎵 So no one told you how old they are ? 👏 👏 👏 👏 Ever wondered how old the FRIENDS cast are ? Let's find out ! Reemz.Mac.48452
Coding Challenge using NYC JSON data This was my submission to JPMorgan's code challenge prior to an interview. It represents my solution to asyncrono
MyAssets (자산관리 앱 만들기) swiftUI를 이용하여 자산관리 앱 UI를 간략하게 구현 (swiftUI를 익히기 위함) 초기 화면 1. Tab bar 구현 자산, 추천, 알람, 설정 탭 구현 2. Navigation bar 구현 1) leading에 titl