JSON object with Swift

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JSON using @dynamicMemberLookup, which allows us to write more natural code like : json[0]?.address?.city?.stringValue just like JavaScript does.


func jsonData() -> Data? {
    let jsonStr = """
             "name": "Jewelz",
             "email": "example@gmil.com",
             "address": {
                 "street": "reai road.",
                 "city": "Zhe Jiang"
             "name": "Tom",
             "email": "tomcat@gmil.com",
             "address": {
                 "street": "big mouse road.",
                 "city": "An Hui"
             "name": "Jo",
             "email": "jo@gmil.com",
             "address": {
                 "street": "Joo road.",
                 "city": "Shang Hai"
    return jsonStr.data(using: .utf8)

if let data = jsonData(), let json = JSON(data: data) {
    let name = json[0]?.name?.stringValue
    print("name: ", name) // Prints: name:  Optional("Jewelz")
    let city = json[0]?.address?.city?.stringValue
    print("city: ", city) // Prints: city:  Optional("Zhe Jiang")
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