APValidators - Codeless solution for form validation in iOS!




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Form validation without any code!

APValidators is a codeless solution for form validation. Just connect everything right in Interface Builder and you're done. Supports really complex and extendable forms by allowing to connect validators in tree.


  • Tree structure for validation rules.
  • No need for any inheritance in UI classes. This means you can use any UITextField or UITextView subclasses and still use APValidators.
  • Easy to integrate to any codebase.
  • Perfect unit tests code coverage.


  1. Create your form UI in Interface Builder.

  2. In Interface builder add Object Object to your UIViewController for every validator.


  3. Assign custom class for every validator.

    • APRegexValidator - validates over regex expression.
    • APRequiredValidator - validates that string is not empty.
    • APZipValidator - ZIP code validation. Must have two-letters country code assigned. Currently supports 151 countries.
    • APEmailValidator - email validation.
    • APEqualValidator - validates that two controls has equal text.
    • APBlockValidator - invokes custom block for validation.
    • APCreditCardValidator - validates credit card number by Luhn alghoritm. Also returns credit card type.
    • APCharactersCountValidator - validates lenght of string by min and max characters count.
    • APCompoundValidator - allows to connect child validators. Will have valid state only if every child validator has valid state. Also returns errorMessages array of all not valid child validators errorMessage properties at the moment.

    Assign subclass

  4. Connect your UI-control validator property to validator Object. APValidators currently support only UITextField and UITextView subclasses.

    Connect validator

  5. Use APCompoundValidator if you need more than one validator for UI-control. Connect it to UI-control and all validators to it's validators property.

    Compound validator

  6. Use one APCompoundValidator as form validator and connect all other validators to it.

    Form validator


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • iOS 8.0 and higher
  • ARC


APValidators is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'APValidators'


Nickolay Sheika, hawk.ukr@gmail.com


If you have improvements or concerns, feel free to post an issue and write details.

Check out all Alterplay's GitHub projects. Email us with other ideas and projects.


APValidators is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Carthage Support

    Carthage Support

    • Added Carthage support #1

    @hawk-ukr please review changes.

    I apologize for the large number of files changed. While this may seem odd at first if you scroll through you'll notice I actually didn't change much. I updated the APValidators library using CocoaPods newest pod lib create **** command available with CocoaPods 1.1.1. They also suggest a .gitignore setup slightly different from the one you had previously. This pushed the .xcworkspace along with the Pods directory to the repo. Most of the files changes are these additions. You'll see I also updated the README.md to reflect installing via Carthage. I bumped the version in the .podspec but did not push a tag for release. I figured I'd leave that up to you.

    Let me know if you see any issues with the way I went about doing this but the Carthage installation does work. You can create a Cartfile and add "chrisdhaan/APValidators" "carthage-support" to test it.

    opened by chrisdhaan 6
  • Usage with Swift

    Usage with Swift

    Hi, I've been trying to use this pod in a Swift project of mine but it keeps failing to build. Should I just add APValidator.h class to my bridge header file or also each validator as well?

    opened by mradzinski 2
  • added validation support for MDTextField from Material Controls for iOS

    added validation support for MDTextField from Material Controls for iOS


    I've created an MDTextField category according to this issue, wrote recently: https://github.com/Alterplay/APValidators/issues/3

    Please provide some feedback, if something isn't correct.

    Best regards

    opened by emdzsi 2
  • Loading ZipRegex.plist issue

    Loading ZipRegex.plist issue

    I use library through CocoaPods. Trouble when create a path for resource NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]; NSString *path = [bundle pathForResource:@"ZipRegex" ofType:@"plist"];

    Словарь алокейтится пустым. Решил проблему скопировав plist в основной бандл. Но это костыль. Инвестигейтить в чем проблема не стал. На первый взгляд все должно работать.

    opened by chaserunner 1
  • Feature request: support of multiple types of text inputs

    Feature request: support of multiple types of text inputs


    I don't know you guys are planning this but it would be nice, if not only UIKit text inputs can be validated but other custom types. For example I'm using Material Control For iOS's MDTextField, unfortunately it's a UIControl only.

    opened by emdzsi 1
  • Suggestions



    I'm using APValidator on a project and i think my suggestions could be a good improvement, correct me if i'm wrong.

    1 - APCompoundValidator could be able to manage many outlets, for example if i have 2 password textfields it would be perfect if i just add those textfield to the same compound (right now i need to create a compound for each validator).

    2 - APRequiredValidator it would be perfect if i could add the minimum number of characters (right now APRequiredValidator only check if the string is empty.).

    3 - If i had a required validator and a email validator in the same textfield, the required validator should be a higher priority, so, if the validations pass the required validator, that means the textfield isn't empty, so i will go to another validator if exists. Now i have exactly that example with an empty string on textfield and they give the error message of email validator when they should give me a required validator message.

    Thank you for your time.

    opened by BrunoMiguens 1
  • Cannot archive in xcode 13

    Cannot archive in xcode 13

    After updating to xcode 13.0 I am facing following error:

    Unexpected duplicate tasks:
    1) Target 'APValidators' (project 'Pods') has copy command from '/Users/monica/Workspace/hla360-ios/Pods/APValidators/Pod/Classes/Private/CountryRegexLoader/ZipRegex.plist' to '/Users/monica/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/HLA-fvyquzwxtgvwbmdsuvepucjcfuzn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/HLA/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/APValidators.framework/ZipRegex.plist'
    2) Target 'APValidators' (project 'Pods') has copy command from '/Users/monica/Workspace/hla360-ios/Pods/APValidators/Pod/Classes/Private/CountryRegexLoader/ZipRegex.plist' to '/Users/monica/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/HLA-fvyquzwxtgvwbmdsuvepucjcfuzn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/HLA/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/APValidators.framework/ZipRegex.plist'

    Can you please help to resolve this issue ?

    opened by monica18p 0
  • amex cvn (cvv) = 4 digits

    amex cvn (cvv) = 4 digits

    Hi excited to try your control.

    As I was evaluating noticed the CVV validation was limited to 3 chars and amex cards carry 4 chars. Sure I can adjust the 3 to 4 in regex but in order to keep user input errors to minimum is this something I can do with a compound object? I'm not sure, I'll dig in deeper but in meantime if you get this before i come up with answer what is your recommendation? Is there a flag or something I can evaluate to adjust the field object for the cc number? ie, isAmex (then I can set set CVV validator to 4)

    opened by rjpalermo1 1
  • Carthage


    opened by TofPlay 3
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