SherlockForms - An elegant SwiftUI Form builder to create a searchable Settings and DebugMenu screens for iOS

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Form SherlockForms

🕵️‍♂️ SherlockForms

What one man can invent Settings UI, another can discover its field.

-- Sherlock Forms

An elegant SwiftUI Form builder to create a searchable Settings and DebugMenu screens for iOS.

(Supports from iOS 14, except .searchable works from iOS 15)


Normal Searching Context Menu
UserDefaults App Info Device Info

This repository consists of 3 modules:

  1. SherlockForms: SwiftUI Form builder to enhance cell findability using iOS 15 .searchable.
    • Various form cells to automagically interact with .searchable, including Text, Button, Toggle, Picker, NavigationLink, etc.
    • "Copy text" from context menu by long-press
  2. SherlockDebugForms: Useful app/device info-views and helper methods, specifically for debugging purpose.
    • App Info view
    • Device Info view
    • UserDefaults Viewer
      • TODO: Editor
    • TODO: File Browser
    • TODO: Console Logger
  3. SherlockHUD: Standalone, simple-to-use Notification View (Toast) UI used in SherlockForms


SherlockForms & SherlockDebugForms

From SherlockForms-Gallery app:

import SwiftUI
import SherlockDebugForms

/// NOTE: Each view that owns `SherlockForm` needs to conform to `SherlockView` protocol.
struct RootView: View, SherlockView
    /// NOTE:
    /// `searchText` is required for `SherlockView` protocol.
    /// This is the only requirement to define as `@State`, and pass it to `SherlockForm`.
    @State public var searchText: String = ""

    private var username: String = "John Appleseed"

    private var languageSelection: Int = 0

    private var status =

    ... // Many more @AppStorage properties...

    var body: some View
        // NOTE:
        // `SherlockForm` and `xxxCell` are where all the search magic is happening!
        // Just treat `SherlockForm` as a normal `Form`, and use `Section` and plain SwiftUI views accordingly.
        SherlockForm(searchText: $searchText) {

            // Simple form cells.
            Section {
                textCell(title: "User", value: username)
                arrayPickerCell(title: "Language", selection: $languageSelection, values: Constant.languages)
                casePickerCell(title: "Status", selection: $status)
                toggleCell(title: "Low Power Mode", isOn: $isLowPowerOn)

                    title: "Speed",
                    value: $speed,
                    in: 0.5 ... 2.0,
                    step: 0.1,
                    maxFractionDigits: 1,
                    valueString: { "x\($0)" },
                    sliderLabel: { EmptyView() },
                    minimumValueLabel: { Image(systemName: "tortoise") },
                    maximumValueLabel: { Image(systemName: "hare") },
                    onEditingChanged: { print("onEditingChanged", $0) }

                    title: "Font Size",
                    value: $fontSize,
                    in: 8 ... 24,
                    step: 1,
                    maxFractionDigits: 0,
                    valueString: { "\($0) pt" }

            // Navigation Link Cell (`navigationLinkCell`)
            Section {
                    title: "UserDefaults",
                    destination: { UserDefaultsListView() }
                    title: "App Info",
                    destination: { AppInfoView() }
                    title: "Device Info",
                    destination: { DeviceInfoView() }
                navigationLinkCell(title: "Custom Page", destination: {

            // Buttons
            Section {
                    title: "Reset UserDefaults",
                    action: {
                        showHUD(.init(message: "Finished resetting UserDefaults"))

                    title: "Delete All Contents",
                    dialogTitle: nil,
                    dialogButtons: { completion in
                        Button("Delete All Contents", role: .destructive) {
                            try? Helper.deleteAllFilesAndCaches()
                            showHUD(.init(message: "Finished deleting all contents"))
                        Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) {
        // NOTE:
        // Use `formCopyable` here to allow ALL `xxxCell`s to be copyable.

To get started:

  1. Conform your Settings view to protocol SherlockView
  2. Add @State var searchText: String to your view
  3. Inside view's body, use SherlockForm (just like normal Form), and use various built-in form cells:
    • Basic built-in cells
      • textCell
      • buttonCell
      • buttonDialogCell (iOS 15)
      • navigationLinkCell
      • toggleCell
      • arrayPickerCell
      • casePickerCell
      • sliderCell
      • stepperCell
    • More customizable cells (part of ContainerCell)
      • hstackCell
      • vstackCell
  4. (Optional) Attach .formCellCopyable(true) to each cell or entire form.
  5. (Optional) Attach .enableSherlockHUD(true) to topmost view hierarchy to enable HUD

To customize cell's internal content view rather than cell itself, use .formCellContentModifier which may solve some troubles (e.g. context menu) when customizing cells.


import SwiftUI
import SherlockHUD

struct MyApp: App
    var body: some Scene
        WindowGroup {
            NavigationView {
            .enableSherlockHUD(true) // Set at the topmost view!

struct RootView: View
    /// Attaching `.enableSherlockHUD(true)` to topmost view will allow using `showHUD`.
    private var showHUD: (HUDMessage) -> Void

    var body: some View
        VStack(spacing: 16) {
            Button("Tap") {
                showHUD(HUDMessage(message: "Hello SherlockForms!", duration: 2, alignment: .top))
                // alignment = top / center / bottom (default)
                // Can also attach custom view e.g. ProgressView. See also `HUDMessage.loading`.

See SherlockHUD-Demo app for more information.




  • [Forms] Add `SimpleList` & `NestedList`

    [Forms] Add `SimpleList` & `NestedList`

    This PR adds SimpleList & NestedList which is derived from SwiftUI.List for searchable & copyable component.

    See example app for more info.


    opened by inamiy 0
  • [DebugForms] Fix UserDefaultsListView in iOS14

    [DebugForms] Fix UserDefaultsListView in iOS14

    This PR fixes UserDefaultsListView in iOS14 where Form's cells did not work as expected due to SwiftUI bug that can't mix Form-inner-view with .sheet.

    To workaround this, .background(EmptyView().sheet(...)) is used for iOS 14 in 4cc1bbf.

    | Before | After | |---|---| | | |

    This PR also adds Examples/SherlockForms-Gallery-iOS14.xcodeproj for iOS 14 simulator run in 072ffc9, where original .swiftpm example didn't run well due to the following error:

    dyld: can't resolve symbol _$sScMMa in /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/3A8F81A3-C365-40A8-98B4-1AC752313AE1/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/B4A105C3-3B65-45D2-92CD-CEAC1B4D3593/
    because dependent dylib @rpath/libswift_Concurrency.dylib could not be loaded
    opened by inamiy 0
  • [Forms] Add `FormCellIconWidthEnvironmentKey`

    [Forms] Add `FormCellIconWidthEnvironmentKey`

    This PR improves form-cell's icon & text alignment by adding FormCellIconWidthEnvironmentKey.


    | Before | After | |---|---| | | |

    opened by inamiy 0
  • [Forms] Improve `arrayPickerCell`'s `selection` by using `Hashable` value rather than `Int`

    [Forms] Improve `arrayPickerCell`'s `selection` by using `Hashable` value rather than `Int`

    Note: Breaking change.

    This PR improves arrayPickerCell's selection by using Hashable value rather than Int.

    To work as existing Int-based approach, developer will need mutual Binding conversions between Int and Value as shown in this PR's example.

    opened by inamiy 0
  • [Forms] Add `AsyncArrayPickerCell`

    [Forms] Add `AsyncArrayPickerCell`

    This PR adds AsyncArrayPickerCell for async-loading and then shows arrayPickerCell.

    Known issue

    When this cell appears at middle of the form after scroll, and accessory contains ProgressView, it may not animate correctly, possibly due to SwiftUI bug.

    opened by inamiy 0
  • [DebugForms] Refactor `UserDefaultsListView` to allow editing

    [DebugForms] Refactor `UserDefaultsListView` to allow editing

    This PR refactors DebugForms's UserDefaultsListView to allow value-editing.

    Known issue

    • After presenting DatePicker's popup, showDetail doesn't work properly (possibly due to SwiftUI bug).
    opened by inamiy 0
  • [Forms] Allow empty title for `textFieldCell` & `textEditorCell`

    [Forms] Allow empty title for `textFieldCell` & `textEditorCell`

    Improvement for:

    • #5
    • #7

    This PR allows empty title for textFieldCell & textEditorCell to use full-width text input. By this change, context-menu's "Copy" functionality needs some fixes, and also resolved in this PR.

    opened by inamiy 0
  • [Forms] Add `touchesEnd` override to hide keyboard

    [Forms] Add `touchesEnd` override to hide keyboard

    This PR adds a hack to override touchesEnd to hide currently presenting keyboard.

    This hacky approach is discussed in:

    which works nicer compared to tapGesture on top of form as discussed in:

    opened by inamiy 0
  • [DebugForm] Support hierarchical search results

    [DebugForm] Support hierarchical search results

    This PR decouples SherlockDebugForm's:

    • UserDefaultsListView / AppInfoView / DeviceInfoView that holds @State var searchText


    • UserDefaultsSectionsListView / AppInfoSectionsView / DeviceInfoSectionsView with @Binding var searchText

    so that sections can be reused for showing search results in its ancestor view, and allows hierarchical search. (This behavior is similar to how iOS's handles hierarchical searching)


    opened by inamiy 0
  • [Forms] Refactor `buttonCell` & `buttonDialogCell` to allow async action & cancellation

    [Forms] Refactor `buttonCell` & `buttonDialogCell` to allow async action & cancellation

    This PR supports async-action for buttonCell & buttonDialogCell with introducing ButtonDialogCell.DialogButton as a breaking change.

    Loading indicator will be prompted during async action, and can be cancelled by tapping it.


    opened by inamiy 0
  • 0.2.1(Jul 27, 2022)

    For Swift 5.6, Xcode 13.4.1.


    What's Changed

    • [Forms] Add @ViewBuilder in List components by @inamiy in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Jul 27, 2022)

    For Swift 5.6, Xcode 13.4.1.


    What's Changed

    • [DebugForms] Add Helper.setAnimationSpeed by @inamiy in
    • [Forms] Add SimpleList & NestedList by @inamiy in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0(Mar 10, 2022)

Yasuhiro Inami
Functional Programmer at @delyjp / KURASHIRU / クラシル. Interests: Swift / Haskell / PureScript / Elm / Rust / TypeScript / Category Theory
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