A Stepper object that displays its value.



Carthage compatible Version License Platform


ValueStepper is an improved replication of Apple's UIStepper object. The problem with UIStepper is that it doesn't display the value to the user. I was tired of creating a simple UILabel just to show the value in the UI. ValueStepper integrates the value in a UILabel between the increase and decrease buttons. It's as easy as that.


To see it in action, run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. The example project shows how to set up ValueStepper in Storyboard.


Drag a UIView object and set the class to ValueStepper (if needed set the module to ValueStepper too). You can now customize all the properties in IB such as the minimumValue, tintColor and so on. Make sure to set the width to 149 and the height to 29 which are the default values. Create an @IBAction on the ValueChanged control event to be notified when the value changes.


import ValueStepper

let valueStepper: ValueStepper = {
    let stepper = ValueStepper()
    stepper.tintColor = .whiteColor()
    stepper.minimumValue = 0
    stepper.maximumValue = 1000
    stepper.stepValue = 100
    return stepper

override func viewDidLoad() {
    valueStepper.addTarget(self, action: "valueChanged:", forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)

@IBAction func valueChanged1(sender: ValueStepper) {
    // Use sender.value to do whatever you want


These are the available properties with the relative documentation.

/// Current value and sends UIControlEventValueChanged when modified.
@IBInspectable public var value: Double = 0.0
/// Minimum value that must be less than the maximum value.
@IBInspectable public var minimumValue: Double = 0.0 
/// Maximum value that must be greater than the minimum value.
@IBInspectable public var maximumValue: Double = 1.0
/// When set to true, the user can tap the label and manually enter a value.
@IBInspectable public var enableManualEditing: Bool = false
/// The value added/subtracted when one of the two buttons is pressed.
@IBInspectable public var stepValue: Double = 0.1
/// When set to true, keeping a button pressed will continuously increase/decrease the value every 0.1s.
@IBInspectable public var autorepeat: Bool = true

/// The background color of the stepper buttons while pressed.
@IBInspectable public var highlightedBackgroundColor: UIColor = UIColor(white: 1.0, alpha: 0.1)

/// The color of the +/- icons when in disabled state.
@IBInspectable public var disabledIconButtonColor: UIColor = UIColor.gray

/// The color of the +/- buttons background when in disabled state.
@IBInspectable public var disabledBackgroundButtonColor: UIColor = UIColor.clear

/// The background color of the plus and minus buttons.
@IBInspectable public var backgroundButtonColor: UIColor = UIColor.clear
/// The background color of the center view that contains the value label.
@IBInspectable public var backgroundLabelColor: UIColor = UIColor.clear
/// The text color of the value label in positioned in the center.
@IBInspectable public var labelTextColor: UIColor = UIColor.white
/// Describes the format of the value.
public var numberFormatter: NumberFormatter
// Default width of the stepper. Taken from the official UIStepper object.
public let defaultWidth = 141.0
// Default height of the stepper. Taken from the official UIStepper object.
public let defaultHeight = 29.0

/// Value label that displays the current value displayed at the center of the stepper.
public let valueLabel: UILabel


ValueStepper is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ValueStepper'

You can also use Carthage if you prefer. Add this line to your Cartfile.

github "BalestraPatrick/ValueStepper"


iOS 8.3 and Swift 4.0 are required.


I'm Patrick Balestra. Email: me@patrickbalestra.com Twitter: @BalestraPatrick.


ValueStepper is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Inspired by GMStepper. Thanks to Gmertk for the interesting and useful related blog post.

  • changing tint color of stepper doesn't update the decrease/increate layer (- / +)

    changing tint color of stepper doesn't update the decrease/increate layer (- / +)

    I have put the stepper in a tableViewCell, and for testing purposes every time the cell is show, the tint color is chosen randomly so, so once they go out of view, and come back they will have new color. screen shot 2017-01-26 at 1 33 38 pm After coming back into view. screen shot 2017-01-26 at 1 34 01 pm

    fix would be to add these into func tintColorDidChange()

    increaseLayer.strokeColor = tintColor.cgColor
    decreaseLayer.strokeColor = tintColor.cgColor
    opened by skibadawid 6
  • Build Error - Shared is unavailable

    Build Error - Shared is unavailable

    I installed using Pod as indicated. Made no changes and instantly had the error. "Shared" is unavailable. Use New Controller based solution.

    Using Xcode 8.3.3. Thanks for your help! Howard

    opened by hsmith825 4
  • Not able to get tag for Decrement Button.

    Not able to get tag for Decrement Button.

    /// - decrease: decrease button has tag 0. /// - increase: increase button has tag 1. private enum Button: Int { case decrease case increase }

    You can not set the tag value of an element to 0. Need to modify that logic in order to get elements by tag value correctly.

    /// - decrease: decrease button has tag 1. /// - increase: increase button has tag 2. private enum Button: Int { case decrease = 1 case increase = 2 }

    opened by dhavalbarot 3
  • Don't return early from increase/decrease functions when auto repeat is enabled

    Don't return early from increase/decrease functions when auto repeat is enabled

    The return statement on lines 255 and 265 prevent a normal tap from changing the value and forces the user to tap+hold to change the value when autorepeat is enabled. Removing these two lines will cause the control to behave like the standard UIStepper where a tap+release will change the value by the step amount exactly once and a tap+hold will still autorepeat the value change.

    opened by gcox 2
  • Added NSNumberFormatter for easier number formatting

    Added NSNumberFormatter for easier number formatting

    Fixed #1

    It's now possible to customize or provide a NSNumberFormatter object in this way:

    let moneyFormatter = NSNumberFormatter()
    moneyFormatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
    moneyFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 0
    stepper.numberFormatter = moneyFormatter

    Or simply modify the default NSNumberFormatter:

    stepper3.numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1
    opened by BalestraPatrick 2
  • Bug in labelPressed function

    Bug in labelPressed function

    There is a subtle bug in labelPressed function on line 360. The following line of code if newValue >= self.minimumValue || newValue <= self.maximumValue must be replaced by if newValue >= self.minimumValue && newValue <= self.maximumValue

    The || operator must be replaced by && operator.

    opened by savyasachi 1
  • Dependency

    Dependency "ValueStepper" has no shared framework schemes

    Hi I am receiving this error when updating Carthage. Can you help?

    *** Skipped building ValueStepper due to the error: Dependency "ValueStepper" has no shared framework schemes

    Thanks WTBM

    opened by WTBM 1
  • Add properties to customize button colors

    Add properties to customize button colors

    What's in this PR?

    I started using this component in a small side project and was in need for a bit more customization.

    • Add disabledButtonColor which can be used to set a custom color used by the +/- buttons when they are disabled and no input is possible.
    • Add highlightedBackgroundColor which can be used to set a custom background color for the +/- buttons which was defaulting to .gray which might not be desired when using the stepper on brighter brackgrounds.
    • Add another stepper to the example project showcasing the added color properties.
    opened by daehn 1
  • fix to when valueStepper is in a tableViewCell, autorepeat = true, and press on +/- after scrolling

    fix to when valueStepper is in a tableViewCell, autorepeat = true, and press on +/- after scrolling

    fix to #13 (a noob here so do I need to create an issue first and then do a PR?)

    this part of code fixes issue where incrementing/decrementing is in infinite loop and when pressed + or - stops the it, attached a gif. also removes redundant continuousTimer?.invalidate() calls that can be replaced with continuousTimer = nil

    private var continuousTimer: Timer? {
        didSet {
            if let timer = oldValue {


    Adding an event action .touchCancel fixed the issue with infinite increment/decrement. choose to add it to decrease()/increate selector so its responsive to user interaction, but could be attached to the stopContinuous of increase and decrease button. [around line 140]

    decreaseButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(decrease(_:)), for: [.touchUpInside, .touchCancel])
    increaseButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(increase(_:)), for: [.touchUpInside, .touchCancel])
    opened by skibadawid 1
  • Fixed bug with inability to select maximum and minimum values

    Fixed bug with inability to select maximum and minimum values

    In current version increase and decrease buttons becomes disabled when _value ± stepValue ≥≤ max/min, but condition **equal**_ means what we can perform one more step.

    opened by ifau 1
  • Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    GitHub changed the way Markdown headings are parsed, so this change fixes it.

    See bryant1410/readmesfix for more information.

    Tackles bryant1410/readmesfix#1

    opened by bryant1410 0


    Hello, please add a callback If user Increment or decrement it would be a lot easier for us thanks, because for now we need to store the previous value to check if it's +1 / - 1

    opened by Dave181295 1
  • 'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS

    'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS


    Pod library is not working for extension, I tried to set Require only app-extension-safe api to NO, but didn't work. I am using the extension for remote notification. Please let me know if there is any workaround

    opened by abhinav-Milezero 0
  • Multiple ValueStepper Used in CollectionView keeps calling target function

    Multiple ValueStepper Used in CollectionView keeps calling target function

    When we use ValueStepper in collectionView Cell, every time reusable cell is allocated, ValueStepper calls target method even though when it is not required. Also when altering value of the stepper, target method is called. What I think is you can remove Action(for:) from DidSet of value variable.

    opened by perinpatel 0
  • Error on compilation

    Error on compilation

    ValueStepper.swift line 205

    override open static var requiresConstraintBasedLayout: Bool 

    produces error:

    Static declarations are implicitly 'final'; use 'public' instead of 'open'

    opened by nick-iCars 1
Patrick Balestra
Infra Engineer at @spotify. Previously at @n26, @Scandit, BCG DV and FIFA TMS.
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