Cool wave like transition between two or more UICollectionView



This is a cool custom transition between two or more UICollectionViewControllers with wave-like cell animation. Could be used in e.g. galleries.


Animation idea was taken from Łukasz Frankiewicz Dribble project


There are two options:

  • Via CocoaPods.
  • Manually add the files into your Xcode project. Slightly simpler, but updates are also manual.


  • In storyboard add an object in your NavigationController.


  • Set it's class to NavigationControllerDelegate


  • Set NavigationController delegate to this object.



Implement UINavigationControllerDelegate in your ViewController:

func navigationController(navigationController: UINavigationController, animationControllerForOperation operation: UINavigationControllerOperation,
        fromViewController fromVC: UIViewController, toViewController toVC: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
            let animator = CKWaveCollectionViewAnimator()
            if operation != UINavigationControllerOperation.Push {
                animator.reversed = true

            return animator
  • The last thing you have to set is selectedIndexPath property in your didSelectItemAtIndexPath method implementation.
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
        selectedIndexPath = indexPath


internal let animationDuration: Double! = 1.0

Total animation duration.

internal let kCellAnimSmallDelta: Double! = 0.01
internal let kCellAnimBigDelta: Double! = 0.03

Properties you can change to adjust animation.


  • iOS 7.0+


Released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Doens't work correctly after changing cell size programmatically.

    Doens't work correctly after changing cell size programmatically.

    Thank you for this awesome library for collection view.

    I have integrated your library in my project, and I have one problem. After calling UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout method - sizeForItemAt, the transitioning cell sizes are doesn't changed.

    My code is here and there are written on both of first and second view controller.

    extension MyViewController: UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout {
        func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
            let desiredWidth = (self.view.frame.size.width - 2) / 2
            let desiredHeight = desiredWidth
            return CGSize(width: desiredWidth, height: desiredHeight)

    Please let me know how can I handle this problem. Thank you

    opened by git-hwa 2
  • Xcode 7.1.1

    Xcode 7.1.1

    Hi, Thanks for the beautiful open source. Changes:

    1. I couldn't compile on Xcode 7.1.1 So made changes
    2. I needed to make the animationDuration var instead of let

    N.B. Previous version of Xcode might not run if you merge this.

    opened by rishi420 1
  • Documentation update

    Documentation update

    IMO, documentation should mention that you need to set self.selectedIndexPath = indexPath; in -collectionView:didSelectItemAtIndexPath: It may save debugging time for others. You could also make an assertion in code (line ~247) when destinationCollectionViewController.selectedIndexPath is nil with some descriptive comment.

    Good job anyway!

    opened by scibas 1
  • Some graphics in are unavailable

    Some graphics in are unavailable

    In the readme, the following graphics give me "Access denied" errors when I view the readme offline:


    And the following graphics give me "Not Found" errors when I view the readme online:


    (It is the same three graphics, under "Usage".)

    Thanks. (This is a lovely library!)

    opened by PhilipSharman 1
  • found an issue

    found an issue

    when set the background color of second-level collection view as an image, issue happens.

    In such scenario, click 'back' to reverse to the first level, the background turn to be white color for a while.

    opened by gerryke 1
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