Localization of the application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural form in any language.



Build Status CocoaPods Version Language Swift4 CocoaPods Platform CocoaPods License Pod method Compatible Mentioned in Awesome-swift

L10n-swift is a simple framework that improves localization in swift app, providing cleaner syntax and in-app language switching.


Change language Simple translator Plurals

🌟 Features

  • Change the language of your apps "on the fly".
  • IBInspectable for Xcode Interface Builder (Cocoa - coming soon).
  • Support for user-defined Localizable file names.
  • Support for formats: *.plist, *.json, *.stringsdict, *.strings.
  • Support for grouping localization keys.
  • Support for plural forms in any language with multiple arguments.
  • Support for pseudo-languages: NonLocalized, DoubleLength, Accented, Bounded, ForcedRightToLeft.
  • Use .l10n() to localize any string, date and numbers.
  • Use more than one language at the same time.
  • About 25 times faster than a native solution.

πŸ’» Demo

pod try L10n-swift

⚠️ Requirements

  • iOS 9.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+ | watchOS 2.0+
  • Swift 3.0+

πŸ‘₯ Communication

  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.

πŸ“— Installation

Core Extension IBInspectable
L10n-swift βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ
L10n-swift/Core βœ”οΈ
L10n-swift/Extension βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ
L10n-swift/IBInspectable βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ


pod 'L10n-swift', '~> 5.9'


github "Decybel07/L10n-swift", ~> 5.9

Swift Package Manager

.Package(url: "https://github.com/Decybel07/L10n-swift.git", majorVersion: 5)

πŸ“˜ Usage

Import L10n_swift at the top of each Swift file that will use framework.

import L10n_swift

Get localized text

Add .l10() following any String object you want localized:


Get localized number

Add .l10() following number you want localized. Using the number format for the current language:

24.l10n(minIntegerDigits: 4)
2.71828.l10n(fractionDigits: 2)

3.14.l10n { formatter in
    formatter.numberStyle = .currency

Get localized date

Add .l10() following any Date object you want localized using the date format for the current language:


Date().l10n { formatter in
    formatter.dateStyle = .medium

Get plural

Add .l10nPlural(CVarArg...) following any String object you want translated with plurals:


More about plurals, you can read on wiki

Observe language changed

Add observer for notification L10nLanguageChanged. This notification is called when language has been changed.

    self, selector: #selector(self.yourFunction), name: .L10nLanguageChanged, object: nil

Set language

L10n.shared.language = "en"
L10n.shared.language = "en-GB"

At runtime, you can switch the language at any time by setting the language property.

Get current language


Get locale for current language


Get list of supported languages


A list of all the languages contained in the main bundle.

Get preferred language


A preferred language contained in the main bundle.

Supported formats

.plist, .stringsdict

Sample .plist and .stringsdict file

More about .plist format you can read on wiki.

More about .stringsdict format you can read on wiki.


Sample .json file

More about .json format you can read on wiki.


Sample .strings file

More about .strings format you can read on wiki.

πŸ“™ FAQ

πŸ€“ Author

Adrian Bobrowski (Decybel07), adrian071993@gmail.com

πŸ”‘ License

L10n-swift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Not support Localization in custom Framework

    Not support Localization in custom Framework

    It works on Japanese and Italian perfectly (without needs to restart the app). But it did not works on Arabic and French even after restarting the app it not works. Kindly help me.

    opened by ghost 15
  • Plural localization not working

    Plural localization not working

    Just installed this pod and tried plural localization via "eventCount".l10n(arg: count) Added this lines to Localizable.strings

    "eventCount.one" = "%d event";
    "eventCount.many" = "%d events";
    "eventCount.other" = "%d events";

    Traced code, self.bundle in this function is nil, so no resource is loaded

        private func resource(named resourceName: String?) -> ResourceContainer {
            let resourceName = (resourceName ?? "").isEmpty ? "Localizable" : resourceName!
            return self.resources[resourceName] ?? {
                let resource = ResourceContainer(bundle: self.bundle, name: resourceName)
                self.resources[resourceName] = resource
                return resource

    Version 5.1.0

    opened by entropious 14
  • fails to install with swift pm

    fails to install with swift pm

    Short description of the issue.

    Swift PM fails to resolve the dependency to L10n-swift

    What did you expect to happen?

    It should install just like it does with other libraries. (example: Alamofire, PinLayout)

    What happened instead?

    The dependency does not get resolved and swift package aborts with an error.

    How to reproduces this problem?


    // swift-tools-version:5.0
    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
        name: "Test",
        products: [],
        dependencies: [
            .package(url: "https://github.com/Decybel07/L10n-swift.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "5.5.1")),
        targets: [
                name: "Test",
                dependencies: [
                path: "Test"
    $ swift package resolve
    Updating https://github.com/Decybel07/L10n-swift.git
    error: dependency graph is unresolvable; found these conflicting requirements:
        https://github.com/Decybel07/L10n-swift.git @ 5.5.1..<6.0.0


    L10n-swift version: 5.5.1

    Xcode version: Xcode 10.3, Build version 10G8

    Swift version: Apple Swift version 5.0.1 (swiftlang-1001.0.82.4 clang-1001.0.46.5)


    • [ ] iOS
    • [ ] watchOS
    • [ ] tvOS
    • [x] macOS

    Installation method:

    • [ ] CocoaPods
    • [ ] Carthage
    • [x] Swift Package Manager
    • [ ] Other (which ones)
    bug help wanted 
    opened by tcurdt 9
  • Plurals does not work

    Plurals does not work

    Short description of the issue.

    Hi, I am using iOS 15. Tried both SPM and Pods. Firstly created "minutes_time.one" and "minutes_time.other" in Localizable.string in en.lproj. When I am trying to call "minutes_time".l10nPlural(1) there is an error No exact matches in call to instance method 'l10nPlural'. Then I've tried to do "minutes_time".l10nPlural(args: [1]), but then I've got "minutes_time.other" version instead of "minutes_time.one"



    L10n {
    	Language: en
    	Preferred language: en
    	Supported languages: ["en"]
    	Bundles: [

    L10n-swift version: 5.10

    Xcode version: 13.2.1 xcodebuild -version

    Swift version: 5.5.2 swift -version


    • [x] iOS
    • [ ] watchOS
    • [ ] tvOS
    • [ ] macOS

    File format(s):

    • [x] strings
    • [ ] stringsdict
    • [ ] plist
    • [ ] json

    Installation method:

    • [x] CocoaPods
    • [ ] Carthage
    • [x] Swift Package Manager
    • [ ] Other (which ones)
    bug help wanted fixed 
    opened by Arideno 8
  • Conformance with CVarArg

    Conformance with CVarArg


    First of all, thanks for this library. Of all the projects I checked this one seems to handle plurals and localizations the best. I guess it takes handling plurals in Polish to understand this pain :P

    I have some problems with String extension function. I try to call it as it is in examples:

    "view_edit_profile_photos_content_text".l10n(args: 10)

    For some reason XCode gives me following compile time exception:

    Cannot invoke 'l10n' with an argument list of '(args: Int)'

    question fixed 
    opened by Sroka 3
  • String.L10n() is not working

    String.L10n() is not working

    I added a Localizable.strings with 3 languages into project and included it in build phase. This is english version of it:

     Created by A.V.Ebrahimi on 4/21/17.
     Copyright Β© 2017 CosmicMind. All rights reserved.
    "AppName" = "Mallowin";

    But now this is not working : toolbar.title="AppName".l10n()

    opened by a-v-ebrahimi 3
  • Language doesn't change in static variables.

    Language doesn't change in static variables.

    I have some static variables in a struct which are used to display error messages to users

    struct AlertBody {
        static let SOMETHING_WRONG = "There was an error service in your request. Please try again from while".l10n()
        static let NO_NETWORK_ERROR = "No internet Connection found. Check your connection or try again.".l10n()

    When I change the language, these static variables still give the message in previous language. In order to get the messages in correct language I have to close and reopen the app. But is there any other way to reload these static variables at the run time?

    opened by uditha2233 2
  • Language change on macOS doesn't update system menubar items

    Language change on macOS doesn't update system menubar items

    Short description of the issue.

    System (default) menubar items don't update after a language change

    What did you expect to happen?

    Menubar adapts to new language selected

    What happened instead?

    Menubar didn't adapt to new language

    How to reproduces this problem?

    1. Start app
    2. Take note of the menubar
    3. Change language
    4. See no changes


    UI framework: SwiftUI System: macOS Ventura 13.0


    L10n {
    	Language: uk
    	Preferred language: en
    	Supported languages: ["en", "uk", "ru"]
    	Bundles: [

    (bundles change time to time, sometimes i have uk, sometimes i don't)

    L10n-swift version: 5.10.2

    Xcode version: Xcode 14.1 Build version 14B47 xcodebuild -version

    Swift version: swift-driver version: 1.62.15 Apple Swift version 5.7.1 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51) Target: x86_64-apple-macosx13.0 swift -version


    • [ ] iOS
    • [ ] watchOS
    • [ ] tvOS
    • [x] macOS

    File format(s):

    • [x] strings
    • [ ] stringsdict
    • [ ] plist
    • [ ] json

    Installation method:

    • [ ] CocoaPods
    • [ ] Carthage
    • [x] Swift Package Manager
    • [ ] Other (which ones)
    opened by ggoraa 1
  • 'L10n' is not a member type of class 'FrameworkMainClass.FrameworkMainClass'

    'L10n' is not a member type of class 'FrameworkMainClass.FrameworkMainClass'

    I'm working on custom framework. I have created an xcframework file , when I import this file into demo project then I got this error. 'L10n' is not a member type of class 'FrameworkMainClass.FrameworkMainClass'

    opened by zaidahmedpf 1
  • IBInspectable with custom bundle

    IBInspectable with custom bundle

    I use L10n-swift library for the project localization.
    My project receives localisation files from the backend as json and stores it to the separate bundle in project's Documents folder.
    And I have to load localizations from Documents to L10n.

    I know that L10n can be created as a new instance and pass my bundle as parameter into init method, but IBInspectable extension won't work with the custom bundle, bcouz IBInspectable use shared singleton with default L10n initialization.
    How can I load my Bundle to L10n.shared and use IBInspectable extension as Main bundle?

    enhancement help wanted question 
    opened by vkhadyka 1
  • Line break are escaped in translated strings

    Line break are escaped in translated strings

    With the string Phone\nNumber in the .stringsdict, I'm getting the following string "Phone\\nNumber" instead of "Phone\nNumber".



    "L10n {\n\tLanguage: en\n\tPreferred language: en\n\tSupported languages: [\"en\"]\n\tBundles: [\n\t\t\"/var/containers/Bundle/Application/1E0B4F9F-2F20-4503-8108-2C06E1FEDBE7/Cruise.app/en.lproj\",\n\t\t\"/var/containers/Bundle/Application/1E0B4F9F-2F20-4503-8108-2C06E1FEDBE7/Cruise.app/Base.lproj\"\n\t]\n}"

    L10n-swift version: 5.7.3

    Xcode version: Xcode 12.4 Build version 12D4e

    Swift version: Apple Swift version 5.3.2 (swiftlang-1200.0.45 clang-1200.0.32.28) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0


    • [x] iOS
    • [ ] watchOS
    • [ ] tvOS
    • [ ] macOS

    File format(s):

    • [ ] strings
    • [x] stringsdict
    • [ ] plist
    • [ ] json

    Installation method:

    • [x] CocoaPods
    • [ ] Carthage
    • [ ] Swift Package Manager
    • [ ] Other (which ones)
    opened by Morniak 1
Adrian Bobrowski
Adrian Bobrowski
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