Realtime Dynamic localization translation delivery system for iOS and Mac OSX in Swift. Create and update texts from without needing to recompile or redeploy. Cocapod for iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Mac)


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Version License Platform

Localization kit is a powerful to localize texts and translation management tool. I am a developer and invariably I get the questions 'Can you just change this text?' or 'Can you add another language?' I have designed this framework so you can manage these translations and texts without having to recompile, resubmit and without the need to use developers. Essentially take out all of the pain.

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How does it work

Localization Kit quickly and easily integrates into your app using Cocoapods. Then it connects to services from which are free to use and manage. Then as you create items in your iOS app the text keys become available instantly in the online web UI. From there you can change the text and it is reflected within app in realtime (as you type any key).


Using Cocoapods

LocalizationKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "LocalizationKit" "~>4.0.3" # Swift 4
pod "LocalizationKit" "~>3.0.12" # Swift 3.2

Using Carthage

github "willpowell8/LocalizationKit_iOS" ~> 4.0.3 // Swift 4
github "willpowell8/LocalizationKit_iOS" ~> 3.0.13 // Swift 3.2


Then go to and create a new app on the left handside using your name. Then take the code generated currently in the url after #/app/...KEY HERE...

Then put the following into your app delegate:

At the top:

import LocalizationKit

and in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions the following with your key:

Localization.start(appKey: "[[KEY]]")

Enabling Live Update

One of the most powerful features of LocalizationKit is the capability to edit the text in realtime on the device. You can start the live service in the following ways:

At Initialization

Localization.start(appKey: "bed920eb-9802-4a2c-a8c0-69194729d69d", live: true)

From within Settings Bundle

Make sure you create a settings bundle with boolean object named live_localization

Localization.start(appKey: "bed920eb-9802-4a2c-a8c0-69194729d69d", useSettings: true)

Toggle it within app

Localization.liveEnabled = true

Enabling Inline Edits

As part of the application you can enable the inline editing of the localizations using long press on fields. alt text Elements supporting Inline Edit: UILabel, UIButton

Toggle it within app

Localization.allowInlineEdit = true

Using Interface Builder

Localization kit has support for Xcode UI development. The process is as simple as:

  • install the cocoapod
  • open storyboard or xib file
  • select component eg UILabel or drag on standard component UILabel
  • open attribute selector
  • set a Localize Key
  • run app and the key will be available online

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Supported Components

  • UILabel
  • UINavigatioNitem
  • String
  • UIBarItem
  • UIBarButtonItem
  • UITextField
  • UIButton
  • DateFormatter

Using from Code

There are several ways of using the localization system from code without using storyboard or interface builder. The first is from any string you can call the .localize to call the localized string for it. This does not give you the live updates of the text but provides you with the text at the moment you call it.

let localizedGreeting = "Hello".localize

This will create a localization key of String.Your String (which has dots replacing the spaces). For example 'Select Languages' would become String.Select.Languages. These texts will similarly be made available for you to localize within the web UI.

let resultText = Localization.get("Localization.Key", alternate: "default label text")

Localization Keys

Localization Keys are the unique identifiers that allow you to assign localization to the correct part within your app. You can use any string as a device identifier, however the application has some features to make live easier if you use dot separation methodology: ie. Product.Details.Label


LocalizationKit internalizes the caching of the localizations and translations that you have translated. Currently once a languages is loaded from the server it is stored locally for offline and subsequent use. It is updated everytime the app is reopened where by the local version is first loaded and then replaced by the server version.

TO DO - add a build phase script that can pull first version of the

Other Functions

Set language


Get Available Languages

Localization.availableLanguages { (languages) in
// Languages is an array of [Language] which has properties localizedName and key

Reset to device language


Show debug Strings

Localization.ifEmptyShowKey = true

Set Default Language

The default language is the language that you have built the application in and will be used for passing to the backend for showing strings and data.

Localization.defaultLanguageCode = "en"


If you enable the live update process then you will be able to listen to localization events. These events are:

  • LocalizationEvent - this is when a text is updated.
Localization.localizationEvent(localizationKey: String)
  • Highlight Event - this is when a user has clicked the highlight button in the web UI.
Localization.highlightEvent(localizationKey: String)

Example Listening To An Event

NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(localizationHighlight), name: Localization.highlightEvent(localizationKey: LocalizeKey!), object: nil)

Example Date Formatter

Date format as it is a single call it does adhere to the live updates. Note the dateFormat String must be set before the Localization Key

let d = DateFormatter()
d.dateFormat = "dd MMM yyyy"
d.LocalizeKey = "General.DateFormatter"
let dStr = d.string(from: Date())


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Will Powell - LinkedIn | Blog


LocalizationKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Changing language after UI is loaded, won't refresh the labels in tableview

    Changing language after UI is loaded, won't refresh the labels in tableview

    Hello, i am using LocalizationKit for a personal project and i implemented my app around it. Now i want to implement some kind of instant app language changer.. so i use

    Localization.setLanguage("rm") and Localization.setLanguage("en")

    but the strings are not updated. i tried with a tableview and tabbar controller

    also, why don't you use the standard code languages? Romanian should be RO instead of RM


    opened by rursache 5
  • LocalizationKit translation bugs

    LocalizationKit translation bugs

    The website is very buggy, i once sat and translated over 100 keys in one go, and it only saved 30 or so, and some of them were not saved fully so some translations would be saved with missing characters.

    e.g "Full amount" was once saved as "Full a", it's like it saved before i have finished entering the full translation.

    opened by steelzeh 4
  • Carthage support

    Carthage support

    opened by TofPlay 4
  • Documentation mistake

    Documentation mistake

    The pod file statements are missing commas.

    pod "LocalizationKit" "~>4.0.3" // Swift 4
    pod "LocalizationKit" "~>3.0.12" // Swift 3.2

    Should be:

    pod "LocalizationKit", "~>4.0.3" # Swift 4
    pod "LocalizationKit", "~>3.0.12" # Swift 3.2
    opened by ManjitBedi 2
  • No Region (Default for Language)

    No Region (Default for Language)

    Whenever I try to add Language on web it gives me "No Region (Default for Language)" As seen in attached image.

    And selecting tis option does not add language in our admin panel.

    screen shot 2018-03-14 at 5 54 10 pm

    opened by AliTariqQuantum 2
  • Language.localizedName not working as expected.

    Language.localizedName not working as expected.

    I tested the attribute for English, Spanish and Portuguese. Spanish and Portuguese return language keys instead of the localized name when calling this attribute, and I believe many other languages have the same behavior. I understand some of the languages might not be localized yet, but I believe it would be better to default to the English names in these cases, instead of language codes.

    opened by Felizolinha 2
  • Offline



    how is your library dealing with offline capabilities. For example when a mobile client is not connected to the internet but had already once a successful connection to the localization backend?

    How about when the client never had a connection?

    thanks for feedback

    opened by DonBaronFactory 2
  • Missing function Localization.availableLanguages

    Missing function Localization.availableLanguages

    Thanks for your great project. I immediately loved it. ;-)

    You mentioned Localization.availableLanguages in your Readme file. But in Xcode this is not available. Is there a problem on my end or do others have this as well?

    opened by sidetrax 2
  • How safe is this? What's the privacy policy?

    How safe is this? What's the privacy policy?

    Can't find info on this anywhere so posting here. This looks amazing and I want to use it, only concern is privacy and how data is handled? What if the dashboard is hacked -- doesn't this put the content of every app at risk if someone were to change the strings, etc?

    opened by etherwatch 1
  • Live update does not work

    Live update does not work

    Hi, Very good job, keep working on it!

    I would liked to try the live update feature, but it does not work. I tried to debug the problem (just wrote a few "print(...)" line into socket.on functions), but seems to the problem is on the server side. The device writes "connected" message, but nothing else. No data available on the other "channels/rooms".

    Can you check it? Thanks, Gergo

    opened by hunasdf 1
  • Web UI does not allow newlines

    Web UI does not allow newlines

    In the web UI, newlines are not shown and cannot be added. This is a severe limitation at the moment, the only way is through the live edit function in the app right now.

    opened by dankrad 1
  • Unable to load translation page.

    Unable to load translation page.

    Annotation 2020-03-08 132102

    Hi. I was wondering if you could help with this. I'm seeing a blank screen when I tried to load translations page and I've attached a screenshot of the error thrown from chrome.

    opened by zackrockz 0
  • are APIs down on the website?

    are APIs down on the website?

    I can't add or remove users. I can invite users but the link sent via email does nothing.

    This is really blocking , can we have this fixed server side?

    opened by vx8 0
  • Website down

    Website down

    I added many strings on the server but now once I open the translations page, the view is blank and won't load on both safari and chrome. Does this happens also to you?

    opened by MarcoCarnevali 0
  • Some Strings don't reach iOS

    Some Strings don't reach iOS

    Hi there, I am using LocalizationKit for quiet a while now and everything worked well but today a problem appeared. Some keys will return empty Strings.

    For example Localization.get("Admin", alternate: "Admin") returns ""

    On there appears to be a bug with these keys. They appear to be empty (although not appearing in "Missing" Tab). When I type something in they keep the value for a short time and then go back to "".

    As the two keys affected by this are titles for UIBarButtonItems these buttons aren't appearing at all which makes the complete admin & editor area of my app unreachable! This app is already in use by my customer...

    opened by LucasZL 2
  • Methods renamed in Swift 4.2

    Methods renamed in Swift 4.2

    The current version 4.0.5 shows error like

    • UIKeyboardWillShow' has been renamed to 'UIResponder.keyboardWillShowNotification
    • UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey' has been renamed to 'UIResponder.keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey'
    • UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey' has been renamed to 'UIResponder.keyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey
    • UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey' has been renamed to 'UIResponder.keyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey'
    • UIViewAnimationOptions' has been renamed to 'UIView.AnimationOptions'
    • UIViewAnimationOptions' has been renamed to 'UIView.AnimationOptions
    opened by eexe1 0
Will Powell
I work in technology innovation working with the latest technologies including VR, AR, mobile (iOS and Android)
Will Powell
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