Option selector that works similar to Reactions by fb. Objective-c version



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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

There's also an Swift implementation developed by lojals.


EMEmojiableBtn is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "EMEmojiableBtn"


1. Basic Instance

Example Code

EMEmojiableBtn *button = [[EMEmojiableBtn alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 150, 52.0, 52.0)];
button.delegate = self;
button.dataset = @[
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_1" withName:@"dislike"],
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_2" withName:@"broken"],
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_3" withName:@"he he"],
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_4" withName:@"ooh"],
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_5" withName:@"meh !"],
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_6" withName:@"ahh !"]
[button setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"img_1"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[self.view addSubview:button];


2. Custom styled instance

Example Code

With this instance you can fully custom your component. Following the EMEmojiableBtnConfig variables.

You can custom your selector with the following variables, used in the



EMEmojiableBtnConfig *config = [[EMEmojiableBtnConfig alloc] init];
config.spacing  = 6.0;
config.size     = 30.0;
config.minSize  = 34.0;
config.maxSize  = 45.0;
config.s_options_selector = 30.0;

EMEmojiableBtn *button = [[EMEmojiableBtn alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 150, 52.0, 52.0) withConfig:config];
button.delegate = self;
button.dataset = @[
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_1" withName:@"dislike"],
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_2" withName:@"broken"],
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_3" withName:@"he he"],
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_4" withName:@"ooh"],
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_5" withName:@"meh !"],
    [[EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage:@"img_6" withName:@"ahh !"]
[button setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"img_1"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[self.view addSubview:button];


Available customization options using EMEmojiableBtnConfig

  • size - Size of each available option
  • maxSize - Size of option when it is hilighted
  • minSize - Size of options when one option is hilighted. When option is hilighted other options are smaller
  • spacing - Spacing between options
  • s_options_selector - Bottom space of option selector view to button and information view
  • backgroundColor - Background color of screen when options selector is active after UILongPressGestureRecognizer
  • optionsViewInitialAlpha - Initial opacity of options listing view
  • optionsViewBackgroundColor - Background color of options listing view
  • optionsViewShadowColor - Shadow color of options listing view
  • optionsViewShadowOpacity - Opacity of options listing shadow
  • optionsViewShadowOffset - Offset of options listing shadow
  • informationViewBackgroundColor - Background color of information view
  • informationViewDotsColor - Dots color of information view
  • informationViewBorderColor - Border color of information view
  • informationViewFont - Font of information view
  • informationViewTextColor - Text color of information view
  • informationViewText - Text for information view. Default : Release to cancel


Erekle, ereklemesxi@gmail.com


EMEmojiableBtn is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Supporting various opening behaviours

    Supporting various opening behaviours


    Are you planning to support different opening behaviours? For example, when the button is placed at the right side of the screen it should open to the left. And when the button is close to the top margin it should open downwards (like Facebook).

    Thank you!

    opened by tomhoffen 8
  • Options View not working in UITableViewCell

    Options View not working in UITableViewCell


    When I add a EMEmojiableBtn in a cell in a tableView the view that displays the options is not centered, but if I use the component on a controller, the view of options centralizes perfectly.

    In this image I try to better explain the problem.

    Have any suggestions to solve this?


    opened by maclacerda 2
  • Crashing when i'm trying to initialize the button

    Crashing when i'm trying to initialize the button

    erminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'unsafe to initWithFrame: already initialized UIButton. Use setFrame: instead <EMEmojiableBtn: 0x7faf185ec690; baseClass = UIButton; frame = (136.333 41; 35 34); opaque = NO; autoresize = RM+BM; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x600002abf570>; layer = <CALayer: 0x600003841140>>'

    opened by imanoj135 0
  • Showing the property

    Showing the property "name"


    I'm using EMEmojiableBtn in my project, but I have a question about this great component.

    How could I show the value of the "name" reported in [EMEmojiableOption alloc] initWithImage: @ "img_1" withName: @ "dislike"]?

    Thank you for your help

    opened by maclacerda 0
  • menu location when adding the button to Viewcontroller subviews

    menu location when adding the button to Viewcontroller subviews


    I want to use this button in UIScrollView. I want to create many small UIViews and add the button to each view. The problem is that the menu opening location is wrong.

    Now the origin is calculated in row number 97 as follows: origin = [self.superview convertPoint:self.frame.origin toView:nil];

    Later you have this condition: if (!CGPointEqualToPoint(origin,self.frame.origin)) { selectorViewFrame.origin.x -= origin.x; selectorViewFrame.origin.y -= origin.y; }

    I solved the problem by doing 2 things:

    1. calculating the origin as follows: origin = self.frame.origin;
    2. In addition I removed the if statement.

    I wonder what is the right way to calculate the origin.

    Thanks, Tom

    opened by tomhoffen 0
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