Swift Package Manifest
A set of libraries used for parsing representations of Swift Packages similar to how SwiftPM itself works, but also supporting Xcode specific features (such as Swift Playground Apps).
As part of this package, there are two libraries:
- ManifestDescription - Models used to represent the contents of a SPM Manifest.
- ManifestLoading - Classes capable of loading
representations from Package.swift source files.
The ManifestLoading library exposes a simple ManifestLoader
protocol with two concrete implementations provided:
SyntaxBasedManifestLoader |
XcodeBasedManifestLoader * |
Loads simple manifest files by walking though the Swift AST provided by SwiftSyntax. Won't work with anything other than literal values defined in the Package initializer expression, but can be used on iOS. |
Compiles the Package.swift and evaluates the JSON output exactly like Swift Package Manager does. This is much more reliable, but requires macOS. * Not yet implemented |