Small app trying to recreate the Github's repos section from the iOS app with RxSwift and .nibs


Github Profile Repos

Small app trying to recreate the Github's repos section from the iOS app with RxSwift and .nibs. This project is currently in progress. Feel free to fork & make a PR if interested in contributing.


You will more likely exceed the Github's API rate limit for your IP, so there is a mocking layer (could use some aditional improvements) for simulating API calls with .json files inside the Mocks folder.
If you are looking to mock a call you only need to change the mock flag inside the HomeViewModel.swift file.

func getReposFromUsername(username: String) -> Observable<[Repo]> {
    return Observable.create { observer in
      // mocking: true -> Mocks an API call by reading its respective .json instead
      // mocking : false (Or parameter omited) -> Makes network API calls
      self.networkManager.getReposByUsername(username: username, mocking: true, completion: { repos, error in
        if let error = error {
        if let repos = repos {
      return Disposables.create()


Stores a GithubApiKey, it is not currently necessary as it's not pointing endpoints which require to. However, the file is needed inside the Bundle for the project to compile.

struct Keys {
  // Could be empty "", as mentioned
  static let githubApiKey: String = "YOUR_GITHUB_API_KEY"



Light Dark


Small Todo's yet to complete, will be filling out periodically. PR's are welcome.

  • Passing observable to the RepoCell in a clean manner
  • Create mock for requests
  • Create cache for requets (API called each time a cell gets reused
  • Probably fix the LanguagesLabel in each cell, it’s not showing the correct languages per repo due to cell reusing.
  • Test subscribe() vs. bind()
  • Make Description Label wrap up to 2 lines, it’s currently going 1 line nonstop
  • Automatic cell height
  • Fix getMostUsedLanguage
  • Center vertically the UIStackView inside the UIView (within the Cell)
  • Structure RepoCell.nib properly (with container view in TableView VC? with child view controllers?, plain view inside the TableVC, additional MVVM layer for it? The latter seems the most likely, with 2 child VC and 1 master VC for the whole screen
  • User UIView height should be 20% of superview on smaller devices, but 120 on bigger
  • Create Network Requests for the User's Followers, Following & Avatar
  • Calculate total lines of code
  • Get total stars awarded
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