Github Profile Repos
Small app trying to recreate the Github's repos section from the iOS app with RxSwift and .nibs. This project is currently in progress. Feel free to fork & make a PR if interested in contributing.
You will more likely exceed the Github's API rate limit for your IP, so there is a mocking layer (could use some aditional improvements) for simulating API calls with .json files inside the Mocks folder.
If you are looking to mock a call you only need to change the mock flag inside the HomeViewModel.swift file.
func getReposFromUsername(username: String) -> Observable<[Repo]> {
return Observable.create { observer in
// mocking: true -> Mocks an API call by reading its respective .json instead
// mocking : false (Or parameter omited) -> Makes network API calls
self.networkManager.getReposByUsername(username: username, mocking: true, completion: { repos, error in
if let error = error {
if let repos = repos {
return Disposables.create()
Stores a GithubApiKey, it is not currently necessary as it's not pointing endpoints which require to. However, the file is needed inside the Bundle for the project to compile.
struct Keys {
// Could be empty "", as mentioned
static let githubApiKey: String = "YOUR_GITHUB_API_KEY"
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Small Todo's yet to complete, will be filling out periodically. PR's are welcome.
- Passing observable to the RepoCell in a clean manner
- Create mock for requests
- Create cache for requets (API called each time a cell gets reused
- Probably fix the LanguagesLabel in each cell, it’s not showing the correct languages per repo due to cell reusing.
- Test subscribe() vs. bind()
- Make Description Label wrap up to 2 lines, it’s currently going 1 line nonstop
- Automatic cell height
- Fix getMostUsedLanguage
- Center vertically the UIStackView inside the UIView (within the Cell)
- Structure RepoCell.nib properly (with container view in TableView VC? with child view controllers?, plain view inside the TableVC, additional MVVM layer for it? The latter seems the most likely, with 2 child VC and 1 master VC for the whole screen
- User UIView height should be 20% of superview on smaller devices, but 120 on bigger
- Create Network Requests for the User's Followers, Following & Avatar
- Calculate total lines of code
- Get total stars awarded