Get your device ip address, router ip or wifi ssid



Awesome Version License Platform

FGRoute is written on C and Objective C (includes Swift support), it helps developers to get rid of dealing with WiFi interfaces.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run `pod install` from the Example directory first.


iOS 8 and later.



FGRoute is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "FGRoute"

Then, run the following command:

pod install


  1. Drag and Drop it into your project

  2. Import "FGRoute.h"

  3. You are ready to go!


With FGRoute you can easily get your ip address, Route, ssid etc.

First of all import header file at the top of your file for ObjC

#import "FGRoute.h"

for Swift

import FGRoute

Full method documentation for Swift

FGRoute.isWifiConnected() // Bolean value to check internet connection

FGRoute.getGatewayIP() //route ip address

FGRoute.getSSID() // Connected wifi name

FGRoute.getBSSID() // Connected wifi BSSID

FGRoute.getSSIDDATA() // Connected wifi SSIDDATA

FGRoute.getIPAddress() // Your local ip address in network

FGRoute.getNetmask() // Connected wifi Netmask

FGRoute.getDestination() // Connected wifi Destination ip address

Full method documentation for ObjC

[FGRoute isWifiConnected]; // Bolean value to check internet connection

[FGRoute getGatewayIP]; //route ip address

[FGRoute getSSID]; // Connected wifi name

[FGRoute getBSSID]; // Connected wifi BSSID

[FGRoute getSSIDDATA]; // Connected wifi SSIDDATA

[FGRoute getIPAddress]; // Your local ip address in network

[FGRoute getNetmask]; // Connected wifi Netmask

[FGRoute getDestination]; // Connected wifi Destination ip address

iOS 13 and later

You need to have "Access WiFi Information" entitlement enabled and you must meet at least one of criteria bellow

  • App with permission to access location
  • Currently enabled VPN app
  • NEHotspotConfiguration

see example for more details


Arthur Sahakyan,


FGRoute is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Transfer String data to wifi enabled device.

    Transfer String data to wifi enabled device.

    Firstly, thank you for this wonderful library.

    I want to transfer data using wifi to connected wifi hotspot device. e.g. Android device has started hotspot, I have connected my iPhone wifi to that Android's hotspot. Now want to pass String data to that Android device.

    Is it possible? How can I achieve this functionality just like Xender.

    Thanks, Rashesh

    question off-topic 
    opened by Rashesh-Bosamiya 4
  • Always getting Error from [FGRoute getIPAddress]

    Always getting Error from [FGRoute getIPAddress]

    Hi Team,

    Always return the Error from [FGRoute getIPAddress] while called the function. Verified in device and simulator as well.

    Please check it

    Thank you for your support in advance.


    opened by nikunjazilen 0
  • Add support for macOS

    Add support for macOS

    Hey @Feghal, thanks for maintaining this. Is it possible to add support for macOS? Most of the code looks usable from macOS so I'm wondering if it's as simple as adding macOS as a target to the podspec?

    opened by saket 0
  • Any method/api to get ip address of access point if its gateway ip is

    Any method/api to get ip address of access point if its gateway ip is

    I am connecting my iPhone with an wifi access point. And that access point returns getway ip as nil by getgateway ip method. As that access point gateway ip was only so how I can get that access point device ip address in my iPhone.

    Can you please suggest any method to get ip address of access point if its gateway ip was

    opened by akshada-systematix 1
  • getting net mask and all addresses in range

    getting net mask and all addresses in range

    Hi, thanks for your great library.

    1. Is it possible to getting net mask or subnet address?
    2. Also is it possible to getting all possible IPs in subnet range?
    opened by hrsalehi 1
  • iOS 13.3 commands working except for getSSIDDATA() function

    iOS 13.3 commands working except for getSSIDDATA() function

    After installing the 13.3 GM release, I was able to get the FGRoute pod to work fine except for the FGRoute.getSSIDDATA() function as it's causing my application to crash, although I don't need that function.

    opened by nneuberger1 3
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