A super fast & convenient object mapper tailored for your needs

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A super fast & convenient object mapper tailored for your needs.

Mapping objects to arrays or dictionaries can be a really cumbersome task, but those days are over. Tailor features a whole bunch of nifty methods for your model sewing needs.

Mapping properties

Tailor features property, relation(s) mapping for both struct and class objects.


struct Person: Mappable {

  var firstName: String? = ""
  var lastName: String? = ""

  init(_ map: [String : Any]) {
    firstName <- map.property("first_name")
    lastName  <- map.property("last_name")

let dictionary = ["first_name" : "Taylor", "last_name" : "Swift"]
let model = Person(dictionary)


class Person: Mappable {

  var firstName: String? = ""
  var lastName: String? = ""

  required convenience init(_ map: [String : AnyObject]) {
    firstName <- map.property("first_name")
    lastName  <- map.property("last_name")

let dictionary = ["first_name" : "Taylor", "last_name" : "Swift"]
let model = Person(dictionary)

Mapping objects

struct Person: Mappable {

  var firstName: String? = ""
  var lastName: String? = ""
  var spouse: Person?
  var parents = [Person]()

  init(_ map: [String : Any]) {
    firstName <- map.property("first_name")
    lastName  <- map.property("last_name")
    spouse    <- map.relation("spouse")
    parents   <- map.relations("parents")

let dictionary = [
  "first_name" : "Taylor",
  "last_name" : "Swift",
  "spouse" : ["first_name" : "Calvin",
              "last_name" : "Harris"],
  "parents" : [
             ["first_name" : "Andrea",
              "last_name" : "Swift"],
              ["first_name" : "Scott",
              "last_name" : "Swift"]
let model = Person(dictionary)


struct ImmutablePerson: SafeMappable {
  let firstName: String
  let lastName: String
  let spouse: Person
  let parents = [Person]()

  init(_ map: [String : Any]) throws {
    firstName = try map.property("firstName").unwrapOrThrow()
    lastName = try map.property("lastName").unwrapOrThrow()
    spouse = try map.relationOrThrow("spouse").unwrapOrThrow()
    parents = try map.relationsOrThrow("parents").unwrapOrThrow()

let immutablePerson: ImmutablePerson
do {
  immutablePerson = try TestImmutable(["firstName" : "foo" , "lastName" : "bar"])
} catch {


NSDate? in let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd" return dateFormatter.dateFromString(value) }) } } let dictionary = [ "first_name" : "Taylor", "last_name" : "Swift", "spouse" : ["first_name" : "Calvin", "last_name" : "Harris"], "parents" : [ ["first_name" : "Andrea", "last_name" : "Swift"], ["first_name" : "Scott", "last_name" : "Swift"] ], "birth_date": "1989-12-13" ] let model = Person(dictionary)">
struct Person: Mappable {

  var firstName: String? = ""
  var lastName: String? = ""
  var spouse: Person?
  var parents = [Person]()
  var birthDate = NSDate?

  init(_ map: [String : Any]) {
    firstName <- map.property("first_name")
    lastName  <- map.property("last_name")
    spouse    <- map.relation("spouse")
    parents   <- map.relations("parents")
    birthDate <- map.transform("birth_date", transformer: { (value: String) -> NSDate? in
      let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
      dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
      return dateFormatter.dateFromString(value)

let dictionary = [
  "first_name" : "Taylor",
  "last_name" : "Swift",
  "spouse" : ["first_name" : "Calvin",
              "last_name" : "Harris"],
  "parents" : [
             ["first_name" : "Andrea",
              "last_name" : "Swift"],
              ["first_name" : "Scott",
              "last_name" : "Swift"]
  "birth_date": "1989-12-13"
let model = Person(dictionary)


Tailor supports mapping values using deep keyPath

struct Book: Mappable {

  var title: String = ""
  var publisherName: String = ""
  var authorName: String = ""
  var firstReviewerName: String = ""

  init(_ map: [String : Any]) {
    title <- map.resolve(keyPath: "title")
    publisherName <- map.resolve(keyPath: "publisher.name")
    authorName <- map.resolve(keyPath: "info.author.name")
    firstReviewerName <- map.resolve(keyPath: "meta.reviewers.0.info.name.first_name")

Resolving value types.

Tailor supports mapping values from dictionaries using type specific functions.


You can also use value(forKey:ofType:), it works like this.

dictionary.value(forKey: "key", ofType: Bool.self)
dictionary.value(forKey: "key", ofType: Double.self)
dictionary.value(forKey: "key", ofType: Float.self)
dictionary.value(forKey: "key", ofType: Int.self)
dictionary.value(forKey: "key", ofType: String.self)

All of these methods returns an optional value.


Tailor is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Tailor'


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create pull request

Who made this?

  • Improve mapping immutable objects

    Improve mapping immutable objects

    This PR tries to address the issue where you want to map properties to an immutable model.

    SafeMappable protocol

    public protocol SafeMappable {
      init(_ map: JSONDictionary) throws

    The new SafeMappable protocol can be used for mapping immutable models.


    struct TestImmutable: SafeMappable {
      var firstName: String
      var lastName: String
      init(_ map: JSONDictionary) throws {
        firstName = try <-map.property("firstName")
        lastName = try <-map.property("lastName")

    This PR also has some breaking changes; object and objects have been replaced by property and properties. This change was made because I felt that it was more semantically correct.


    • [x] Rename object() to property()
    • [x] Rename objects() to properties()
    • [x] Split source in to separate files
    • [x] Introduce prefix operator <-
    • [x] Add SafeMappable protocol
    • [x] Add propertyOrThrow in Dictionary extension
    • [x] Refactor code style
    • [x] Remove inspectable

    Tries to fix https://github.com/zenangst/Tailor/issues/23

    opened by zenangst 9
  • Add PathAccessible for easy accessing through path with key and index

    Add PathAccessible for easy accessing through path with key and index

    So that we can use it like

    self.secret <- map.path(["chaos", 1, "way", "light", 1])?.property("secret")

    Initially, I want to use variadic parameter instead of array, but it seems to not work with these LiteralConvertible https://github.com/onmyway133/issues/issues/133

    opened by onmyway133 7
  • Improve resolving paths

    Improve resolving paths

    This PR aims to improve the usability of resolving key paths.

    With this pull request you can resolve nested paths like this;

    XCTAssertEqual(json.path("school.clubs.0.detail.name"), "DC")
        XCTAssertEqual(json.path("school.clubs.0.detail.people.0.first_name"), "Clark")
        XCTAssertEqual(json.path("school.clubs.0.detail.people.0.age"), 78)
        XCTAssertEqual(json.path("school.clubs.0.detail.people")!, [
            "first_name": "Clark",
            "last_name": "Kent",
            "age" : 78
            "first_name": "Bruce",
            "last_name": "Wayne",
            "age" : 77

    It can achieve this with the refactoring done in PathAccessible to introduce method overloading for the path method.

    opened by zenangst 5
  • Simple assignment

    Simple assignment

    For now, we use <- which requires that the variable to be declared as var and has initial values, like

    struct Person: Mappable {
          var name: String = ""
          init(_ map: JSONDictionary) {
            self.name <- map.path(["info"])?.property("name")

    How about having something like parse with DefaultType protocol, so that correct or default value is returned. parse will unwrap optional or return default value. It can be written as postfix operator

    struct Person: Mappable {
          let name: String // 😬
          init(_ map: JSONDictionary) {
            self.name = parse(map.path(["info"])?.property("name"))
    opened by onmyway133 3
  • Improve/mapping default types

    Improve/mapping default types

    This adds methods for mapping double, float, int and string. When mapping a type, if it cannot be resolved directly, it will now try to resolve it as the closest type available.

    If you map a Float but get a Double, Tailor will try to make a Float out of the Double before returning.

    opened by zenangst 2
  • Make Tailor to work with immutable non-optional types

    Make Tailor to work with immutable non-optional types

    Let's say I have an immutable model (which I do have often, and it's a good think to do :smiley: )

    struct Person {
      let firstName: String
      let lastName: String
    let p = Person(firstName: "Sarah ", lastName: "Connor")

    Now I want to use Tailor Mapper to map my JSON to the Person type

    extension Person: Mappable {
      init(_ map: JSONDictionary) {
        firstName <- map.property("first_name")
        lastName  <- map.property("last_name")
    let dictionary = ["first_name" : "Sarah", "last_name" : "Connor"]
    let model = Person(dictionary)

    In that way you can first start with making models and using them directly. After that you can add Mapping support without breaking ability to directly instantiate your Person model

    opened by kostiakoval 2
  • Throw using optional

    Throw using optional

    • Remove all the orThrow method. This adds unwrapOrThrow on optional. So this is more like Optional -> Throw. We now don't need to have 2 methods
    • Remove some custom operators. We don't really need these
    • Also, re-indent all the test files to use 2 spaces
    opened by onmyway133 1
  • Improve/resolving paths part deux

    Improve/resolving paths part deux

    This PR aims to bring a unified and clear public API, now you can resolve keys and key paths using resolve(keyPath:).

    Instead of


    You can now write;

    json.resolve(keyPath: "school.clubs.1.detail.name")

    path has been marked as deprecated.

    opened by zenangst 1
  • Boolean properties

    Boolean properties

    class DynamicModelSubTitle: Mappable, CustomStringConvertible {
        var title: String? = ""
        var subTitle: String? = ""
        var tag: String? = ""
        var action: String? = ""
        var showAccessory = false
        required convenience init(_ map: [String : AnyObject]) {
            title <- map.property("title")
            subTitle <- map.property("sub_title")
            tag <- map.property("tag")
            action <- map.property("action")

    with JSON

                    "title":"Bank Of America",
                    "sub_title":"ACCOUNT # XXXX-1234",
                    "tag": "my tag",
                    "accessory": true,

    How do I map accessory to the showAccessory property?

    opened by navisingh 1
  • Support defaultValue

    Support defaultValue

    There are cases that users just want struct with let declaration. Previously, we have to declare var for <- to work. This just uses simple assignment with default value

    • Add DefaultType for type that has default value
    • Add <? operator to fall back to default value
    struct Book: Mappable {
      let name: String
      let pageCount: Int
      let website: NSURL?
      init(_ map: JSONDictionary) {
        name = <?map.property("name")
        pageCount = <?map.property("page_count")
        website = map.transform("website_url", transformer: NSURL.init(string: ))
    opened by onmyway133 1
  • Hierarchy Type

    Hierarchy Type

    There are cases like GitHub API https://github.com/onmyway133/Github.swift/tree/master/Sources/Classes/Event where we want to parse and return corresponding subclasses instead, so this PR supports that 😬

    opened by onmyway133 1
  • Deserialize an object to JSON string

    Deserialize an object to JSON string

    Does this library allow to maintain the order of the attributes when deserializing an object to a JSON string? This feature is important for me, since I need to create and compare hashes of JSON strings.


    opened by lmsmartins 0
  • Performance benchmark comparisons

    Performance benchmark comparisons

    Hi, I would like to know if you have any performance benchmarks in comparisons to other popular libraries for reference, since your tag-line stated 'A super fast & convenient object mapper'?

    opened by francisykl 2
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