Wasserflug tvOS
An unofficial Floatplane client for Apple TV/tvOS.
See https://imgur.com/a/vXAcEJy for screenshots of Wasserflug.
Beta Testing
If you would like to enter the beta testing via Test Flight for Wasserflug, please use this Test Flist invite link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/aYwKPFNF
Cloning the git repository and opening/running it in Xcode, with some slight changes for provisioning/signing should be all that is needed at this time. There are some dependencies; please allow time for Xcode to automatically fetch those before/during initial compilation.
See bmlzootown's Hydravion projects and Discord server for more Floatplane-related software and discussion:
- https://github.com/bmlzootown/Hydravion
- https://github.com/bmlzootown/Hydravion-AndroidTV
- https://discord.gg/4xKDGz5M5B
Application created by James Linnell.
Wasserflug logo copyright to Yaroslav Shkuro via Shutterstock.