An unofficial supported Swift client library for accessing News API.



An API framework for with Swift.


  • Swift5.5+


Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "", from: "0.1.0")



import NewsAPI

let client = NewsAPI(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY")

Get Sources

let articles = try await client.getSources(
    sources: [String] = [], // abc-news, bbc-news, etc...
    query: String? = nil,
    category: NewsSourceCategory? = nil,
    language: Language = Language.en


let articles = try await
  query: "",
  sources: [String] = [],
  sortBy: SortBy? = nil, // relevancy, popularity, publishedAt
  language: Language? = nil


let articles = try await client.getTopHeadlines(
  category: NewsSourceCategory? = nil,
  language: Language? = nil,
  country: Country? = nil
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