Display news feed and stock tickers.


Swift Version

Test Assignment

Display news feed and stock tickers.


  • First section
    • The first section should contain list of horizontal tickers with symbol and price. Price should be presented as
  • The second section
    • The second section should have a horizontal news list. Each cell has to contain new title and image. (First 6 news from json file)
  • The last section
    • The last section has to be a vertical list with remaining news. Cell has to contain title, date, image and full descriptions.

Technical Specification

The app is written and built with this following hardware and sofware specification

  • XCode Version : Version 13.2.1 (13C100)
  • macOS Version: macOS BigSur 11.6.6 (20G624)
  • Swift Version: 5
  • Minium iOS Version : 13.0
  • Depedency Manager : Cocoapods


Run $pod install in your project directory. Open *.xcworkspace and build.

Development Specification

The app is written in UIKit and MVVM architecture. Use Combine framework to fetch and display data. Use Codable to decode JSON data and CSV.swift for CSV reader. Use UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout for data visualisation.


https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dsancov/TestData/main/stocks.csv https://saurav.tech/NewsAPI/everything/cnn.json

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