Simple Swift in-app notifications



TSMessages is an amazingly powerful in-app notifications library but requires a lot of setup. LNRSimpleNotifications is a simplified version for the developer who wants beautiful in-app notifications in minutes.

Budweiser Made in America Screenshot LNRSimpleNotifications Demo Screenshot Wakarusa Screenshot

How do I set it up?

We're glad you asked.

If your project is in Swift:

  1. Add LNRSimpleNotifications to your Podfile or Package.swift.
  2. Add the AudioToolbox framework to your project.
  3. Add import LNRSimpleNotifications in the classes you want to trigger or style your in-app notifications.
  4. (Optional) Style your notifications in the class managing your notification's initializer.
  5. There is no step Five.

If your project is in Objective-C:

  1. Add LNRSimpleNotifications to your Podfile.
  2. Add the AudioToolbox framework to your project.
  3. Set "Defines Modules" to Yes in your build settings.
  4. Import the LNRSimpleNotification module's Xcode-generated Swift header file in the classes you want to trigger and style your in-app notifications. The name of this header should be #import <LNRSimpleNotifications/LNRSimpleNotifications-Swift.h>.
  5. (Optional) Style your notifications in the class managing your notification's initializer.

Demo Project

To run the demo project clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

How do I use it?

Configure your notification styles once in your app. The init method for whatever class is triggering your in-app notifications is a good choice.

The Class Triggering Notifications

import LNRSimpleNotifications
import AudioToolbox


let notificationManager = LNRNotificationManager()

func init() {
	notificationManager.notificationsPosition = LNRNotificationPosition.Top
	notificationManager.notificationsBackgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
	notificationManager.notificationsTitleTextColor = UIColor.blackColor()
	notificationManager.notificationsBodyTextColor = UIColor.darkGrayColor()
	notificationManager.notificationsSeperatorColor = UIColor.grayColor()
	var alertSoundURL: NSURL? = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("click", withExtension: "wav")
	if let _ = alertSoundURL {
		var mySound: SystemSoundID = 0
		AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(alertSoundURL!, &mySound)
		notificationManager.notificationSound = mySound
	return true

You can also configure an icon that will appear in your notification and set a custom font for the notification title and body.

If you don't set any theme options your notifications will default to black text on a white background with no notification sound or icon.

The Class Triggering Notifications

let notificationManager = LNRNotificationManager()


func methodThatTriggersNotification:(title: String, body: String) {
	notificationManager.showNotification(notification: LNRNotification(title: title, body: body, duration: LNRNotificationDuration.default.rawValue, onTap: { () -> Void in
		print("Notification Dismissed")
	}, onTimeout: { () -> Void in
		print("Notification Timed Out")

Who's using LNRSimpleNotifications?

At the moment we know we've used it in:

We're doing more music festivals this year, so you'll see our simple yet stylish notifications in our apps a few more times this Summer and Fall.

Have you used LNRSimpleNotifications in a project? Want your app featured here? Let us know at

Known Bugs

Since 0.1.0

  1. If you trigger notifications very rapidly they'll start appearing immediately instead of waiting for the one before to be dismissed before displaying. If this happens notifications will start appearing over notifications that were already on screen.

Pull Requests?



LISNR is a startup leveraging ultrasonic audio to transmit data between devices without a network. Using our technology we have synchronized light shows on phones at concerts, triggered location-based notifications, rewarded music fans with behind-the-scenes content, delivered at-shelf product information, and made art galleries come alive.

Want to know more about LISNR? Reach out to


LNRSimpleNotifications is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.


LNRSimpleNotifications is based on TSMessages, developed by Felix Krause. If LNRSimpleNotifications isn't quite what you're looking for we recommend you check it out.

  • Demo Xcode 8.2.1 / Swift 3 (Unresolved identifier)

    Demo Xcode 8.2.1 / Swift 3 (Unresolved identifier)

    Hi there,

    I'm trying to test your lib. With the demo project (after pod install) I have this issue from compiler :

    /LNRSimpleNotifications/LNRSimpleNotificationsDemo/LNRSimpleNotificationsDemo/ViewController.swift:56:60: Use of unresolved identifier 'LNRNotification'

    opened by ghost 4
  • Add @objc annotation to public methods

    Add @objc annotation to public methods

    This was the default behaviour in Swift 3 - the compiler inferred all these annotations automatically. Now in Swift 4, the compiler does not automatically infer these anymore and its necessary to explicitly add these @objc annotations to methods that should be available in ObjC.

    opened by iv-mexx 2
  • Verision 0.7.0 has not been released

    Verision 0.7.0 has not been released

    It seems the version is not included in either. So I guess it is not me.

    pod search LNRSimpleNotifications (after repo update) will show the output:

    -> LNRSimpleNotifications (0.6.1)
       Simple Swift in-app notifications.
       pod 'LNRSimpleNotifications', '~> 0.6.1'
       - Homepage:
       - Source:
       - Versions: 0.6.1, 0.6.0, 0.5.3, 0.5.2, 0.4.2, 0.4.1, 0.4.0, 0.3.0, 0.2.3, 0.2.2, 0.2.1, 0.2.0, 0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0 [master

    I think nobody executed pod trunk push LNRSimpleNotifications.podspec. For more information see

    opened by dkk 1
  • Add configurable notifications queue

    Add configurable notifications queue

    Closes #21

    With these changes, notifications can be configured to be displayed in a queue.

    To enable the feature simply add in the class that triggers notifications:

    notificationManager.notificationsQueueEnabled = true

    Defaults to false to keep previous behaviour.

    Notifications are stored in an array of:

    class LNRNotification {
        var title: String
        var body: String
        var onTap: LNRNotificationOperationCompletionBlock
        init(title: String, body: String, onTap: @escaping LNRNotificationOperationCompletionBlock) {
            self.title = title
            self.body = body
            self.onTap = onTap
    opened by danielfmoreira 1
  • Add notifications queue

    Add notifications queue

    When i receive a number of notifications simultaneously or in a short period of time, I would like them to remain in a queue.

    Instead of immediately replacing each other as they get triggered, they would wait for the currently displayed notification to be dismissed.

    This way all notifications can be seen and read easily by the user.

    opened by danielfmoreira 1
  • Update the width to use the width of the window instead of the screen.

    Update the width to use the width of the window instead of the screen.

    When an app is in multitasking mode (on iPad), the width of the notification extends beyond the width of the window.

    This happens on iPad when apps are in side-by-side mode.

    I changed these lines in LNRNotificationView

    let notificationWidth: CGFloat = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.bounds.width)!
    override public func layoutSubviews() {
            self.notificationViewHeightAfterLayoutOutSubviews(kLNRNotificationViewMinimumPadding, notificationWidth: (UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.bounds.width)!)
    opened by moshegutman 1
  • One shoot notification

    One shoot notification


    Exists any way for show a different notification from sharedInstace?

    I have this code :

    let notification = LNRSimpleNotifications()

        notification.notificationsPosition = LNRNotificationPosition.Top
        notification.notificationsBackgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
        notification.notificationsTitleTextColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
        notification.notificationsBodyTextColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
        notification.showNotification("Guardada correctamente", body: nil, callback: nil)

    Show a notification and crashes!

    opened by josete89 1
  • fix width of title label to respect padding and image

    fix width of title label to respect padding and image

    The width of the titleLabel was set to the whole notificationWidth, not respecting the padding and not respecting the presence of an image.

    This lead to the following Bug:

    screen shot 2015-11-19 at 14 06 27 2 screen shot 2015-11-19 at 14 06 51 2


    With this fix these now look like that:

    screen shot 2015-11-19 at 14 16 17 2 screen shot 2015-11-19 at 14 17 12 2


    Btw, would it not be better to use Autolayout?

    opened by iv-mexx 1
  • Solved warnings related to deprecated String properties

    Solved warnings related to deprecated String properties

    Xcode 9.1 is throwing 2 warnings of the type: 'characters' is deprecated: Please use String or Substring directly

    when including the pod directly as pod 'LNRSimpleNotifications' in the podfile.

    This should solve the issue

    opened by dkk 0
  • Swift3 with UIImageView Setup and Async UIImageView

    Swift3 with UIImageView Setup and Async UIImageView

    Allows for async UIImageView Allows for customizing the UIImageView with a block

    notificationManager1.notificationsIconImageViewSetup = { imageView in
                imageView.backgroundColor =
    notificationManager1.notificationsIconAsyncLoader = { completionHandler in
                let url = URL(string: "")
                URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
                    guard let data = data  else { return }
                    let downloadedData = UIImage(data: data)
    opened by mbalex99 0
  • Update the width to use the width of the window instead of the screen.

    Update the width to use the width of the window instead of the screen.

    When an app is in multitasking mode (on iPad), the width of the notification extends beyond the width of the window.

    This happens on iPad when apps are in side-by-side mode.

    I changed these lines in LNRNotificationView

    let notificationWidth: CGFloat = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.bounds.width)!
    override public func layoutSubviews() {
            self.notificationViewHeightAfterLayoutOutSubviews(kLNRNotificationViewMinimumPadding, notificationWidth: (UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.bounds.width)!)
    opened by moshegutman 0
  • Swift3


    Notifications with Async Image Loader

    Perhaps you'd like an asynchronous image. You'll need to create a variable of LNRNotificationAsyncImageBlock and pass it in on the show showNotification method.

    Important: You will need to set an image on the Manager Instance like so:

    notificationManager.notificationsIcon = UIImage(named: "lisnr-cir-bw-notifications-icon")
    let imageAsyncLoader : LNRNotificationAsyncImageBlock = { completionHandler in
                let url = URL(string: "")
                URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
                    guard let data = data  else { return }
                    let downloadedData = UIImage(data: data)
    // Important to set the placeholder image
    notificationManager.notificationsIcon = UIImage(named: "lisnr-cir-bw-notifications-icon")
    // Call the showNotification method
                title: "Hipster Ipsum",
                body: "I love nier",
                imageAsyncLoader:  imageAsyncLoader

    Customizing the Icon UIImageView

    You'll need to create a variable conforming to the block LNRNotificationImageViewSetupBlock. Then you can pass it into the showNotification block.

    let imageViewSetup : LNRNotificationImageViewSetupBlock = { imageView in
                imageView.backgroundColor =
    // Important to set the placeholder image
    notificationManager.notificationsIcon = UIImage(named: "lisnr-cir-bw-notifications-icon")
    // Call the showNotification method
                title: "Hipster Ipsum",
                body: "I love nier",
                imageViewSetup:  imageViewSetup
    opened by mbalex99 0
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