BottomSheet makes it easy to take advantage of the new UISheetPresentationController in SwiftUI with a simple .bottomSheet modifier on existing views.



Feature Graphic Platform

BottomSheet makes it easy to take advantage of the new UISheetPresentationController in SwiftUI with a simple .bottomSheet modifier on existing views.

  1. Requirements
  2. Integration
  3. Usage


  • iOS 15+
  • Xcode 13+


Swift Package Manager

BottomSheet can be added to your app via Swift Package Manager in Xcode using the following configuration:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "0.1.3")


To get started with BottomSheet, you'll need to import the framework first:

import BottomSheet

Presenting the Sheet

You can then apply the .bottomSheet modifier to any SwiftUI view, ensuring you attach a binding to the isPresented property - just like the standard .sheet modifier:

.bottomSheet(isPresented: $isPresented) {
    Text("Hello, world!")

BottomSheet also supports passing an Optional item to it, displaying the sheet if the item is not nil:

.bottomSheet(item: $item) {
    Text("Hello, world!")

Customizing the Sheet

BottomSheet can be customized in the same way a UISheetPresentationController can be customized in UIKit. This is done by specifying additional properties in the modifier:

    isPresented: $isPresented,
    detents: [.medium(), .large()],
    prefersGrabberVisible: true,
    smallestUndimmedDetentIdentifier: nil,
    prefersScrollingExpandsWhenScrolledToEdge: true,
    prefersEdgeAttachedInCompactHeight: false,
    widthFollowsPreferredContentSizeWhenEdgeAttached: false
) {
    Text("Hello, world!")

For more information on UISheetPresentationController, read Apple's documentation:

Please note BottomSheet is currently missing the ability to be resized programmatically as the delegate doesn't work in iOS 15 beta 1. You may also run into issues when used on an iPad with multi-window support and have multiple instances of the same app side-by-side running.

  • 'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS

    'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS

    I'm trying to implement BottomSheet with Xcode 13 beta 3 and iOS 15 beta 3 but I get this compiler error:

    'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS: Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead.

    Perhaps this has changed in a recent iOS 15 beta?

    opened by lvandal 6
  • contentView not updated when state in containing view changes

    contentView not updated when state in containing view changes

    In the following example, the sheet content is not updated when the 'Add' button is pressed:

    class ExampleModel: ObservableObject {
        var rows: [String] = []
    struct ContentView: View {
        @State private var bottomSheetPresented = false
        @StateObject var exampleModel = ExampleModel()
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                Button("Show Sheet") {
                    bottomSheetPresented = true
            .onAppear {
                bottomSheetPresented = true
                isPresented: $bottomSheetPresented,
                contentView: {
                    List {
                        Button("Add") {
                        ForEach(exampleModel.rows, id: \.self) { row in

    This works for a plain .sheet. Extracting the contentView in a separate View struct and making it observe the model as well does the trick as a workaround.

    opened by ralfebert 4
  • No sheet appearing when isPresented is initially true

    No sheet appearing when isPresented is initially true

    No sheet appears for this example (0.2.2, Simulator in Xcode 13 Beta 5):

    import SwiftUI
    import BottomSheet
    struct ContentView: View {
        @State private var bottomSheetPresented = true
        var body: some View {
                .bottomSheet(isPresented: $bottomSheetPresented) {
                    Text("Hello, world!")

    The interactive version works:

    struct ContentView: View {
        @State private var bottomSheetPresented = false
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                Button("Show Sheet") {
                    bottomSheetPresented = true
            .bottomSheet(isPresented: $bottomSheetPresented) {
                Text("Hello, world!")

    Is there a way to get a sheet that's permanently visible / is it supposed to work with isPresented == true initially?

    opened by ralfebert 4
  • Removed smallestUndimmedDetentIdentifier

    Removed smallestUndimmedDetentIdentifier

    Removed smallestUndimmedDetentIdentifier because it has been deprecated as of Xcode 13 beta 3. There doesn't appear to be any replacement for it.

    opened by Rspoon3 2
  • Prevent dismissal

    Prevent dismissal

    Hi there, Thanks a lot for making & sharing this library!

    Could you add the option to prevent dismissal? I have a map beneath the sheet, so the sheet is supposed to stay opened.

    opened by LinusGeffarth 1
  • BottomSheet content does not update after initial render

    BottomSheet content does not update after initial render

    Hey there! I'm having an issue where the contents of the bottom sheet does not change after initial render even though the content view build is re-run and returns a new view.

    My code looks something like the following:

    .bottomSheet(item: self.$selectedItem, detents: [.medium()], prefersGrabberVisible: true) {
        if let item = self.selectedItem {
            Text("Item: \(item.title)")
        } else {
            Text("No item selected").

    When initially rendering this the view which has the bottomSheet modifier, self.$selectedItem is nil and thus the bottom sheet is not presented but the content view builder is invoked. This is expected. The initial render will produce the "No item selected" label.

    When self.$selectedItem is updated to refer to a selected item I want the bottom sheet to be presented and display the item's title. What happens instead is that the bottom sheet is presented but displays "No item selected". Using breakpoints in Xcode I can confirm that the content view builder re-invoked when an item is selected and the correct branch of the if statement is invoked, so it should be displaying my item title. It seems that the hosting view controller is not updated with the new content view though.

    opened by emilsjolander 1
  • Project won't compile after installing the package

    Project won't compile after installing the package

    after installing the library, I get this error: Screen Shot 2021-09-10 at 7 57 59 AM

    I think this thread will help a lot in fixing this issue:

    opened by NaifAlrashed 1
  • Fix missing content view on first render

    Fix missing content view on first render

    This PR fixes the bug where the content view is missing on the first render. Basically, the content view is not built during initialization. Instead, it is built when it is passed to the view controller.

    This fixes both #10 and #11.

    opened by rmnblm 0
  • Allows the selected detent to be updated programmatically

    Allows the selected detent to be updated programmatically

    Allows the user to pass a binding to a detent identifier when instantating a bottom sheet, giving the ability to get and set the selected detent/size.

    opened by tomhut 0
  • Allow import into projects with min target < iOS 15, presentedViewController chaining fix

    Allow import into projects with min target < iOS 15, presentedViewController chaining fix

    I had a use for this package in a project that cannot require iOS 15 yet, though current config didn't allow for that use case. Setting an older minimum for the package but annotating the views and extensions with @available(iOS 15, *) keeps usage as intended.

    Also found an issue where in a stack of presented view controllers the bottom sheet would not be presented, this is because the view controller this bottom sheet would be presented from is not at the top of the stack. Fix was just to follow the .presentedViewController chain to find the top most presented view controller.

    opened by camdeardorff 0
  • Add .bottomSheet(item: Binding<Optional<T>>) modifier

    Add .bottomSheet(item: Binding>) modifier

    This PR adds the second overload of standard sheets: A binding to an optional item, that presents the sheet if the item is not nil.

    I would have liked to also change the contentView closure to take in the item (unwrapped), but that would have meant rewriting a lot of other code, which I think would overcomplicate things.

    opened by chFlorian 0
  • onDismiss never called !

    onDismiss never called !

    Hi, I notice anythings inside onDismiss never called ! when I change it back to sheet onDismiss does called

    so I think there is issue with the logic on your library could you fix it ?

    opened by X901 0
  • add background color when BottomSheet open

    add background color when BottomSheet open

    Hi, I think it's important to have background color on BottomSheet

    I tried to add it like this

     func body(content: Content) -> some View {
            ZStack {
                .onChange(of: isPresented, perform: updatePresentation)
                .onChange(of: selectedDetentIdentifier, perform: updateSelectedDetentIdentifier)
                if isPresented {
                        .animation(.easeIn, value: isPresented)

    But I notice it take awhile until the background disappeared after bottomSheet closed is there a better way to do it ?

    opened by X901 0
  • blurred or transparent background instead of opaque white

    blurred or transparent background instead of opaque white

    I am not too familiar with UIKits UISheetPresentationController, but it would be quite useful to be able to define a material/blur and an opacity to the sheets background.

    Is that in the scope of this package? If not, where would be the point to add the feature in a custom branch, would it be around here?:

    I imagine it could be done by inserting a UIVisualEffectView with UIBlurEffect just before the contentView is added there.

    opened by nylki 1
  • Pass in item to ContentView

    Pass in item to ContentView

    When binding to an optional item. What are your thoughts on passing the item to the content view?

    Similar to the sheet modifier.

    func sheet<Item, Content>(item: Binding<Item?>, onDismiss: (() -> Void)? = nil, content: @escaping (Item) -> Content) -> some View where Item : Identifiable, Content : View
    opened by corysullivan 3
  • Feature request: Set preferredContentSize

    Feature request: Set preferredContentSize

    Hi, thanks for making this!

    I was watching the WWDC sheets session and at around the 9:15 mark, Russell mentions that the sheet should respect a preferredContentSize if widthFollowsPreferredContentSizeWhenEdgeAttached = true.

    I was wondering if it would be possible to automatically set preferredContentSize in this component to something like view.systemLayoutSizeFitting(UIView.layoutFittingCompressedSize) so that the sheet only takes up the width of the contentView?

    Or alternatively provide a way to set a preferredContentSize?

    I failed to get this to work, but I was hoping you would know how to do it.

    Here's the example from the session:





    opened by benubois 1
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