It makes a preview from an URL, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.


Swift Link Preview

Link Previewer for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS

It makes a preview from an URL, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.

Platform CocoaPods Carthage Compatible Swift Package Manager Build Status


Visual Examples

UTF-8 Extended UTF-8 Gallery
UTF-8 Extended UTF-8 Gallery
Video Websites Images
Video Websites Images

Requirements and Details

  • iOS 8.0+ / macOS 10.11+ / tvOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
  • Xcode 8.0+
  • Built with Swift 3



To use SwiftLinkPreview as a pod package just add the following in your Podfile file.

	source ''
	platform :ios, '9.0'

	target 'Your Target Name' do
	  	// ...
	  	pod 'SwiftLinkPreview', '~> 3.3.0'
	  	// ...


To use SwiftLinkPreview as a Carthage module package just add the following in your Cartfile file.

  	// ...
	github "LeonardoCardoso/SwiftLinkPreview" ~> 3.3.0
  	// ...

Swift Package Manager

To use SwiftLinkPreview as a Swift Package Manager package just add the following in your Package.swift file.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "Your Target Name",
  dependencies: [
  	// ...
    .Package(url: "", "3.3.0")
  	// ...


You just need to drop all contents in Sources folder, but .plist files, into Xcode project (make sure to enable "Copy items if needed" and "Create groups").



import SwiftLinkPreview

// ...

let slp = SwiftLinkPreview(session: URLSession = URLSession.shared,
			   workQueue: DispatchQueue = SwiftLinkPreview.defaultWorkQueue,
			   responseQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main,
		           cache: Cache = DisabledCache.instance)

Requesting preview

let preview = slp.preview("Text containing URL",
                          onSuccess: { result in print("\(result)") },
                          onError: { error in print("\(error)")})
// preview.cancel() to cancel it.

result is a struct Response:

Response {
	let url: URL // URL
	let finalUrl: URL // unshortened URL
	let canonicalUrl: String // canonical URL
	let title: String // title
	let description: String // page description or relevant text
	let images: [String] // array of URLs of the images
	let image: String // main image
	let icon: String // favicon
	let video: String // video
	let price: String // price

Cancelling a request

let cancelablePreview = slp.preview(...,
				    onSuccess: ...,
				    onError: ...)


Enabling and accessing cache

SLP has a built-in memory cache, so create your object as the following:

let slp = SwiftLinkPreview(cache: InMemoryCache())

To get the cached response:

if let cached = self.slp.cache.slp_getCachedResponse(url: String) {
    // Do whatever with the cached response
} else {
	// Perform preview otherwise

If you want to create your own cache, just implement this protocol and use it on the object initializer.

public protocol Cache {

    func slp_getCachedResponse(url: String) -> SwiftLinkPreview.Response?

    func slp_setCachedResponse(url: String, response: SwiftLinkPreview.Response?)




You need to set Allow Arbitrary Loads to YES on your project's Info.plist file.

app security

If you don't want to use the option above and you are using SwiftLinkPreview for services of your knowledge, you can whitelist them on Info.plist file as well. You can read more about it here, here and here.

app security


Not all websites will have their info brought, you can treat the info that your implementation gets as you like. But here are two tips about posting a preview:

  • If some info is missing, you can offer the user to enter it. Take for example the description.
  • If more than one image is fetched, you can offer the user the feature of picking one image.


Feel free to fork this repo and add URLs on SwiftLinkPreviewTests/URLs.swift to test URLs and help improving this lib. The more URLs the better the reliability.

Information and Contact

Developed by @LeonardoCardoso.

Contact me either by Twitter @leocardz or emailing me to

Related Projects


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Leonardo Cardoso

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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  • Cannot invoke initializer for type 'Range<_>' with an argument list of type '(Range<String.Index>)' in func substring(start:end:)

    Cannot invoke initializer for type 'Range<_>' with an argument list of type '(Range)' in func substring(start:end:)

    func substring(_ start: Int, end: Int) -> String {
    return String(self[Range(self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: start) ..< self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: end))])

    the above function contains a method resulting in the following error:

    Cannot invoke initializer for type 'Range<_>' with an argument list of type '(Range<String.Index>)' in Xcode 10 beta 1.

    I appreciate this is a very early report, but does seem to be a swift version issue.

    opened by boywithaxe 7
  • Is SwiftLinkPreview compatible with Xcode 10?

    Is SwiftLinkPreview compatible with Xcode 10?

    I updated to Xcode 10 but my project won't compile. SwiftPreviewLink seems to be a problem, I have this issue:

    ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
    clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    I have searched but didn't find any solution yet.

    I use Cocoapod.

    opened by mariedm 6
  • Cache response is not called on UITableView

    Cache response is not called on UITableView

  • Xcode 8.2
  • Swift 3
  • ios 9x - 10x

    Everytime I call swift link preview it always call and set the data, how can I get the cache response, I am loading the preview data on UITableview so what should I do to get response from cache data when cell is recycled ` slp.preview(

                onSuccess: { result in
                cell.linkTitle.text = result[.title] as? String
                cell.linkURL.text = result[.canonicalUrl] as? String
                cell.linkDescription.text = result[.description] as? String
                let imageURL = result[.image] as? String
                cell.linkImage.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: imageURL!), placeholder: UIImage(named:""), options: [.transition(ImageTransition.fade(1))], progressBlock: nil, completionHandler: nil)
                cell.linkBtnRef.layer.setValue(result[.url], forKey: "linkURL")
                cell.linkBtnRef.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.linkClickedOnLinkCell), for: .touchUpInside)
            onError: { error in
  • opened by dev-abdul02 6
  • some Links causes the app to lag (until the url gets loaded)

    some Links causes the app to lag (until the url gets loaded)

    I think this is some kind of small problem for the dispatch or thread, but I'm still not really adept at that part of coding so I don't know. here's the link btw

    But once again. This project is so kickass awesome. Thanks :)

    opened by kuyazee 6
  • Github Repository Image not parsed properly

    Github Repository Image not parsed properly


    SwiftLinkPreview 3.3.0
    Xcode 12.4


    Invalid response image attribute in case of any GitHub URL.

    Reproduce By:

    Request URL:
    Response Wrong Attribute:
      image: Optional("")
    Should be:
      image: Optional("


    Failing to parse the content of this tag <meta property="og:image" content=""> for opengraph image.
    opened by MuhtasimTanmoy 5
  • use data detector to extract URLs from text so that plain urls will b…

    use data detector to extract URLs from text so that plain urls will b…

    replaced link detection with NSDataDetector was seeing situations where app was unable to load previews for text containing links of the form "text text" for example

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  • Hangs when crawling for description

    Hangs when crawling for description

    The URL I'm crawling is:

    I stepped through the source and see that it's hanging in crawlDescription() at the crawlCode() call.

    I see this in the debugger console: SendDelegateMessage(NSInvocation *): delegate (<CFNotificationCenter 0x6080000aed60 [0x108679df0]>) failed to return after waiting 10 seconds. main run loop mode: kCFRunLoopDefaultMode

    opened by taykay08 5
  • Update user-agent String to imitate iMessage's

    Update user-agent String to imitate iMessage's


    • Changed the user-agent string to receive better responses from some sites

    The user-agent string I used is the same (or extremely similar) to the one Apple sends to receive metadata for their link previews in iMessage. After changing to this user-agent string Tweets (which were previously not loading correctly) stopped warning about needing Javascript.

    opened by bdhazman 4
  • Fix for youtube url fetch metadata issue

    Fix for youtube url fetch metadata issue

    This pull request fixes youtube url fetch metadata issue. adding just a user-Agent field in the request header fixes the issue. i don't think it will break anything. if anything breaks please comment here

    opened by nafis042 4
  • Not able to use SwiftLinkPreview on Wix hosted sites

    Not able to use SwiftLinkPreview on Wix hosted sites

    Whenever I attempt to run SwiftLinkPreview on a website that is hosted by I receive Could not signal service 113: Could not find specified service in the console, the callback on the preview function never returns, and the CPU usage drives up like crazy.

    Is there a way to add/change request headers for the request?

    Some examples for you guys to try:

    opened by halinebr 4
  • A few questions + Example issues

    A few questions + Example issues

    Hello, Currently your example project seems to rely on 3 pods, but I was only able to find that out by looking at the readme file on that directory. It would be a lot easier if you provided a pod file, did basic integration with cocoa pods and then provided an .xcworkspace that people could use to run the sample project out the box.

    Also, i noticed you pushed a release removing the dependency on Alamofire, but the sample code still requires a pod that deals with alamofire and use it (for example: if let source: AlamofireSource = AlamofireSource(urlString: image) { on ViewController.swift:125).

    I've noticed that you have been very active recently on this project though so I'm just assuming it's still a work in progress. I am very interested in using this in a project I am working on but because you are in the process of making changes I wanted to ask you your opinions first.

    Seeing as you are in currently making changes, is it at a place where it would be ok to integrate now and update as you make changes, or are there things you are getting to or want to check out first? We are getting very close to testing the app for a production release, and want to get a sense if we should delay integration for a few days/a week until its a little more stable?

    P.S.: It's on obj-c project and some of my pods don't play nicely together with use_frameworks! so i'd have to manually integrate it, which is why I ask

    opened by gadu 4
  • Branch IO link is not working for URL Preview

    Branch IO link is not working for URL Preview

    @LeonardoCardoso I have implemented Branch IO Library for shorten URL. But when i am trying to generate preview using branch io link, it is not giving me original image in return. Can you please look into it.

    opened by MatellioDharmesh 0
  • fix/session-delegate


    Fixed f84740e01002e6806c03984b19bef0bb2d85e893

    SwiftLinkPreview destroys and recreates the URLSession, causing the user to lose control over the session he gave to SwiftLinkPreview (ie. his delegate will stop working & his session invalidation will be ignored).

    opened by lhunath 1
  • fix/base-url



    When a base URL and an image URL are combined but there is no trailing / in base and no leading slash in image, they get mashed together badly: https://base.comimages/image.jpg

    opened by lhunath 1
  • SwiftLinkPreview not providing image url for my URL

    SwiftLinkPreview not providing image url for my URL

    It works for some urls but it's failing to provide image url (sadhguru's photo) for below link. It randomly works sometimes.

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  • FIXED: Amazon links did not contain og tags with the default user agent

    FIXED: Amazon links did not contain og tags with the default user agent


    ADDED: 'userAgent' with a default value to preserve current behavior ADDED: 'googleBotUserAgent' static which can be used to override the default ADDED: unit tests for Amazon links and tested across several other major ecommerce sites

    NOTE: Not only does this fix OG tags for links but the pages are way smaller due to Amazon optimizing for google search indexing (huge performance boost for preview response times)

    • Made user agent a configurable property to optimize for some websites (Amazon was the driver for this)
      • Issues: none
      • Commits: 546b86e12ca38617483c922d1d355fe0e785ff40
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