Highlighter will magically find UI objects such as UILabel, UITextView, UITexTfield, UIButton



Awesome Version Carthage Compatible License: MIT Build Status Platform Swift 5.0


See CHANGELOG for details


πŸ– Highlight whatever you want! Highlighter will magically find UI objects such as UILabel, UITextView, UITexTfield, UIButton in your UITableViewCell or other Class.

See YNSearch for advanced usage



Highlighter is written in Swift 5.0. Compatible with iOS 9.0+



Highlighter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Highlighter'


github "younatics/Highlighter"


You can search any UIView using view.highlight(text:normal:highlight:type:) It will search subviews for the provided text and highlight them using the attributes provided.

To search all supported subview use:

view.highlight(text: "Foo", normal: normalAttributes, highlight: highlightedAttributes)

or you can limit the search to a single type using:

view.highlight(text: "Foo", normal: normalAttributes, highlight: highlightedAttributes, type: UIButton.self)


func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard let cell = self.ynSearchListViewDelegate?.ynSearchListView(tableView, cellForRowAt: indexPath) as? SearchViewCell else { return UITableViewCell() }
  if let changedText = ynSearchTextFieldText {
    cell.highlight(text: changedText, normal: nil, highlight: [NSBackgroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.yellow])
  return cell


Please tell me or make pull request if you use this library in your application :)




younatics Twitter


Highlighter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Pop implementation

    Pop implementation

    As discussed in https://github.com/younatics/Highlighter/issues/2 here is the POP implementation.

    This should be a major version change since it contains breaking changes to the syntax.

    Please give it a quick test before merging.


    opened by IanKeen 2
  • POP Implementation

    POP Implementation

    Hey, Interesting lib

    I had a quick play at a protocol oriented version if you are interested


    The biggest pro to this approach is you are able to break out the highlightable elements and use protocol extensions to provide a default highlighting implementation.

    The boilerplate for the elements that conform to Highlightable would have been reduced greatly if UITextView didn't use IUOs for its text/attributedText properties :(

    The only API change this introduces is the removal of the HighlighterType enum. Instead you just pass in the type of the item you are targeting i.e. UIButton.self for buttons or nil for everything.

    Let me know if you'd be interested in a PR

    opened by IanKeen 1
  • Out of bounds, case crash.

    Out of bounds, case crash.


    App crashed when the text of UILabel is come from network data parse.May be caused by string encoding. I simulated the scene with SwiftPlayground.

    let key = "倩"
    let text = String(data: "ζ˜Žε€©εΌ€ε§‹".data(using: .unicode)!, encoding: .unicode)!
    let ranges = text.lowercased().ranges(of: key)
    print("matchedRanges: \(ranges)")
    // matchedRanges: [Range(Swift.String.Index(_rawBits: 196608)..<Swift.String.Index(_rawBits: 393216))]
    print("originText.endIndex: \(text.endIndex)")
    // originText.endIndex: Index(_rawBits: 262144)
    print("lowercased.endIndex: \(text.lowercased().endIndex)")
    // lowercased.endIndex: Index(_rawBits: 786432)

    The upperBound of matched range is greater than the originText.endIndex.


    Remove the lowercased option before match range and use CompareOptions.caseInsensitive as the default value of ranges method.

    I am happy to submit PR if you allow it.

    opened by orangeince 0
  • NSAttributedString extension highlight function bug.

    NSAttributedString extension highlight function bug.

    There is a bug in the highlight function. It occurs when more than one range is in the input. Line 22: highlightString.append(self.containAttribute(originText: originText, bound: ranges[i], attributes: highlightAttributes))

    It takes wrong occurrence. Next, instead of needed one. For example if originText = "String string String" and searchText = "string", then result will be (omitting attributes) "string String String". In fact you can clearly see this bug in the introduction gif (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/younatics/Highlighter/master/Images/Highlighter.gif)

    opened by mgorvat 0
  • add unHighlight even for attribute text

    add unHighlight even for attribute text

    When the project use Highlighter to highlight cell, if the cell contain label using attribute string. This highlight method will make the label cache highlighted attribute string

    opened by ducnguyenenterprise 0
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