Coronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts


iOS macOS Swift



  • Live data: Shows the most recent data, and updates automatically.
  • Distribution map with two levels of details:
    • Countries: When the user zooms out. Fewer details and reduced clutter.
    • Cities: When the user zooms in. More details.
  • Charts:
    • Current state chart for all countries (and cities).
    • Timeline chart for all countries (and cities).
    • Top affected countries chart with info about every country.
    • Daily new cases shows how fast the virus is spreading in a given country.
    • Cases since the 100th case how fast the virus is spreading in different countries.
    • Option for using a logarithmic scale.
  • Search for countries & cities.
  • Share stats & charts as images.
  • Today widget for worldwide stats.
  • Red color scale: Reflects the number of confirmed cases. In addition to increasing circle size.
  • Statistics: Including the number of confirmed, recovered, and deaths, in addition to percents.
  • iPad & macOS support.

image image

How to Use

1. iOS & macOS App

Build from source code

  1. Clone/Download the repo.
  2. Open Corona.xcodeproj in Xcode.
  3. Choose the right target (iOS or macOS).
  4. Build & run!

2. macOS App

Download the latest release for macOS.

Or install via brew:

brew cask install corona-tracker


Please feel free to contribute pull requests or create issues for bugs and feature requests.


Mhd Hejazi (



  • Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE)
  • Robert Koch Institute (RKI)
  • Bundesministeriums für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz (BMSGPK)
  • Bing COVID-19 Tracker (Bing)


Data Sources



  • doesnt work on ipad

    doesnt work on ipad

    i tried to compile it for my ipad (5. Generation), but the app crashes as soon as i try to start it. i only tried it on my ipad because when i try recompiling it for my iPhone6s im getting this error msg: The maximum number of apps for free development profiles has been reached. Domain: Code: -402620383

    i only had the corona tracker on my iphone, nothing else which i compiled myself. i deleted an older version, rebooted but still the same. i dont know how to solve this. everything i found with google didnt help, any help welcome...

    thnx Helmar

    opened by helmarw 9
  • The data is not updated

    The data is not updated

    Platform: iPhone SE iOS: 10.3.2

    I just updated to the latest version today and am running into this issue on my phone. Can't update the data. Please make sure you're connected to the internet

    Of course I've checked and my phone is online and all other apps are able to connect to the internet. I also checked via Cellular, WiFi and even VPN and I always get the same error.


    opened by frakman1 9
  • Use current math to estimate infected but not reported on city level

    Use current math to estimate infected but not reported on city level

    Story: As a user, I would like to know what the estimated infected but not reported is, ideally on a city level, but even on a state level for starters would be helpful. Sources for the math can be provided if needed, but a couple inputs would be fine as well.

    opened by nateritter 9
  • Crash on app launch: Can't load 3rd party libraries

    Crash on app launch: Can't load 3rd party libraries

    Now #37 is fixed, but if I try to compile and launch the app crashes with the following error:

    dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Disk.framework/Disk
      Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/146088EE-130F-4790-B27B-021A2DE1FA89/Corona Tracker
      Reason: image not found
    opened by patricks 7
  • Type of expression is ambiguous without more context

    Type of expression is ambiguous without more context

    I'm getting multiple errors of one particular type: Type of expression is ambiguous without more context Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 4 49 56 PM Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 4 53 41 PM

    Did I miss a step? I downloaded the zip. It fetched the packages without errors when I built it.

    opened by Mozahler 6
  • Adding unit tests?

    Adding unit tests?

    Hi, I really like your project and appreciate that you're doing this! Would adding some tests to the app be beneficial? I want to help but this is my first time trying to contribute, and was wondering if this would be something I could help with. Thank you!

    opened by ejewik 6
  • Update value for change

    Update value for change

    If you have a negative value upon dividing there is a negative value included in the change. Changing this value to fabs() if the division is greater than 0 will make it a positive value by using a ternary operation.

    This pull request might address the issue. I am newer to iOS so if there is anything I can do to improve the PR, please let me know. The lines being addressed are 41 & 45.

    opened by Yonodactyl 4
  • Is dayly statistics removed or...?

    Is dayly statistics removed or...?

    In last days I haven't seen the dayly statistics under (as shown in attatched pic), is it removed or is there something else?

    Miss that information troumendssly.

    Build I use is from Master. E8E2A2E3-8215-427F-9348-64330AE7E0E6

    opened by FluffyDev2019 4
  • Xcode 11.4 doesn't compile the project

    Xcode 11.4 doesn't compile the project

    Since I have updated to Xcode 11.4 I get the following error:

    Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 12 23 01

    Any ideas how to fix this?

    It looks like the 3rd party libraries needs a fix like this one:

    opened by patricks 4
  • Fix for Issue #14 - Map Annotation Popup intermittently contains stal…

    Fix for Issue #14 - Map Annotation Popup intermittently contains stal…

    The data within detailAccessoryView would become stale in some cases. To address this, we now ensure that, if it has since been updated, the report text is set each time the detailAccessoryView is shown

    opened by Hassan-Davis 4
  • v1.7 Crash on macOS

    v1.7 Crash on macOS

    Opening v1.7 on macOS causes a crash and displays the following error:

    Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (SIGILL)
    Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
    Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY
    Termination Signal:    Illegal instruction: 4
    Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x4
    Terminating Process:   exc handler [28453]
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
    0	0x0000000101513831 0x1014bf000 + 346161
    1	0x000000010151238f 0x1014bf000 + 340879
    2              	0x00007fff31abc93b -[NSToolbar _newItemFromDelegateWithItemIdentifier:propertyListRepresentation:willBeInsertedIntoToolbar:] + 139
    3              	0x00007fff31aba970 -[NSToolbar _newItemFromItemIdentifier:propertyListRepresentation:requireImmediateLoad:willBeInsertedIntoToolbar:] + 297
    4              	0x00007fff31abc53c -[NSToolbar _loadAllPlaceholderItems] + 505
    5              	0x00007fff31abb182 -[NSToolbar _windowWillShowToolbar] + 91
    6              	0x00007fff31abb0a9 -[NSWindow _showToolbar:animate:] + 196
    7              	0x00007fff31abafd0 -[NSToolbar _show:animate:] + 35
    8              	0x00007fff31ab8eed -[NSWindow setToolbar:] + 745
    9      	0x00007fff658f8c60 -[UINSWindow setToolbar:] + 49
    10           	0x00007fff75160e6b -[UITitlebar _updateToolbar] + 42
    11           	0x00007fff75160e2e -[UITitlebar setToolbar:] + 80
    opened by Sam-Spencer 3
  • Project is crashing

    Project is crashing


    I builded the program successfully on Xcode version 12.4. It didn't gave me a fatal error, but as I runned it, it jumped to the "JHURepoDataService.swift" File under Corona/Corona/Service/JHURepoDataService.swift to Line 281 "let latitude = Double(dataRow[DataFieldOrder.latitude.rawValue]) ?? 0" and said : "Thread 3 : swift runtime failure : Index out of range" then the Programm shut itself down. Before that happened it was stuck in the "Updating" screen. It happened to me with my Mac on macOS Big Sur version 11.2.2 with an Apple M1 chip. And with my Simulated iPhone 12 Pro and any other iPhone with iOS. I don't know what to do. Any advice would be helpful.

    opened by JMeidel 0
  • Zoom-in and zoom-out

    Zoom-in and zoom-out

    Bonjour, Comment fait-on pour zoomer et dé-zoomer dans la carte de Corona Tracker, SVP ??? On peur agrandir, mais impossible de revenir en arrière. Pas pratique du tout, SVP ? Sinon, c'est Super. Cordialement, YG Hello, How do you ** zoom in and zoom out ** in the Corona Tracker map, please ??? We fear to enlarge, but impossible to go back. Not practical at all, please? Otherwise, it's great. Regards, YG

    opened by Guyves 0
  • Add the vaccination data

    Add the vaccination data


    I have installed your app with Xcode and I can say one thing: great job. Also nice with the iOS 14 custom made widget. I have now a suggestion to improve the app: the vaccination data.

    As we seen, the vaccination campaign in the world have started since the beginning of January, and now, some APIs gives the data of vaccinated people from each country.

    What do you think ? For the color, use a light blue to represent the vaccinated data.

    Hope it will be implemented soon. As a junior iOS developer, it will be very hard and very long for me to add this feature, your architecture is very complex.

    opened by Kous92 1
  • v1.7.2(Aug 7, 2020)

    Stability Improvements

    • Always show day and month in charts.
    • FIXED: Some numbers were not shown because of an issue in JHU data.
    • FIXED: Some annotations were placed in the wrong locations.
    • FIXED: Negative numbers were shown for some stats.

    2 New Translations

    • Kurdish by @rawaz4
    • Croatian by @FranicevicNikola

    And other minor UI enhancements and bug fixes.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.7.1(May 21, 2020)

    Stability Improvements

    • FIXED: Province-level data isn't shown for all countries.
    • FIXED: Time-series data is missing for Germany, Italy, and Spain.
    • FIXED: macOS app crashes for some users.

    3 New Translations

    • Ukrainian by @ValeriySoglaev
    • Albanian by @lor1x
    • Greek by @marquicodes

    And other minor UI enhancements and bug fixes.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.7(Apr 29, 2020)

    Province/State Level Data

    • Added state-level data for Germany (Contributed by @stuffmc) (Data source)
    • Added state-level data for Austria (Contributed by @patricks) (Data source)
    • Added province-level data for many other counties (Data source)
    • Show provinces in the charts when a country is selected and province data is available.

    Fullscreen Charts

    As the volume of the data increases, it becomes more difficult to read charts and interact with them. With the new chart screen, you can now see the charts fullscreen and zoom in to see the finest details.

    • Tap/click on a chart to open it in a fullscreen mode.
    • Swipe down (iOS) or press the ESC button (macOS) to dismiss.

    New Chart Options

    • Added an option to show the total deaths since the 10th death.
    • Added an option to show the active cases for the most affected countries chart.
    • Added a logarithmic scale option to all charts.

    Better macOS UI

    • Added a toolbar to the main window
    • Added menu items and keyboard shortcuts for the main actions.

    Ten New Translations

    • Dutch by @hdatteln
    • Romanian by @rhcpfan
    • Korean by @dev-yong
    • Arabic by @hussamzain
    • Norwegian Bokmål by @comradekingu
    • Indonesian by @nikotidar
    • Danish by @peme
    • Chinese, Traditional (Taiwan) by @League2EB
    • Turkish by @nesimtunc
    • Hungarian by @BrotherLouie

    And lots of improvements, bug fixes, and UI enhancements.

    A big thank you to all who have contributed or supported this project in any way. Stay safe, stay healthy!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.6(Apr 2, 2020)

    A New Chart

    The chart shows the confirmed cases by days since the 100th case for the most affected countries in addition to the selected location.

    Tip: You can tap on a country name to focus on its trendline.

    Chart Options

    You can now also see the daily new recovered and deaths by tapping on the new chart options button ( ⠇) and changing the mode. The same options are also added to the most affected countries chart.

    Improvements for macOS

    • Added a context menu to all charts and stats view that includes the chart options and a new item to copy the chart or stats image.

    • The country screen is now shown by default on macOS.

    • And the app icon has been updated to look more macOS-ish.

    Four New Translations

    • Simplified Chinese (by @erickzli)
    • Spanish (by @ejewik)
    • Japanese (by @dev-sora)
    • Polish (by @pbeo)

    And lots of improvements, bug fixes, and UI enhancements.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.5(Mar 27, 2020)

    Daily New Cases Chart

    Added a new chart for daily new cases. This is an important chart as it shows how fast the virus is spreading in a given country. Keep your eyes on it and hope for an all-blue chart soon.

    Annotation Mode

    Added Annotation Mode button (on the top right). You can now switch between Confirmed, Active, Recovered, or Deaths.

    Active cases

    Show the number of active cases in the annotation balloon.

    Quick Share

    Added a context menu for quickly sharing charts & statistics (iOS: Tap and hold to see. macOS: Click the " ⠇" button -> Share)

    Six New Translations

    • German (by @sebastianbinder)
    • Swedish (by @FluffyDev2019)
    • Portuguese (by @ppamorim)
    • Italian (by @Ale111)
    • French (by @Risengan)
    • Russian (by @wacumov)

    And More

    • Show the charts for the active date range only.
    • Show all countries in the search screen.
    • Lots of improvements, bug fixes, and UI enhancements.


    If you like the app you can help us by translating the app to your language or spreading the word. Thank you!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.4(Mar 20, 2020)

    • Added new stats for the daily growth of confirmed, recovered, and death cases.
    • Added share functionality. You can share the stats & charts now (tap ⠇ button).
    • Added an update button (tap ⠇ button).
    • Added Today Widget for iOS (Contributed by Piotr Ożóg).
    • Removed the annoying alert and show a button when an update is available.
    • Bug fixes and improvements.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.3.1(Mar 15, 2020)

  • v1.3(Mar 14, 2020)

  • v1.2.1(Mar 13, 2020)

Mhd Hejazi
Mobile App Developer & UI/UX Designer. Twitter:
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