MyWeight is a body mass tracker focused on make easy to input new data and check your weight history


Build Status


MyWeight is a body mass tracker focused on make easy to input new data and check your weight history.

Getting Started

Environment prerequisites


If yon don't have experience with Ruby we recommend rbenv:

brew install rbenv
rbenv init
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Install the Ruby version used on the project:

rbenv install `cat .ruby-version`


gem install bundler

Optional: Rakefile auto complete

Nobody likes to type 😉

Brew has a repository only for auto completions:

brew tap homebrew/completions
brew install bash-completion
brew install rake-completion

Don't forget to add to your .bash_profile:

if [ -f $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion ]; then
    . $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion

Install submodules

git submodule update --init --recursive

Configuring the environment and dependencies

rake setup

Running the tests

rake xcode:tests



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Apple Watch complication

    Apple Watch complication

    According to the WatchKit Programming Guide, Apple recommends that all Watch apps include a complication, even if that complication only acts as a button to launch the app.

    Besides that, I think a good action for the complication (at least for me 😅) would be to open the app directly in the input screen.

    feature request 
    opened by brunokoga 9
  • Adding code coverage validation to Danger

    Adding code coverage validation to Danger

    I builded a Danger plugin to validate xcode code coverage on a PR using Slather. Adding it, Danger will start notify as warning files that have less than 50% code coverage and are changed and warning builds with less than 80%.

    When we achieve this coverage we can change for fail the build in a PR.

    It's marked as WIP because I'm still working on the plugin. If you wanna take a look on it, please be welcome. Plugin Danger-Slather

    opened by BrunoMazzo 7
  • Adding tests to ListViewController

    Adding tests to ListViewController

    • Created protocol MassRepository
    • Fixing layout bug reported on #73
    • Adding layout tests

    I did not know the exact height of the add button shadow, so used 32.

    opened by BrunoMazzo 6
  • Update project to Xcode 13, iOS 15 and watchOS 8

    Update project to Xcode 13, iOS 15 and watchOS 8

    • Update project dependencies
    • Update project to run in Xcode 13
    • Update deployment target to iOS 14 and watchOS 7
    • Fix issues caused by updates
    • Update SwiftGen config
    opened by diogot 4
  • Include the possibility to edit value for entry

    Include the possibility to edit value for entry

    I don't know if it is possible, but, it would be great to have the possibility to edit an entry. So, if happens that the user added the wrong value, or re measured a saw divergence, it can fix it.

    feature request 
    opened by igorcferreira 4
  • Git submodule update failed

    Git submodule update failed

    After I have finished brew install.... I meet an error while running git submodule update --init --recursive
    Here is the ERROR output.How can I resolve it?

    Submodule 'rakelib' ( registered for path 'rakelib'
    Cloning into '/Users/weslie/Desktop/XCode/ProjectForReference/watchOS/MyWeight/rakelib'...
    Permission denied (publickey).
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.
    fatal: clone of '' into submodule path '/Users/weslie/Desktop/XCode/ProjectForReference/watchOS/MyWeight/rakelib' failed
    Failed to clone 'rakelib'. Retry scheduled
    Cloning into '/Users/weslie/Desktop/XCode/ProjectForReference/watchOS/MyWeight/rakelib'...
    Permission denied (publickey).
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.
    fatal: clone of '' into submodule path '/Users/weslie/Desktop/XCode/ProjectForReference/watchOS/MyWeight/rakelib' failed
    Failed to clone 'rakelib' a second time, aborting
    opened by iWeslie 3
  • Layout glitches

    Layout glitches


    On some states, especially after rotation of device, the layout present glitches like button size, top spacing and missing texts.


    - Device: iPhone 7+ (MN4M2B/A)
    - iOS: 10.2 (14C5062e)
    - App version: 1.0 (3)

    Detailed cases

    • New Entry View
    • [x] Weird top space on the screen to add new entry (portrait)
    • [x] New entry view title missing on landscape
    • [x] After rotation, the save button on new entry changes its side (portrait)
    • [x] After rotation, the save button disappears from the layout (landscape)
    • Entries list view
    • [x] Entry list appearing behind Add button (portrait)
    bug discussion 
    opened by igorcferreira 3
  • Adding some snapshots tests

    Adding some snapshots tests

    On this PR:

    • Fixing ruby version
    • Adding layout tests on AccessDeniedViewController and AuthorizationRequestViewController

    If these tests are OK, I can add to the other viewControllers, but then I'll need to refactor some things.

    I'm waiting for feedback to continue.

    opened by BrunoMazzo 3
  • Make Watch be an independent app

    Make Watch be an independent app

    • Update dependencies
    • Make the watch app be a proper independent app instead of an iOS extention
    • Delete dev targets (I'll add a rake to change between profiles in a next PR)
    • Update signing to be automatic for development
    • Stop using Quick in tests
    opened by diogot 2
  • SwiftUI? Maybe?

    SwiftUI? Maybe?

    Hey! Long time no see!

    I saw that you were updating the project and decided to play a little.

    I converted AddView to SwiftUI. It's just an experiment and I don't know if you like SwiftUI, so no worries about merging. I'm doing more to practice and learn more about it. Let me know what do you think.

    opened by BrunoMazzo 2
  • Graphical timeline

    Graphical timeline

    I know MyWeight aims to have the cleanest interface possible. But after adding some entries to the app, I would like to see my progress (or my lack of progress) in a nice graphical view. Currently it's hard to have a big view of your improvement, specially when you have a lot of entries.

    feature request 
    opened by brunokoga 5
  • [Feture Request] Force touch action

    [Feture Request] Force touch action

    Description Include a force touch action where the user can trigger a new entry inclusion

    Motivation The user would be able to open directly in the new entry view and perform the most common use of the app that is a daily input of data. This can also be used, on a late point, for actions from watch and/or extension

    feature request 
    opened by igorcferreira 2
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