A menu which can ... BOOM! - iOS

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Menu animation boom menu


Developer Cocoapods Lisense

2.0.0 Comes Finally

After the version 2.0.0 has been published on Android platform, I started developing the new version for BMB on iOS platform. To be honest, it's not easy for me as a newbie in iOS-developing. I learned the Swift language to provide a Swift version of BMB and added some new features which can be found in Wiki.

And now, just enjoy BMB.



target 'Your Target Name' do
  pod "VHBoomMenuButton/Swift"

Objective C

target 'Your Target Name' do
  pod "VHBoomMenuButton/ObjC"


Check the wiki to use BMB.

Documentation Chapters

  1. Basic Usage
    How to use BMB in just several lines of code?
  2. Simple Circle Button
    Add simple circle buttons with just an image for each to BMB.
  3. Text Inside Circle Button
    Add text inside circle buttons with a text and image inside for each to BMB.
  4. Text Outside Circle Button
    Add text outside circle buttons with a text outside and an image inside for each to BMB.
  5. Ham Button
    Add ham buttons with with a text, sub-text and image inside for each to BMB.
  6. Share Style
    Make a share-style BMB.
  7. Custom Position
    Customize the number and positions of pieces and boom-buttons.
  8. Button Place Alignments
    Place all the buttons to anywhere on screen.
  9. Different Ways to Boom
    Different animations when the buttons boom or re-boom.
  10. Ease Animations for Buttons
    Use different and cute ease-animations for buttons.
  11. Different Order for Buttons
    Different order enum for boom-buttons.
  12. Other Animations Attributes for Buttons
    Delay, duration, rotate-degrees, frames...
  13. Click Event and Listener
    Listener for clicking each button or animation-states.
  14. Control BMB
    Boom or re-boom BMB programmatically.
  15. Use BMB in Navigation Bar
    How to put BMB in navigation bar?
  16. Use BMB in Table View
    Attentions when you need a BMB in table-view.
  17. Attributes for BMB or Pieces on BMB
    How to change the size or margins of dots on BMB?
  18. Cache Optimization & Boom Area
    What if I want BMB to boom in just its parent-view?
  19. Change Boom Buttons Dynamically
    Change boom-buttons dynamically.
  20. Blur Background & Tip
    Blur background when booming.
  21. Fade Views
    Add faded views on BMB.
  22. Structure of BMB
  23. Version History

Issues & Feedbacks

Try to tell me the bugs or enhancements about BMB, or contact me with Nightonke@outlook.com / 2584541288@qq.com. Before doing that, having a careful read on readme, wiki and issues is really helpful.

What I'm Doing

  • VHBoomDelegate in Swift 3

    VHBoomDelegate in Swift 3

    How to properly implement VHBoomDelegate in Swift?

    I've tried override class func onBoomClicked(index: Int32) -> Void and override class func onBoomClicked(index: Int) and even with annotation @objc(onBoomClicked:) override class func onBoomClicked(index: Int)

    XCode still says "Method doesn't override any method from its superclass"

    opened by rostopira 1
  • iPhone has denied to launch app

    iPhone has denied to launch app


    I'm new at iOS development so far. For now, i'm using Xcode 10.1 on MacBook Air'13 with apple developer id and iOS 12.1 on iPhone7. App is crashing when it is launched and displays the message "iPhone has denied to launch the app."

    Previously i was using macOS High Sierra but now when I've updated to Mojave 10.14.1 and reinstalled Xcode 10.1, it's still showing the same error. Moreover, I've tried all the other solutions available on Google but nothing is worth it! Is there any way to cope with this problem?

    opened by zakria257 0
  • Not Showing in iPhone 5s iOS 12 - Auto Layout

    Not Showing in iPhone 5s iOS 12 - Auto Layout

        var bmb = VHBoomMenuButton.init(frame: CGRect.init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 60, height: 60))
        bmb.buttonEnum = .ham
        bmb.piecePlaceEnum = .HAM_5
        bmb.buttonPlaceEnum = .HAM_5
        for _ in 0..<bmb.pieceNumber() {
            let builder = VHHamButtonBuilder.init()
            builder.normalImageName = "butterfly"
            builder.normalText = "Text"
            builder.normalSubText = "Sub Text"
        I added it but its not showing. When I use "bmb.boom()" screen lock. It already is not showing anything. 
     Swift 4
    opened by oguzhanozdemir 0
  • Not working on ipad for ios 12.0

    Not working on ipad for ios 12.0

    The boommenu click functionality is not working on any ipad variation on ios 12.0 and onwards. The logs show no errors and even the menu initialization happens smoothly.

    Only the click functionality is not working hence no menu appears.

    opened by moizalii 1
  • crash issue in Xcode 10

    crash issue in Xcode 10

    I updated my Xcode9 to xcode10, My app is crashing when I tap on button.

    App is crashing here

    assert(bmb.buttonEnum != .unknown, "[BMB] Unknown button enum!") assert(bmb.piecePlaceEnum.rawValue < PiecePlaceEnum.count, "[BMB] Unknown piece-place-enum!") assert(bmb.buttonPlaceEnum.rawValue < ButtonPlaceEnum.count, "[BMB] Unknown button-place-enum!") assert(bmb.boomEnum.rawValue < BoomEnum.count, "[BMB] Unknown boom-enum!") assert(builders.count > 0, "[BMB] Empty builders!")

    opened by mouli457 5
  • Failed to render auto layout

    Failed to render auto layout

    I got this error :

    "Main.storyboard: error: IB Designables: Failed to render and update auto layout status for ProjectName (5gh-n2-sjS): dlopen(VHBoomMenuButton.framework, 1): no suitable image found..."

    Main story board always crashes when i enable vhboommenubutton, what can i do?

    opened by davidiosdeveloper 0
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