Swift based OAuth library for iOS




Swift based OAuth library for iOS and macOS.

Support OAuth1.0, OAuth2.0

Twitter, Flickr, Github, Instagram, Foursquare, Fitbit, Withings, Linkedin, Dropbox, Dribbble, Salesforce, BitBucket, GoogleDrive, Smugmug, Intuit, Zaim, Tumblr, Slack, Uber, Gitter, Facebook, Spotify, Typetalk, SoundCloud, Twitch, Reddit, etc


OAuthSwift is packaged as a Swift framework. Currently this is the simplest way to add it to your app:

  • Drag OAuthSwift.xcodeproj to your project in the Project Navigator.
  • Select your project and then your app target. Open the Build Phases panel.
  • Expand the Target Dependencies group, and add OAuthSwift framework.
  • import OAuthSwift whenever you want to use OAuthSwift.

Support Carthage

github "OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift" ~> 2.2.0
  • Run carthage update.
  • On your application targets’ “General” settings tab, in the “Embedded Binaries” section, drag and drop OAuthSwift.framework from the Carthage/Build/iOS folder on disk.

Support CocoaPods

  • Podfile
platform :ios, '10.0'

pod 'OAuthSwift', '~> 2.2.0'

Swift Package Manager Support

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MyApp",
    dependencies: [
        .package(name: "OAuthSwift",
            url: "https://github.com/OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift.git",
            .upToNextMajor(from: "2.2.0"))

Old versions

Swift 3

Use the swift3 branch, or the tag 1.1.2 on main branch

Swift 4

Use the tag 1.2.0 on main branch


Use the tag 1.4.1 on main branch

How to

Setting URL Schemes

In info tab of your target Image Replace oauth-swift by your application name

Handle URL in AppDelegate

  • On iOS implement UIApplicationDelegate method
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey  : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
  if url.host == "oauth-callback" {
    OAuthSwift.handle(url: url)
  return true
  • On iOS 13, UIKit will notify UISceneDelegate instead of UIApplicationDelegate.
  • Implement UISceneDelegate method
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) {
        guard let url = URLContexts.first?.url else {
        if url.host == "oauth-callback" {
            OAuthSwift.handle(url: url)

⚠️ Any other application may try to open a URL with your url scheme. So you can check the source application, for instance for safari controller :

if options[.sourceApplication] as? String == "com.apple.SafariViewService" {
  • On macOS you must register a handler on NSAppleEventManager for event type kAEGetURL (see demo code)
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: NSNotification) {
    NSAppleEventManager.shared().setEventHandler(self, andSelector:#selector(AppDelegate.handleGetURL(event:withReplyEvent:)), forEventClass: AEEventClass(kInternetEventClass), andEventID: AEEventID(kAEGetURL))
func handleGetURL(event: NSAppleEventDescriptor!, withReplyEvent: NSAppleEventDescriptor!) {
    if let urlString = event.paramDescriptor(forKeyword: AEKeyword(keyDirectObject))?.stringValue, let url = URL(string: urlString) {
        OAuthSwift.handle(url: url)

Authorize with OAuth1.0

// create an instance and retain it
oauthswift = OAuth1Swift(
    consumerKey:    "********",
    consumerSecret: "********",
    requestTokenUrl: "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token",
    authorizeUrl:    "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize",
    accessTokenUrl:  "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token"
// authorize
let handle = oauthswift.authorize(
    withCallbackURL: "oauth-swift://oauth-callback/twitter") { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let (credential, response, parameters)):
      // Do your request
    case .failure(let error):

OAuth1 without authorization

No urls to specify here

// create an instance and retain it
oauthswift = OAuth1Swift(
    consumerKey:    "********",
    consumerSecret: "********"
// do your HTTP request without authorize
oauthswift.client.get("https://api.example.com/foo/bar") { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let response):
    case .failure(let error):

Authorize with OAuth2.0

// create an instance and retain it
oauthswift = OAuth2Swift(
    consumerKey:    "********",
    consumerSecret: "********",
    authorizeUrl:   "https://api.instagram.com/oauth/authorize",
    responseType:   "token"
let handle = oauthswift.authorize(
    withCallbackURL: "oauth-swift://oauth-callback/instagram",
    scope: "likes+comments", state:"INSTAGRAM") { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let (credential, response, parameters)):
      // Do your request
    case .failure(let error):

Authorize with OAuth2.0 and proof key flow (PKCE)

// create an instance and retain it
oauthswift = OAuth2Swift(
    consumerKey:    "********",
    consumerSecret: "********",
    authorizeUrl: "https://server.com/oauth/authorize",
    responseType: "code"
oauthswift.accessTokenBasicAuthentification = true

guard let codeVerifier = generateCodeVerifier() else {return}
guard let codeChallenge = generateCodeChallenge(codeVerifier: codeVerifier) else {return}

let handle = oauthswift.authorize(
    withCallbackURL: "myApp://callback/",
    scope: "requestedScope", 
    codeChallenge: codeChallenge,
    codeChallengeMethod: "S256",
    codeVerifier: codeVerifier) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let (credential, response, parameters)):
      // Do your request
    case .failure(let error):

See demo for more examples

Handle authorize URL

The authorize URL allows the user to connect to a provider and give access to your application.

By default this URL is opened into the external web browser (ie. safari), but apple does not allow it for app-store iOS applications.

To change this behavior you must set an OAuthSwiftURLHandlerType, simple protocol to handle an URL

oauthswift.authorizeURLHandler = ..

For instance you can embed a web view into your application by providing a controller that displays a web view (UIWebView, WKWebView). Then this controller must implement OAuthSwiftURLHandlerType to load the URL into the web view

func handle(_ url: NSURL) {
  let req = URLRequest(URL: targetURL)

and present the view (present(viewController, performSegue(withIdentifier: , ...) You can extend OAuthWebViewController for a default implementation of view presentation and dismiss

Use the SFSafariViewController (iOS9)

A default implementation of OAuthSwiftURLHandlerType is provided using the SFSafariViewController, with automatic view dismiss.

oauthswift.authorizeURLHandler = SafariURLHandler(viewController: self, oauthSwift: oauthswift)

Of course you can create your own class or customize the controller by setting the variable SafariURLHandler#factory.

Make signed request

Just call HTTP functions of oauthswift.client

oauthswift.client.get("https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~") { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let response):
        let dataString = response.string
    case .failure(let error):
// same with request method
oauthswift.client.request("https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~", .GET,
      parameters: [:], headers: [:],
      completionHandler: { ...

See more examples in the demo application: ViewController.swift

OAuth provider pages


Image Image Image



Add a new service in demo app


OAuthSwift could be used with others frameworks

You can sign Alamofire request with OAuthSwiftAlamofire

To achieve great asynchronous code you can use one of these integration frameworks


OAuthSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

License Platform Language Cocoapod Carthage compatible Build Status

  • Uber Authentication failed

    Uber Authentication failed "HTTP Status 401: Unauthorized, Response: {"error": "invalid_client"}"

    i am using this library for Uber Authetication https://developer.uber.com/v1/auth/

    I have done like this

    func doOAuthUber(){

        let oauthswift = OAuth2Swift(
            consumerKey:    "fXfXXXXXXXUo9vtKzobXXXXXUDO",
            consumerSecret: "e5XXXXXXXq2w63qz9szEx7uXXXXXXo03W",
            authorizeUrl:   "https://login.uber.com/oauth/authorize",
            accessTokenUrl: "https://login.uber.com/oauth/token",
            responseType:   "code"
        var originalString = "jamesappv2://oauth/callback"
        var encodedCallBackUrl = originalString.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(.URLHostAllowedCharacterSet())
        println("encodedCallBackUrl: \(encodedCallBackUrl)")
        let state: String = ""
        oauthswift.authorizeWithCallbackURL( NSURL(string: encodedCallBackUrl!)!, scope: "request%20history", state: state, success: {
            credential, response in
            }, failure: {(error:NSError!) -> Void in

    but getting this response HTTP Status 401: Unauthorized, Response: {"error": "invalid_client"}

    I have triple checked that my client_id (consumerKey) and secret (consumerSecret) are correct. What I have done wrong here

    Please help

    opened by alikazim 31
  • Error in signature calculation

    Error in signature calculation

    I ccompared with that web site : http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/javascript/example/signature.html

    the signature calculated in OAuthSwiftClient, authorizationHeaderForMethod give wrong value. this imply that on some web site, upload fail. here is something I did, which works.

    hope this help. Olivier

    // convert a Dictionary, in array of string, with escaped string
    func getEscapedArrayParam(parameters: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>) -> [String] {
        // escape all oauth parameter
        var encodedParam = [String]()
        for(k, v) in parameters {
            let str = k + "=" + (v as! String)
            let escapedStr = str.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(.URLHostAllowedCharacterSet())
        // sort the result
        encodedParam.sortInPlace{ $0 < $1 }
        return encodedParam
    // do almost like stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters, but take in account more character to be changed in %xyz
    func escapeString(str: String) -> String {
        let encoding: NSStringEncoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding
        // !*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]
        let charactersToBeEscaped = ":/?&=;+!@#$()',*" as CFStringRef
        let charactersToLeaveUnescaped = "[]." as CFStringRef
        let raw: NSString = str
        let result = CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(kCFAllocatorDefault, raw, charactersToLeaveUnescaped, charactersToBeEscaped, CFStringConvertNSStringEncodingToEncoding(encoding))
        return result as String
    public func encodeParameters(method: String, url: NSURL, parameters: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>, credential: OAuthSwiftCredential) -> String {
        // algorithm used : https://dev.twitter.com/oauth/overview/creating-signatures
        // will add the oauth_signature parameter
        //define the oauth parameters
        var authorizationParameters = Dictionary<String, AnyObject>()
        authorizationParameters["oauth_version"] = OAuth.version
        authorizationParameters["oauth_consumer_key"] = credential.consumer_key
        authorizationParameters["oauth_timestamp"] = String(Int64(NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970))
        authorizationParameters["oauth_nonce"] = (NSUUID().UUIDString as NSString).substringToIndex(8)
        authorizationParameters["oauth_signature_method"] =  OAuth.signatureMethod
        // add token is it exist
        if (credential.oauth_token != ""){
            authorizationParameters["oauth_token"] = credential.oauth_token
        // add additionnal oauth (optionnal) parameters if not already existing
        // example, oauth_callback, defined when requesting the token
        for (key, value) in parameters {
            if key.hasPrefix("oauth_") {
                authorizationParameters.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
        // escape all oauth parameter
        let encodedParam = getEscapedArrayParam(authorizationParameters)
        // convert it into a string, each param separated by &
        var outputStr:String = ""
        for v in encodedParam {
            outputStr += v + "&"
        // remove last "&"
        // percent encode the oauth sorted, appened, parameters
        let percentOutput = self.escapeString(outputStr)
        // build the signature base string
        let urlPercented = self.escapeString(String(url)) //  String(url).stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(.URLHostAllowedCharacterSet())
        var signBaseString:String = method + "&" + urlPercented
        signBaseString += "&" + percentOutput
        // build the signin key
        let signingKey = self.escapeString( credential.consumer_secret) + "&" + self.escapeString(credential.oauth_token_secret)
        // Build the signature
        let sha1 = HMAC.sha1(key: signingKey.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!, message: signBaseString.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!)!
        let oauth_signature = sha1.base64EncodedStringWithOptions([])
        authorizationParameters.updateValue(self.escapeString( oauth_signature) , forKey: "oauth_signature")
        // add the signature to the parameters
        //encodedParam.append("oauth_signature=" + oauth_signature )
        //encodedParam.sortInPlace{ $0 < $1 } // not sure it is useful r not
        // create an array, with escape before =
        var headerComponents = [String]()
        for (key, value) in authorizationParameters {
        let finalUrl:String =  "OAuth " + headerComponents.joinWithSeparator(", ")
        return finalUrl
    opened by olivier38070 28
  • Instagram login issue

    Instagram login issue


    I'm trying to make Instagram login. There is my code : • Instagram Manager

    import UIKit
    import OAuthSwift
    class GFInstagramManager: NSObject {
        static let shared = GFInstagramManager()
        var oauthswift: OAuthSwift?
        func login() {
            let oauthswift = OAuth2Swift(
                consumerKey:    "****...",
                consumerSecret: "****...",
                authorizeUrl:   "https://api.instagram.com/oauth/authorize",
                responseType:   "token"
                NSURL(string: "http://oauthswift.herokuapp.com/callback/instagram")!,
                scope: "likes+comments", state:"INSTAGRAM",
                success: { credential, response, parameters in
                failure: { error in
        func testInstagram(oauthswift: OAuth2Swift) {
            let url :String = "https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/1574083/?access_token=\(oauthswift.client.credential.oauth_token)"
            let parameters :Dictionary = Dictionary<String, AnyObject>()
            oauthswift.client.get(url, parameters: parameters,
                                  success: {
                                    data, response in
                                    let jsonDict: AnyObject! = try? NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: [])
                }, failure: { error in

    • ApplicationDelegate

        func application(application: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: AnyObject) -> Bool {
            return FBSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance().application(application, openURL: url, sourceApplication: sourceApplication, annotation: annotation)
        @available(iOS 9.0, *)
        func application(app: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, options: [String : AnyObject]) -> Bool
            FBSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance().application(app, openURL: url, sourceApplication: options["UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey"] as! String, annotation: options["UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsAnnotationKey"])
            return true
    // MARK: handle callback url
    extension AppDelegate {
        func applicationHandleOpenURL(url: NSURL) {
            if (url.host == "oauth-callback") {
            } else {
                // Google provider is the only one wuth your.bundle.id url schema.

    • URL Types

    capture d ecran 2016-08-05 a 16 51 20

    Login are done, but when the login view disappear my callback pass in error with "No access_token, no code and no error provided by server"

    My Instagram URL/ call back url is "http://oauthswift.herokuapp.com/callback/instagram"... I don't know if it's the good way.. (my consumer et secret key work on our Android app)

    Anyone have idea ?

    • OS targeted (with version): 8.0
    • OAuth provider: Instagram
    • OAuthSwift version: Master 0.5.0'
    help wanted 
    opened by floriangbh 26
  • Retain Error

    Retain Error

    switch error {

            case OAuthSwiftError.tokenExpired:
                _ = self.renewAccessToken(withRefreshToken: self.client.credential.oauthRefreshToken, headers: renewHeaders ?? headers, success: { (credential, _, _) in
                    // Ommit response parameters so they don't override the original ones
                    // We have successfully renewed the access token.
                    // If provided, fire the onRenewal closure
                    if let renewalCallBack = onTokenRenewal {

    in this function when error is tokenExpired it goes into renewAccessToken function but self.client.credential.oauthRefreshToken = "".Please Help

    opened by sandeepk000 23
  • WordPress OAuth1 returns

    WordPress OAuth1 returns "No OAuth parameters supplied"


    I'm running OAuth1 against wordpress but receiving 400 error code: "No OAuth parameters supplied"

    requestError[Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=400 "HTTP Status 400: Bad Request, Response: No OAuth parameters supplied" UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://example.us/oauth1/request, NSLocalizedDescription=HTTP Status 400: Bad Request, Response: No OAuth parameters supplied, Response-Headers={
        "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" = Authorization;
        Connection = "keep-alive";
        "Content-Type" = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
        Date = "Sat, 05 Nov 2016 14:13:54 GMT";
        "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=15";
        Server = nginx;
        "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity;
    }, OAuthSwiftError.response=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x600000032320> { URL: http://example.us/oauth1/request } { status code: 400, headers {
        "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" = Authorization;
        Connection = "keep-alive";
        "Content-Type" = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
        Date = "Sat, 05 Nov 2016 14:13:54 GMT";
        "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=15";
        Server = nginx;
        "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity;
    } }, OAuthSwiftError.response.data=<4e6f204f 41757468 20706172 616d6574 65727320 73757070 6c696564>, Response-Body=No OAuth parameters supplied}]

    Here is the test functions:

    class ViewController: OAuthViewController {
        // oauth swift object (retain)
        var oauthswift: OAuthSwift?
        lazy var internalWebViewController: WebViewController = {
            let controller = WebViewController()
            controller.view = UIView(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds) // needed if no nib or not loaded from storyboard
            controller.delegate = self
            controller.viewDidLoad() // allow WebViewController to use this ViewController as parent to be presented
            return controller
    extension ViewController {
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            // init now web view handler
            let _ = internalWebViewController.webView
            self.navigationItem.title = "OAuth"
            let tableView: UITableView = UITableView(frame: self.view.bounds, style: .plain)
            tableView.delegate = self
            tableView.dataSource = self
        // MARK: Fitbit
        func doOAuthWordpress(){
            let oauthswift = OAuth1Swift(
                consumerKey:    "xxx", // Hard coded for now
                consumerSecret: "yyy", // Hard coded for now
                requestTokenUrl: "http://example.us/oauth1/request",
                authorizeUrl:    "http://example.us/oauth1/authorize",
                accessTokenUrl:  "http://example.us/oauth1/access"
            self.oauthswift = oauthswift
            oauthswift.authorizeURLHandler = getURLHandler()
            let _ = oauthswift.authorize(
                withCallbackURL: URL(string: "oauth-swift://oauth-callback/wordpress")!,
                success: { credential, response, parameters in
                    self.showTokenAlert(name: "WPTesting", credential: credential)
                failure: { error in
        // MARK: handler
        func getURLHandler() -> OAuthSwiftURLHandlerType {
            if internalWebViewController.parent == nil {
            return internalWebViewController
        func showTokenAlert(name: String?, credential: OAuthSwiftCredential) {
            var message = "oauth_token:\(credential.oauthToken)"
            if !credential.oauthTokenSecret.isEmpty {
                message += "\n\noauth_toke_secret:\(credential.oauthTokenSecret)"
            self.showAlertView(title: name ?? "Service", message: message)
        func showAlertView(title: String, message: String) {
            let alert = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.alert)
            alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Close", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler: nil))
            self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

    OAuth Provider (WordPress):

    WP REST API - OAuth 1.0a Server

    OAuth Version:

    • [x] Version 1
    • [ ] Version 2

    OS (Please fill the version) :

    • [x] iOS :
    • [ ] OSX :
    • [ ] TVOS :
    • [ ] WatchOS :

    Installation method:

    • [ ] Carthage
    • [ ] CocoaPods
    • [x] Manually

    Library version:

    • [ ] head
    • [x] v1.0.0
    • [ ] v0.6
    • [ ] other: (Please fill in the version you are using.)

    Xcode version:

    • [ ] 8.0 (Swift 3.0)

    • [ ] 8.0 (Swift 2.3)

    • [ ] 7.3.1

    • [x] other: (8.1)

    • [ ] objective c

    help wanted 
    opened by phamdacloc 23
  • XCode8 + Cocoapods 1.1.0.rc.2 + objective-c based

    XCode8 + Cocoapods 1.1.0.rc.2 + objective-c based

    Hi there,

    I'm having trouble building our project after upgrading to XCode8 and Cocoapods 1.1.0.rc.2. Our project is objective-c based and everything was working fine until today. Basically I'm seeing 76 errors in the Pod when it tries to build it.

    We are currently importing OAuthSwift using @import OAuthSwift statement. I've tried to switch that to #import "OAuthSwift-swift.h" but there issues are still there. Kind of makes sense as it isn't actually able to build the pod.

    A lot of the issues appear to be related to syntax error which leads me to believe it is something to do with Swift 3 or 2.3 updates. I'm not up on Swift yet but an example error is "Expected 'let' in conditional"

    Our Podfile.lock file shows that we are using OAuthSwift 0.6.0

    Any ideas?

    opened by ikbenben 21
  • [WIP] Compatibility with Swift 3.0 (up to Xcode 8 GM)

    [WIP] Compatibility with Swift 3.0 (up to Xcode 8 GM)

    This includes both changes suggested by Xcode's migration tool as well as manual fixing of the issues that Xcode couldn't migrate.

    Action list:

    • [ ] Double-check Int+OAuthSwift.swift
    • [ ] Code review
    • [ ] Squash commits
    • [x] Get tests to work again
    • [x] Fix test failures
    opened by nighthawk 21
  • Automatically refresh access tokens in OAuthSwiftClient

    Automatically refresh access tokens in OAuthSwiftClient


    Access tokens have an expiration date but OAuthSwift doesn't automatically refresh access tokens by default.

    This PR proposes a solution:

    • that makes OAuthSwift automatically refresh access tokens when they expire
    • which is opt-in by providing one simple convenient method
    • containing the minimum amount of changes needed to avoid to break existing apps

    Related links:

    • Issue #217
    • PR #209


    • Add a new function requestWithAutomaticAccessTokenRenewal in OAuthSwiftClient. When used, it automatically refreshes the access token if it expired and restart the query.
    • Move the implementation for renewAccessToken and requestOAuthAccessToken from OAuth2Swift to OAuthSwiftClient. The methods renewAccessToken and requestOAuthAccessToken are still available in OAuth2Swift but they simply forward the call to OAuthSwiftClient to ensure that old apps don't need to be changed.


    I developed an application, called Clatters, that needs to access various services relying on OAuth. Rather that creating my own OAuth library, I decided to use OAuthSwift as it perfectly fit my needs.

    However I believe that OAuthSwift should automatically refresh access tokens when they expire. The app itself shouldn't have to implement the logic to handle expired token.

    Clatters has been available in the iOS App Store since February 2020 and relies on the code written in this PR.


    You can call the convenient method requestWithAutomaticAccessTokenRenewal in OAuthSwiftClient with the correct parameters. If the access token expired, requestWithAutomaticAccessTokenRenewal will automatically renew the access token and retry the query. Here is an example to perform a query on Reddit:

    static func requestIdentity(client: OAuthSwiftClient) {
    		client.requestWithAutomaticAccessTokenRenewal(url: URL(string: "https://oauth.reddit.com/api/v1/me")!, method: .GET, headers: nil, contentType: nil, accessTokenBasicAuthentification: true, accessTokenUrl: "https://www.reddit.com/api/v1/access_token", onTokenRenewal: nil) { (result) in
    			switch result {
    				case .success(let response):
    					// Do something
    					debugPrint("Received \(response)")
    				case .failure:
    					// Fail nicely


    I wanted to keep the changes proposed in this PR really simple. As previously mentioned:

    • this new feature is opt-in by using a convenient method.
    • apps already using OAuthSwift shouldn't be affected and don't need to adopt the new API.
    • no code has been removed or deprecated.
    opened by Timac 17
  • Modify webview

    Modify webview

    Guys, i know this is probably a lame question, but.. How can i modify de webview ? In my app i have everyrhing under a navigation crontoller, when login in with the oauthswift , i get ro this plain blank uiviewcontroller in blank, it takes the whole screen .. I get instagram textfields and interface almost overlapoing the status bar. I would like to get that webview viewconteoller inside of my navigstion controller etc

    opened by hopye 17
  • 👥 Add contributor: phatblat

    👥 Add contributor: phatblat

    Greetings! My team has started using this fabulous library in our inner-source auth library which will be used in 6 (and probably more) of our company's public iOS apps. We are using PingFederate as our OAuth server.

    I have noticed that there are two new GitHub releases (2.1.1 & 2.1.2) that have been tagged but not yet released to CocoaPods trunk. Version 2.1.0 is the latest that shows up on CocoaPods.

    -> OAuthSwift (2.1.0)
       Swift based OAuth library for iOS and macOS.
       pod 'OAuthSwift', '~> 2.1.0'
       - Homepage: https://github.com/OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift
       - Source:   https://github.com/OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift.git
       - Versions: 2.1.0, 2.0.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.0, 1.3.0, 1.2.2, 1.2.0, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.0, 0.6.0, 0.5.2, 0.5.1, 0.5.0, 0.4.8, 0.4.6, 0.4.5, 0.4.4, 0.4.3,
       0.3.7, 0.3.6, 0.3.5, 0.3.4, 0.3.3, 0.3.2, 0.3.1, 0.3.0, 0.2.1, 0.2.0, 0.1.9, 0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0 [cocoapods repo]

    I would like to help out with publishing these and future releases to CocoaPods. I just need @phimage or @dongri to run the following command to add me as an owner of this pod.

    pod trunk add-owner OAuthSwift ben@octop.ad

    Note that all CocoaPods trunk session keys have been wiped due to a recent trunk vulnerability, so you'll probably need to authenticate again with pod trunk register.

    I have lots of experience publishing libraries to CocoaPods trunk and also publish our own 20+ internal iOS libraries to a private repo.

    ↪ pod trunk me
      - Name:     Ben Chatelain
      - Email:    ben@octop.ad
      - Since:    August 31st, 2015 19:47
      - Pods:
        - ObjectiveGit
        - libgit2
        - Nimble
        - Fetchable
        - BlueDot
        - Quick
        - RBQFetchedResultsController
        - ABFRealmMapView
        - RBQSafeRealmObject
        - SafeRealmObject
        - SwiftFetchedResultsController
        - RealmMapView
        - Outlets
        - Commandant

    I can also help out with issue triage and PR review if you would be open to adding me as a contributor on this repo.

    opened by phatblat 14
  • Set OAuthSwift pod version to 2.1.3

    Set OAuthSwift pod version to 2.1.3

    This updates OAuthSwift version in OAuthSwift.podspec to 2.1.3, assuming this is the version to be used for the upcoming release.

    OAuthSwift 2.1.2 has been already released and tagged, but since it was marked as 2.1.0 in podspec (https://github.com/OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift/blob/2.1.2/OAuthSwift.podspec) it can not now be used with CocoaPods. This can't be resolved without altering the tag, but, going forward, this commit ensures that upcoming 2.1.3 is going to have the right version in the OAuthSwift.podspec file and can be then published on CocoaPods.

    Relates to issue: https://github.com/OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift/issues/615

    opened by vgritsenko 13
  • Call to /request_token after canceling a request fails with HTTP 401 because oauth_token is already set.

    Call to /request_token after canceling a request fails with HTTP 401 because oauth_token is already set.


    Call to /request_token after canceling a request fails with an HTTP error 401 because credential.oauth_token is already set and is passed to the headers parameters. I am trying to verify that we can correctly cancel a login attempt to Garmin made with our view controller that implements OAuthWebViewController. We are canceling the login attempt like this:

    var service: OAuthSwift?
    private func cancelFlow() {

    But if we try to call service.authorize again, the call fails without opening our custom OAuthWebViewController with a 401 unauthorized error, and the difference is that in the second call the oauth_token parameter is set.

    Are we canceling the request the wrong way? Is Garmin supposed to check oauth_token? Is oauth_token supposed to be still set after canceling a request?

    OAuth Provider? (Twitter, Github, ..):


    OAuth Version:

    • [X] Version 1
    • [ ] Version 2

    OS (Please fill the version) :

    • [x] iOS :
    • [ ] OSX :
    • [ ] TVOS :
    • [ ] WatchOS :

    Installation method:

    • [ ] Carthage
    • [ ] CocoaPods
    • [X] Swift Package Manager
    • [ ] Manually

    Library version:

    • [ ] head
    • [X] v2.2.0
    • [ ] v2.0.0
    • [ ] v1.4.1
    • [ ] other: (Please fill in the version you are using.)

    Xcode version:

    • [ ] 11.4 (Swift 5.2)
    • [ ] 11.x (Swift 5.1)
    • [ ] 10.x (Swift 5.0)
    • [X] other: 14.1 but irrelevant
    opened by mcontin 0
  • Swift Concurrency

    Swift Concurrency



    Any plan for adopting Swift Concurrency?

    OAuth Provider? (Twitter, Github, ..):

    OAuth Version:

    • [ ] Version 1
    • [ ] Version 2

    OS (Please fill the version) :

    • [x] iOS :
    • [ ] OSX :
    • [ ] TVOS :
    • [ ] WatchOS :

    Installation method:

    • [ ] Carthage
    • [ ] CocoaPods
    • [ ] Swift Package Manager
    • [ ] Manually

    Library version:

    • [ ] head
    • [ ] v2.1.0
    • [ ] v2.0.0
    • [ ] v1.4.1
    • [ ] other: (Please fill in the version you are using.)

    Xcode version:

    • [ ] 11.4 (Swift 5.2)

    • [ ] 11.x (Swift 5.1)

    • [ ] 10.x (Swift 5.0)

    • [ ] other: (Please fill in the version you are using.)

    • [ ] objective c

    opened by slizeray 1
  • Canceling Apple ID isn't handled

    Canceling Apple ID isn't handled


    This one is a little difficult to explain, so bear with me.

    We use Azure B2C to handle authentication and OAuthSwift to handle that communication. Everything works great and has for quite some time.

    Recently, we updated our B2C configuration to use Apple ID for some customers. However, instead of redirecting to a web site that allows the user to enter username/password, iOS brings up a specialized / native Apple ID view. This works great if the user successfully authenticates.

    However, if the user cancels out of that process, then OAuthSwift never gets the memo and will basically hang forever since it never got a notification that the Auth flow was canceled.

    I spent a long time trying to hook the Apple ID cancel message, but couldn't figure out how to do it. You can detect that the scene has resigned active but that isn't enough information to meaningfully act upon because other actions (like an incoming phone call or more importantly FaceID to access stored passwords) will also generate that scenario.

    This issue is described in this stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70130072/cannot-detect-if-user-pressed-cancel-button-on-wkwebview-sign-in-with-apple-pop

    I have no idea what to try next - it seems to me that OAuthSwift should be able to detect the user cancelling out of the Apple ID auth just like it does when the user cancel's out of any IDP shown in the browser window.

    This is what the native Apple ID screen looks like on an iPad: image

    OAuth Provider? (Twitter, Github, ..):

    Azure / Apple ID

    OAuth Version:

    • [ ] Version 1
    • [x] Version 2

    OS (Please fill the version) :

    • [x] iOS :
    • [ ] OSX :
    • [ ] TVOS :
    • [ ] WatchOS :

    Installation method:

    • [ ] Carthage
    • [x] CocoaPods
    • [ ] Swift Package Manager
    • [ ] Manually

    Library version:

    • [ ] head
    • [ ] v2.1.0
    • [ ] v2.0.0
    • [ ] v1.4.1
    • [x] other: (v2.2.0)

    Xcode version:

    • [ ] 11.4 (Swift 5.2)
    • [ ] 11.x (Swift 5.1)
    • [ ] 10.x (Swift 5.0)
    • [x] other: (13.4.1)
    • [ ] objective c
    opened by richardpineo 0
  • Improvements to `requestWithAutomaticAccessTokenRenewal`

    Improvements to `requestWithAutomaticAccessTokenRenewal`

    This fixes error handling, and makes a couple of improvements to implementation of the requestWithAutomaticAccessTokenRenewal function:

    • Pass all error responses as-is, and look only for the tokenExpired;
    • Treat onTokenRenewal parameter as truly optional - perform the token renewal even if onTokenRenewal is nil;
    • Do not keep a strong reference to self in the completion block for renewAccessToken call.

    The main issue I had was that requestWithAutomaticAccessTokenRenewal would swallow all errors and convert them to the empty tokenExpired errors, preventing any possibility of implementing custom error handling logic on the client side:

    completion(.failure(.tokenExpired(error: nil)))
    opened by vgritsenko 0
  • Twitch Dev URL Scheme Issue

    Twitch Dev URL Scheme Issue


    I want to use the twitch login option but I can't add a URL scheme on the Twitch Dev portal. So, how can I get data without CallbackURL?


    OAuth Provider? (Twitter, Github, ..):


    OAuth Version:

    • [ ] Version 1
    • [x] Version 2

    OS (Please fill the version) :

    • [x] iOS :
    • [ ] OSX :
    • [ ] TVOS :
    • [ ] WatchOS :

    Installation method:

    • [ ] Carthage
    • [x] CocoaPods
    • [ ] Swift Package Manager
    • [ ] Manually

    Library version:

    • [ ] head
    • [x] v2.1.0
    • [ ] v2.0.0
    • [ ] v1.4.1
    • [ ] other: (Please fill in the version you are using.)

    Xcode version:

    • [ ] 11.4 (Swift 5.2)
    • [ ] 11.x (Swift 5.1)
    • [ ] 10.x (Swift 5.0)
    • [x] other: (Please fill in the version you are using.) 13.2.1
    • [ ] objective c
    opened by halilyuce 2
  • 2.2.0(May 20, 2021)

    ✨ Features

    • Automatically refresh access tokens in OAuthSwiftClient (#596) @Timac
    • Add logging mechanism (#586) @svoip
    • Add Reddit service to OAuthSwift demo (#641) @nnbrandon

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Fix Mac catalyst compilation (#658) @phimage
    • 🐛 Encode signature parameters when using PLAINTEXT format (#657) @phatblat
    • optionally change authorize url param names (#655) @daironmichel
    • 🐛 Add colon after scheme in error redirect URL (#654) @phatblat
      • Fixes #653
    • 🚨 Fix warning (#650) @phatblat
    • Code verifier & code challenge generator for working with PKCE (#647) @MrWoWander
    • Restore lint-ability to OAuthSwift Podspec cocoapod (#643) @macbellingrath
    • Conditionally omit consumer secret when refreshing token (Issue #625) bug (#633) @paullalonde
    • Fix the signature format for PLAINTEXT (#623) @chrishannah
    • Calling Convenience initialiser when subclassing OAuth2Swift fails from xcode 11.4 onwards (#617) @jlynch1
      • Fixes #613
    • Fix for compiling Mac Framework (#612) @tevendale
    • Fix broken build when compiling for Mac Catalyst (#605) @Timac
    • Fix a warning due to a string interpolation with an optional value (#602) @Timac
    • handle SFAuthenticationSession/ASWebAuthenticationSession canceledLogin errors (#599) @eastsss
    • Remove redundant package snippet in README.md (#593) @MaxDesiatov
    • adding instructions on how to use with Swift Package Manager (#587) @thomasburguiere
    • Remove redundant URL initializer call from README (#583) @MaxDesiatov
    • Remove unnecessary parens in README.md (#582) @MaxDesiatov

    🎲 Misc

    • 🔖 Release 2.2.0 (#659) @phatblat
    • Set OAuthSwift pod version to 2.1.3 (#620) @vgritsenko
      • Addresses #656
    • Update travis osx_image (#651) @phimage
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.1.2(May 2, 2020)

  • 2.1.0(Nov 1, 2019)

    • Support of macCatalyst, add ASWebAuthenticationURLHandler @nrivard
    • Fix some deprecation warnings

    demo app

    • add twitch to demo app @coolioxlr
    • add ASWebAuthenticationURLHandler to demo app
    • demo app tested with macCatalyst
    • better with dark mode
    • use WKWebView instead of deprecated UIWebView
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.1(Nov 1, 2019)

  • 2.0.0(Jun 10, 2019)

    Big breaking change on callback closure!

    Result type is now used to merge the success and failure closure into one.

    oauthswift.authorize(..) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let (credential, response, parameters)):
          // do something
        case .failure(let error):
          // do something
    oauthswift.client.get(...) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let response):
            // do something
        case .failure(let error):
            // do something

    You can use the previous version 1.4.x if you do not want to upgrade your code

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.4.1(Jun 10, 2019)

    Revert change for #522

    • no need to retain authorizeURLHandler
    • but to break memory cycle you can call .weak() on your OAuthSwiftURLHandlerType
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.4.0(Jun 10, 2019)

    swift 5 @alex-taffe Add Safari views for iOS 11+ @SMillerDev

    Fix #492 : option useRFC3986ToEncodeToken on OAutSwift1 Fix #509 : change on error domain, no more use of URLErrorDomain Fix #522 : now authorizeURLHandler attribute are "weak" to break cycle -> you must retain your object elsewhere to not be deallocated

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.2(Jun 4, 2017)


    • add encodeCallbackURL to oauth 2 to URL encore callback URL. Seems to be needed for some services issue #339, pr #325
    • in SafariURLHandler presentViewControllerAnimated variable added by @felipeflorencio
    • Optionally add callback URL to authorize URL using addCallbackURLToAuthorizeURL field of OAuth1Swift , as requested by PR #373
    • add NounProject and Digu to demo app


    • swift 3.1 warning @patricks @hiragram
    • restore OAuth1Swift init without URL parameters @josephquigley
    • Allow changing grand type of device token authorisation Fix #377
    • Add parameters parameter to renewAccessToken @wesley-dynamicowl


    • Do not send oauth_verifier query parameter if not necessary ie. if allowMissingOAuthVerifier=true, Fix #334
    • Fix a crash when encoding credentials in a test target @eunikolsky
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.1(Feb 26, 2017)


    • Now success Handler return a OAuthSwiftResponse, which contains the Data, the HTTPURLResponse and URLRequest
      • On this object you can get decoded json object, string value, ...
      • You can extends OAuthSwiftResponse to use some JSON decoded like SwiftyJSON or any object mapper
    • If there is some problem to encode URL with OAuth2, "handle" is not returned (request is cancelled)


    • OAuthSwiftError implement CustomNSError protocol
    • Ability to specify body data for POST request
    • Add wordpress in demo


    • Fix multipart request with some parameter #287 @ktakayama
    • Fix OAuthSwiftCredential.Version init(:) error @bzmario
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Nov 5, 2016)

    In success handler/closure an OAuthSwiftResponse object is now returned instead of multiple objects (data and http response)

    oauthswift.client.get("an url",
          success: { response in
               let data = response.data // response.string for utf8 decoded string from data

    You can extends OAuthSwiftResponse to return a decoded object by reading JSON for instance

    You can also get the URLRequest send to the server into this OAuthSwiftResponse object

    Backward compatibility with Objective C work with prefixed objc_ functions

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Oct 6, 2016)

    Update to swift 3

    • functions renamed (ex: authorizeWithCallbackURL( -> authorize(withCallbackURL:)
    • error in callback is typed OAuthSwiftError
    • variable with _ renamed (ex: oauthSwift.client.credential.oauth_token-> oauthSwift.client.credential.oauthToken)
    • add some type alias (ex: OAuthSwift.Headers , OAuthSwift.Parameters)
    • ...

    Take a look to also updated project OAuthSwiftAlamofire if you want to use Alamofire to make request

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.6.0(Jul 28, 2016)

    • See Milestone for bug fix
    • many change from @FGoessler PR #219
      • fix memory leak
      • allow to cancel request
      • ..
    • Fix and customisation on provided web view controller presentation and dismissal
    • Demo app have now a form to choose url handler and fill key and secret
    • add SoundCloud to OAuthSwiftDemo @satoshin2071

    :warning: If you update and use SafariURLHandler, you will have a compilation issue: SafariURLHandlerinit now take an OAuthSwiftobject as parameter

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.2(Apr 6, 2016)


    • on oauth1 signature (@danielbmarques)
    • use of oauthswift into app extension
    • request that start with &


    • swift 2.2 warnings (@lyptt)
    • allow to refresh token for oauth2 (@fabiomassimo )
    • add an enum OAuthSwiftErrorCode (@fabiomassimo )
    • added a method to OAuthSwiftClient to perform requests via NSURLRequest objects (@FGoessler)
    • allow to cancel OAuthSwiftHTTPRequest (@FGoessler)


    • added to demo Goodreads, Typetalk, Buffer, Trello
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.1(Feb 23, 2016)


    • fix fatal error if no access_token_url defined but needed
    • do not silently do nothing if failed to create authorize url
    • encode authorize url (fix scope with space)
    • remove percent encoding from oauth_token


    • Add method removeCallbackNotificationObserver to release the observer (which wait on callback url called by website provider)
    • Add "Response-Body" when request failed (@lyptt)
    • oauth_verifier now public (@itchingpixels)
    • Add 'state' check when receiving code #182
    • Allow to send oauth parameter in URL instead of header (Withings, @jdrevet)


    • add to demo 500px, hatena
    • document and use in demo iOS9 UIApplicationDelegate new method to handle url
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.0(Dec 27, 2015)


    • JSON parsing to get access token when there is one parameter with only number
    • Presentation of OAuthWebViewController by choosing the good parent view controller, not only the root one


    • Add parameters to OAuth1 callback #81(@quangbuule #152)
    • Add WatchOS support #135 (as proof of concept, you must do find a way to handle authorisation URL, maybe open on iOS)
    • Allow to change dispatch queue used by HTTP request (default: main queue)
    • Factorise code between OAuth1Swift & OAuthSwift2 :

    After updating you must edit your code:

    • For OAuth1 you must change the callback credential, response in by credential, response, parameters in or credential, response, _ in
    • :warning: response into callback could now be nil
    • OAuth1Swift.handleOpenURL(url:) & OAuth2Swift.handleOpenURL(url:) are replaced by OAuthSwift.handleOpenURL(url:)

    If you don't want to edit your code, do not update OAuthSwift. You can with carthage and cocoapod for instance use "~> 0.4.8"

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.8(Nov 30, 2015)


    • Add TVOS support (as proof of concept, webview not allowed on TVOS)
    • Add SafariURLHandler to handle URL into a SFSafariViewController (iOS9)
    • Add Gitter & Facebook service into demo


    • initialisation from stored token by setting OAuth version at object init
    • #129 Allow to use in application extension
    • #142 error on signature if url contains query parameters (@pculligan)
    • #140 some errors if service return no data or no token (@pculligan, @srna, @mikeMTOL)
    • #139 header with basic password (for instance for FitBit OAuth2)
    • #80 allow to specify header to POST Json data and fix OAuth1 signature
    • No OAuth2 Authorization header if no token (#151 @gufo)


    • Add unit tests
    • Add contributing guide
    • Merge OSX and iOS demo code
    • Change the way to configure demo app consumer key and secret Demo-application
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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