A simple OAuth library for iOS with a built-in set of providers


Travis Status CocoaPods compatible Carthage compatible

SwiftyOAuth is a small OAuth library with a built-in set of providers and a nice API to add your owns.

let instagram: Provider = .instagram(clientID: "***", redirectURL: "foo://callback")

instagram.authorize { result in
    print(result) // success(Token(accessToken: "abc123"))





Step 1: Create a provider

Initialize a provider with the custom URL scheme that you defined:

// Provider using the server-side (explicit) flow

let provider = Provider(
    clientID:     "***",
    clientSecret: "***",
    authorizeURL: "https://example.com/authorize",
    tokenURL:     "https://example.com/authorize/token",
    redirectURL:  "foo://callback"

// Provider using the client-side (implicit) flow

let provider = Provider(
    clientID:     "***",
    authorizeURL: "https://example.com/authorize",
    redirectURL:  "foo://callback"

// Provider using the client-credentials flow

let provider = Provider(
    clientID:     "***",
    clientSecret: "***"

Alternatively, you can use one of the built-in providers:

let github = .gitHub(
    clientID:     "***",
    clientSecret: "***",
    redirectURL:  "foo://callback"

Optionally set the state and scopes properties:

github.state  = "asdfjkl;" // An random string used to protect against CSRF attacks.
github.scopes = ["user", "repo"]

Use a WKWebView if the provider doesn't support custom URL schemes as redirect URLs.

let provider = Provider(
    clientID:     "***",
    clientSecret: "***",
    authorizeURL: "https://example.com/authorize",
    tokenURL:     "https://example.com/authorize/token",
    redirectURL:  "https://an-arbitrary-redirect-url/redirect"

provider.useWebView = true

Define additional parameters for the authorization request or the token request with additionalAuthRequestParams and additionalTokenRequestParams respectively:

github.additionalAuthRequestParams["allow_signup"] = "false"
Step 2: Handle the incoming requests

Handle the incoming requests in your AppDelegate:

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    github.handleURL(url, options: options)

    return true
Step 3: Ask for authorization

Finally, ask for authorization. SwiftyOAuth will either present a SFSafariViewController (iOS 9) or open mobile safari.

github.authorize { (result: Result<Token, Error>) -> Void in
    switch result {
    case .success(let token): print(token)
    case .failure(let error): print(error)

If the provider provides an expirable token, you may want to refresh it.

let uber: Provider = .uber(
    clientID: "***",
    clientSecret: "***",
    redirectURL: "foo://callback/uber"

// uber.token!.isExpired => true

uber.refreshToken { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let token): print(token)
    case .failure(let error): print(error)



The access_token, token_type, scopes, and informations related to the expiration are available as Token properties:

token.accessToken // abc123
token.tokenType   // .Bearer
token.scopes      // ["user", "repo"]

token.expiresIn // 123
token.isExpired // false
token.isValid   // true

Additionally, you can access all the token data via the dictionary property:

token.dictionary // ["access_token": "abc123", "token_type": "bearer", "scope": "user repo"]

Token Store

Every Token is stored and retrieved through an object that conforms to the TokenStore protocol.

The library currently supports following TokenStores:

provider.tokenStore = Keychain.shared

Keychain: Before you use thisTokenStore, make sure you turn on the Keychain Sharing capability.

provider.tokenStore = UserDefault.standard

UserDefaults: the default TokenStore. Information are saved locally and, if properly initialized, to your App Group.

provider.tokenStore = NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.default

NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore: the information are saved in the iCloud Key Value Store. Before you use this TokenStore make sure your project has been properly configured as described here.



Error is a enum that conforms to the ErrorType protocol.

  • cancel The user cancelled the authorization process by closing the web browser window.

  • applicationSuspended The OAuth application you set up has been suspended.

  • redirectURIMismatch The provided redirectURL that doesn't match what you've registered with your application.

  • accessDenied The user rejects access to your application.

  • invalidClient The clientID and or clientSecret you passed are incorrect.

  • invalidGrant The verification code you passed is incorrect, expired, or doesn't match what you received in the first request for authorization.

  • other The application emitted a response in the form of {"error": "xxx", "error_description": "yyy"} but SwiftyOAuth doesn't have a enum for it. The data is available in the associated values.

  • unknown The application emitted a response that is neither in the form of a success one ({"access_token": "xxx"...}) nor in the form of a failure one ({"error": "xxx"...}). The data is available in the associated value.

  • nsError An error triggered when making network requests or parsing JSON. The data is available in the associated value.



Check the wiki for more informations!



Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate SwiftyOAuth into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "delba/SwiftyOAuth" >= 1.1


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate SwiftyOAuth into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:


pod 'SwiftyOAuth', '~> 1.1'


Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Damien (http://delba.io)

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Authentication with Google: not matching redirect URL

    Authentication with Google: not matching redirect URL

    I was trying to perform a login with Google Service.

    Hereby the executed code

    let provider = Provider.Google(clientID: "$(the_client_id)", clientSecret: "$(the_client_secret)", redirectURL: "$(bundle_identifier):/urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob")
    provider.scopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly"]
    provider.authorize(self) { (result) in
        switch result {
        case .Success(let token):
        case .Failure(let error):

    When the authorisation is granted in the Safari View Controller the redirect URL gets triggered with following format:


    This cause an issue for when the library checks if the redirect URL use during the initialisation of the Provider matches the received redirect URL from the AppDelegate.

    I've tried other combination of redirect URL but that's the redirect URL format that the Google guide advocates.

    Did anyone experienced this when trying the built in Google Provider?

    I think an easy fix would be to match the retrieved URL by removing the GET parameter from the URL but before open a new PR I'd like to receive some feedback about this.

    opened by fabiomassimo 34
  • Multi platform support

    Multi platform support

    The OAuth Authentication process nowadays can be triggered from many devices equipped with different os: watch OS, iOS, tvOS.

    Unfortunately, not all of this operating system can rely on a safe way to implement the OAuth 2.0 authentication flow:

    • tvOS does not support SafariServices or Webkit.
    • watchOS does not support SafariServices or Webkit.
    • Today extension can not present webpages.

    My idea to address this issue would be to implement for SwiftyOAuth following goals:

    • [ ] Make the library use app extension API only.
    • [ ] Add support for multiple platform: iOS, watchOS, tvOS.
    • [ ] Improve -authorize method depending on current platform and capabilities.

    What do you think?

    opened by fabiomassimo 10
  • Issue in following the README for handling incoming requests in the AppDelegate

    Issue in following the README for handling incoming requests in the AppDelegate

    From the docs:

    Step 2: Handle the incoming requests
    Handle the incoming requests in your AppDelegate:
    func application(app: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, options: [String : AnyObject]) -> Bool {
        github.handleURL(url, options: options)
        return true

    Unfortunately, while I was following the README, I found out that that the delegate method signature is slightly different:

    func application(application: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: AnyObject) -> Bool

    This causes an inconsistency with the designated method to handle an URL from the Provider.

         Handles the incoming URL.
         - parameter URL:     The incoming URL to handle.
         - parameter options: A dictionary of launch options.
        public func handleURL(URL: NSURL, options: [String : AnyObject])

    I think it should be rewritten in something like:

    public func handleURL(URL: NSURL, sourceApplication: String?) 

    Such that the Step 2 from the README would look like:

    func application(application: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: AnyObject) -> Bool {
        github.handleURL(url, sourceApplication: sourceApplication)
        return true
    opened by fabiomassimo 7
  • Instagram does not supply token_type and the flow breaks

    Instagram does not supply token_type and the flow breaks

    In Token.swift, this init makes the all 3 parameters mandatory:

            guard let
                accessToken = json["access_token"] as? String,
                tokenType = json["token_type"] as? String,
                scope = json["scope"] as? String
            else { return nil }

    However, Instagram only returns access_token

        "access_token": "2342264381.bc3c943.6086017a221b427a997e4928f0ea197b",
        "user": {

    What do you think about this:

        internal init?(json: JSON) {
            guard let
                accessToken = json["access_token"] as? String
            else { return nil }
            self.accessToken = accessToken
            self.tokenType = json["token_type"] as? String ?? ""
            self.scope = json["scope"] as? String ?? ""
            self.dictionary = json
    opened by radianttap 7
  • Authenticate NSURLRequest

    Authenticate NSURLRequest


    Authenticate NSURLRequest as specified by OAuth 2.0 guidelines for token type Bearer.

    The Provider exposes a convenience method that, in case the available token is expired, refreshes the token and then uses it to authenticate any NSURLRequest.


    This feature give to the client an easy way to integrate a valid access token, retrieved via OAuth 2.0, in any NSURLRequest that the client might have created beforehand.


    To improve test cases accuracy I needed to add a dependency for the test target: OHTTPStubs.

    I found the best way to do it via Carthage. To get started run the shell script in the bin folder.

    opened by fabiomassimo 5
  • Created `TokenStore` protocol for storing `Token` type

    Created `TokenStore` protocol for storing `Token` type


    Abstracted the logic for storing and retrieving a Token to a protocol, such that any object that conforms to it can be used to store and retrieve a Token type.


    By abstracting the implementation of the logic responsible to store/retrieve an object to a protocol, the user's of the library can provide his own [..]TokenStore that better fits his needs.

    i.e.: this feature made possible to support iCloud Key Value Store very easily by gaining the opportunity to store a Token in the iCloud Key Value Store Container.


    As proof of concept I've implemented this protocol to support NSUserDefaults and NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.

    opened by fabiomassimo 5
  • Swift 3.0

    Swift 3.0


    Implementation for #13

    • [x] Add new grant type: http://oauth.net/grant_type/device/1.0
    • [x] Handle new error cases: "authorisation_pending" , "slow_down", "code_expired"
    • [x] Extend the Provider with support to request an access token with new grant type.
    opened by fabiomassimo 4
  • Topic token dictionary

    Topic token dictionary

    When storing the existing Token, it already has proper created_at value. When restoring back using init(dictionary:) that original value should not be over-written.

    opened by radianttap 3
  • Keychain token store

    Keychain token store

    As requested, keychain support should not be based on third-party libraries, but uses a small wrapper found at https://gist.github.com/jackreichert/414623731241c95f0e20

    Hint: func setToken() should return a Bool value, but has to be changed at protocol level (TokenStore).

    opened by johannwilfling 3
  • Improved feature for `Error` enum struct

    Improved feature for `Error` enum struct


    Improved initialisation and features provided by the Error enum struct in order to provide a better error handling in the library


    Currently there are few places in the code marked with a TODO about a better error handling. I hope this will help.

    opened by fabiomassimo 3
  • How to resolve view is not in window hierarchy error?

    How to resolve view is not in window hierarchy error?

    Attempt to present <SFSafariViewController: 0x7fc7ba018400> on <MyOauth.ViewController: 0x7fc7b860b070> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!

    opened by udayathreya 1
  • Topic self signed

    Topic self signed

    I hate to re-invent hot water so I picked up the Server Trust handling from Alamofire.

    Added Extension to URLSession to pick up current serverTrustPolicy from HTTPConfig struct, which is public and can be set from any other module.

    opened by radianttap 2
  • Support OAuth 2.0 Device Flow

    Support OAuth 2.0 Device Flow

    Device flow's goal is to implement OAuth 2.0 authorisation flow on devices with limited capabilities (i.e. no WebKit).

    In my overview to support this:

    • [ ] Add new grant type: http://oauth.net/grant_type/device/1.0
    • [ ] Handle new error cases: "authorisation_pending" , "slow_down", "code_expired"
    • [ ] Extend the Provider with support to request an access token with new grant type.
    opened by fabiomassimo 12
  • v0.3(May 26, 2016)

    Refresh the tokens:

    provider.refreshToken { result in
        // ...

    Check if a token is valid:

    if let token = provider.token {

    Optionally set the scopes:

    provider.scopes = ["some", "scope", "here"]

    Optionally set the additional parameters for the authorization/token requests:


    A new wiki 😃

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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