The Ultimate JSON Serialization for Swift.


PPJSONSerialization 中文介绍


There's a library, he make everything easier, faster, and safer.

It's a library, which handles all JSON operation in one class.

As we known, the JSON result always or sometimes make our app crash, because we don't even know that JSON data is completely correct. And we have Swift now! Swift is completely strong type and type safe. So, why should we still using Objective-C and Other JSON library?


Easy Startup

  • Just add PPJSONSerialization.swift to project (I'm not planning to publish it to CocoaPods, it's a tiny library.)

  • Create your own class and subclass PPJSONSerialization

class Artist: PPJSONSerialization {
  var name: String?
  var height: Double = 0.0
  • Fetch data from network and create an instance of your own class
let mockString = "{\"name\": \"Pony Cui\", \"height\": 164.0}"
let artistData = Artist(JSONString: mockString)
  • Now, you can use it briefly
if let artistData = Artist(JSONString: mockString) {


Type transfer

Remember we set height as Double in Artist Classes?

If the JSON type is in-correct, the most library will discard the result, or gives you an error message.

But PPJSONSerialization will try to convert it to Double

For example

let mockString = "{\"name\": \"Pony Cui\", \"height\": \"164.0\"}" //height is a string value
if let artistData = Artist(JSONString: mockString) {
  print(artistData.height) // Now it convert to Double, print 164.0

Type transfer now applys on string, double, int, bool

Optional value (Not stable)

The best feature in Swift is optional, PPJSONSerialization also support it.

class Artist: PPJSONSerialization {
  var name: String? // We define it as an optional value
  var height: Double = 0.0

let mockString = "{\"height\": \"164.0\"}"

if let artistData = Artist(JSONString: mockString) {
    if let name = {
        print(name) // code will not execute, because the mockString doesn't contains name column.

Null crash or Invalid JSON

Never worry about that, the failable init will gives you the opportunity deal with that. Null value will never never never set to instance.

Array Generic support

The swift array always request a generic type define, you can't store another type in it. But JSON can! That's not an easy working while we using Objective-C.

PPJSONSerialization will handle this.

For example, you define a property friends, all its member is String value.

class Artist: PPJSONSerialization {
    var name: String?
    var height: Double = 0.0
    var friends = [String]()

Just use it as below, note that we have 3 invalid types, but PPJSONSerialization will convert it.

let mockString = "{\"friends\": [\"Jack\", \"Leros\", \"Max\", \"LGY\", 1, 2, 3]}"

if let artistData = Artist(JSONString: mockString) {
    for friend in artistData.friends {


Dictionary Generic support

The dictionary generic is also support as Array. But I strongly recommend you use Sub-Struct to deal with Dictionary.

class Artist: PPJSONSerialization {
    var name: String?
    var height: Double = 0.0
    var friendsHeight = [String: Double]() // now we change it as dictionary

let mockString = "{\"friendsHeight\": {\"Jack\": 170, \"Leros\": 180, \"Max\": 168, \"LGY\": 177}}"

if let artistData = Artist(JSONString: mockString) {
    for (friend, height) in artistData.friendsHeight {
        print("\(friend), height:\(height)")

Leros, height:180.0
Max, height:168.0
LGY, height:177.0
Jack, height:170.0

Custom Type (Sub-Struct)

There's a really common situation is a dictionary contains another dictionary, you can use Dictionary Generic handle this, right? But, if you eager the model much easier to manage, or much pettier. Custom Type is really important for you.

Note: Custom Type can use in Dictionary/Array/Property either.

class Artist: PPJSONSerialization {
    var name: String?
    var height: Double = 0.0
    var friends = [ArtistFriend]()

// The Sub-Struct either subclasses PPJSONSerialization
class ArtistFriend: PPJSONSerialization {
    var name: String?
    var height: Double = 0.0

let mockString = "{\"friends\": [{\"name\": \"Jack\", \"height\": \"177.0\"}, {\"name\": \"Max\", \"height\": \"188.0\"}]}"

if let artistData = Artist(JSONString: mockString) {
    for friend in artistData.friends {
        print("\(, height:\(friend.height)")

Optional("Jack"), height:177.0
Optional("Max"), height:188.0


If you eager to control type transferring. Follow PPCoding protocol.

For example, we eager to transfer an timestamp(Int) to NSDate, that's a common requirement.

class CodeingStruct: PPJSONSerialization {
    var codeingDate: NSDate = NSDate() // Define a property as common, optional or non-optional available either.

extension NSDate: PPCoding {

    func encodeAsPPObject() -> AnyObject? {
        return timeIntervalSince1970

    func decodeWithPPObject(PPObject: AnyObject) -> AnyObject? {
        if let timestamp = PPObject as? NSTimeInterval {
            return NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: timestamp) // And now we extent NSDate
        return nil


let codingDateJSON = "{\"codeingDate\":1444885037}"

if let test = CodeingStruct(JSONString: codingDateJSON) {
    XCTAssert(test.codeingDate.description == "2015-10-15 04:57:17 +0000", "Pass")
  • PPCoding also support serialize operation.
  • Optional value is not available for serialize.

Array JSON

If the JSON is an array base struct. You should subclass PPJSONArraySerialization, and define a property root with generic type.

class ArrayStruct: PPJSONArraySerialization {
    var root = [Int]()

let arrayJSON = "[1,0,2,4]"
if let arrayObject = ArrayStruct(JSONString: arrayJSON) {
  XCTAssert(arrayObject.root.count == 4, "Pass")
  XCTAssert(arrayObject.root[0] == 1, "Pass")
  XCTAssert(arrayObject.root[1] == 0, "Pass")
  XCTAssert(arrayObject.root[2] == 2, "Pass")
  XCTAssert(arrayObject.root[3] == 4, "Pass")

Multiple Dimension Array

If the array contains array, it should define like this.

class MultipleDimensionArray: PPJSONSerialization {
    var twoDimension = [[Int]]()
    var threeDimension = [[[Int]]]()

let twoDimensionArrayJSON = "{\"twoDimension\": [[1,0,2,4], [1,0,2,4]]}"

if let test = MultipleDimensionArray(JSONString: twoDimensionArrayJSON) {
    XCTAssert(test.twoDimension[0][0] == 1, "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.twoDimension[0][1] == 0, "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.twoDimension[0][2] == 2, "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.twoDimension[0][3] == 4, "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.twoDimension[1][0] == 1, "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.twoDimension[1][1] == 0, "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.twoDimension[1][2] == 2, "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.twoDimension[1][3] == 4, "Pass")

Key Mapping

Sometimes, network data key column is different to app's, there's relly simple way to handle this. Override the mapping method, and return a dictionary contains ["JSONKey": "PropertyKey"]

class Artist: PPJSONSerialization {
    var name: String = ""
    var height: Double = 0.0

    override func mapping() -> [String : String] {
        return ["xxxname": "name"]

let mockString = "{\"xxxname\": \"Pony Cui\"}"

if let artistData = Artist(JSONString: mockString) {


You use serialize to serialize PPJSONSerialization classes to JSON String or JSON Data, it's a perfect way to deliver data to server.

class Artist: PPJSONSerialization {
    var name: String = "" // Optional value is also supported.
    var height: Double = 0.0

let artistData = Artist() = "Pony Cui"
artistData.height = 164.0
let string = artistData.JSONString()

Prints: {"name":"Pony Cui","height":164}

Namespace support

You may define a class wrapping classes in Swift. That's a good practice.

Here is an example, we put all PPJSONSerialization classes in DataModel namespace

class DataModel { // Struct & Enum also available

    class Artist: PPJSONSerialization {
        var name: String?
        var mainSong = Song() // Using namespace, you must init an instance. Optional type is not availabel.
        var songs = [Song()] // Using namespace, you must init an instance in array!
        var mapSong = [".": Song()] // Using namespace, you must init an instance in dictionary with any key!

    class Song: PPJSONSerialization {
        var name: String?
        var duration: Double = 0.0


let JSONString = "{\"name\": \"Pony Cui\", \"mainSong\": {\"name\":\"Love Song\", \"duration\": 168.0}, \"songs\": [{\"name\":\"Love Song\", \"duration\": 168.0}], \"mapSong\": {\"sampleKey\": {\"name\":\"Love Song\", \"duration\": 168.0}}}"

if let test = DataModel.Artist(JSONString: JSONString) {
    XCTAssert(! == "Pony Cui", "Pass")
    XCTAssert( == "Love Song", "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.mainSong.duration == 168.0, "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.songs[0].name == "Love Song", "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.songs[0].duration == 168.0, "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.mapSong["sampleKey"]?.name == "Love Song", "Pass")
    XCTAssert(test.mapSong["sampleKey"]?.duration == 168.0, "Pass")
else {
    XCTAssert(false, "Failed")
  • Multiple level nampspace is available.


You can subclass your struct, it's okey.

class CommonResponse: PPJSONSerialization {
    var error: String?

class ArtistResponse: CommonResponse {
    // ...

PPJSONSerialization is still in development, welcome to improve the project together.


  • iOS 7.0+ / Mac OS X 10.10+
  • Xcode 7.0
  • Swift 2.0


Add PPJSONSerialization.swift into your project, that's enough


MIT License, Please feel free to use it.


  • Thanks for @onevcat suggest use Failable init.
  • Thanks for @neil-wu using and reported issues.
  • How to define a nested array(multidimensional array) with Double type?

    How to define a nested array(multidimensional array) with Double type?

    In my project,I need to define a multidimensional array, like this:

    let jsonstr: String = "{ \"Type\": \"Polygon\", \"ValueList\": [ [30.2],[10.5] ] }"
    class AreaArrayObj: PPJSONSerialization {
        var Type: String = ""
        var ValueList: [ [Double] ] = [[0.0]]

    It seems that the ValueList is always empty array.

    tplObject.copy() as? PPJSONSerialization is nil

    opened by neil-wu 9
  • Int64 value can not be parsed

    Int64 value can not be parsed

    (Well, I come back again)

    Test case:

    let jsonstr: String = "{ \"Val\": 111 }"
    class AreaArrayObj: PPJSONSerialization {
        var Val: Int64 = 0
    opened by neil-wu 2
  • Why the array must define a default value?

    Why the array must define a default value?

    The wiki shows that we can define array like this:

    // BuildingStruct
    class BuildingStruct: PPJSONSerialization {
        var buildNumber = ""
        var managementRoom = RoomStruct()
        var buildRooms = [RoomStruct()] //have a default value

    If I define it as followings, it will fail.

    // BuildingStruct
    class BuildingStruct: PPJSONSerialization {
        var buildNumber = ""
        var managementRoom = RoomStruct()
        var buildRooms: [RoomStruct] = [] //????
    opened by neil-wu 2
  • fix compile warning on xcode7 (7A218)

    fix compile warning on xcode7 (7A218)

    fix compile warning on xcode7 (7A218): PPJSONSerialization.swift:189:28: Immutable value 'propertyArray' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it

    opened by neil-wu 0
  • option a.jsonString didWork

    option a.jsonString didWork

    class Model: PPJSONSerialization { var a: Int? = 0 var b: Int = 0 var c: Int? override init() { super.init() } }

    only Model.b can transfer for json string

    opened by zhaoyunyi 0
  • Mappy of [AnyObject]() does not work.

    Mappy of [AnyObject]() does not work.

    I have a json where am array can be either, [String] or [Dictionary], so i decided to use [AnyObject], but PPJSONSerialization fails to map and the array has always 0 values. Can someone please guide me on this.

    below is the json

      "assetfields": [
          "text": "Invoice Files",
          "value": [
              "name": "agri.png",
              "fileid": 560,
              "url": "/tpfileservlet?fileID=560&mode=assetfieldfile"
              "name": "bingo-logo.png",
              "fileid": 559,
              "url": "/tpfileservlet?fileID=559&mode=assetfieldfile"
          "assetfieldid": 111,
          "type": "File Upload"
          "text": "upccode",
          "value": [
          "assetfieldid": 110,
          "type": "Text"
          "text": "Installation Date",
          "value": [
            "Mar 31 2016",
          "assetfieldid": 109,
          "type": "Date / Time"
          "text": "Serial Number",
          "value": [
          "assetfieldid": 104,
          "type": "Text"
      "assetclassid": 75,
      "name": "Lenovo Laptop",
      "assetsubclassid": 75,
      "assetfamilyid": 73,
      "assetid": 115

    and my class is

    class AssetField: PPJSONSerialization {
        var text: String?
        var type: String?
        var assetfieldid: NSNumber?
        var value = [AnyObject]()
    opened by bonniejaiswal 0
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