Ethereum Wallet Toolkit for iOS - You can implement an Ethereum wallet without a server and blockchain knowledge.



Swift Xcode License: MIT iOS


EtherWalletKit is an Ethereum Wallet Toolkit for iOS.

I hope cryptocurrency and decentralized token economy become more widely adapted. However, some developers hesitate to add a crypto wallet on apps since blockchain and cryptocurrency are complex and require many new knowledge.

Don't worry.
With EtherWalletKit, you can implement an Ethereum wallet without a server and blockchain knowledge.


Released Features

  • Creating/Importing an account(address and private key)
  • Checking Ether and tokens balance
  • Sending Ether and tokens to other addresses
  • Browsing token information
  • Testnet(Rinkeby & Ropsten) support
  • BIP39 Mnemonics

Planned Features

  • Browsing transaction history
  • Keystore import / export
  • Custom configuration / advanced transactions
  • Multiple accounts
  • Third party APIs
  • ERC-721 supports



To integrate EtherWalletKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'EtherWalletKit'

Quick Start

0. Don't forget to import it

import EtherWalletKit

1. Create an Ethereum Wallet

// Generate a new account with its new password.
try? EtherWallet.account.generateAccount(password: "ABCDEFG")

// Import an existing account from its private key and set its new password.
try? EtherWallet.account.importAccount(privateKey: "1dcbc1d6e0a4587a3a9095984cf051a1bc6ed975f15380a0ac97f01c0c045062, password: "ABCDEFG")

Note: password will be encrypted and saved to the device and it will be required to access the wallet.

2. Get balance

// Get balance of Ether
EtherWallet.balance.etherBalance { balance in

// Get balance of a token
EtherWallet.balance.tokenBalance(contractAddress: "0xd26114cd6EE289AccF82350c8d8487fedB8A0C07") { balance in

3. Send

// send Ether to an address.
EtherWallet.transaction.sendEther(to: "0x7777787C97a35d37Db8E5afb0C92BCfd4F6480bE", amount: "1.5", password: "ABCDEFG") { txHash in

// send a token to an address.
EtherWallet.transaction.sendToken(to: "0x7777787C97a35d37Db8E5afb0C92BCfd4F6480bE", contractAddress: "0xd26114cd6EE289AccF82350c8d8487fedB8A0C07", amount: "20", password: "ABCDEFG", decimal: 18) { txHash in

Note: password should be eqaul to the password of wallet created. Also you can put gasPrice as an extra parameter to set gas price for the transcation.

For full documentation, please see THIS.


  • Nothing will be sent to a server. Everything will be worked on the local device and Ethereum Blockchain.
  • You dont need to download and sync the nodes because Infura is doing it for you.
  • password for wallet is equal to the password for the keystore file. Always make sure a password is long enough for security.


  • Make sure you have a GitHub account
  • Create a GitHub pull request for your contribution
    • Clearly describe the issue or feature.
  • Fork the repository on GitHub
  • Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work. (Gitflow is welcome)
    • Please avoid working directly on the master branch.
  • Make sure you have added the necessary tests for your changes and make sure all tests pass.


Only accept cryptocurrency 😂

ETH: 0x7777787C97a35d37Db8E5afb0C92BCfd4F6480bE


EtherWalletKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • 如何使用助记词



    let keystore = try! BIP32Keystore(seed: seed, password: "")

    我不知道在EtherWalletKit中该如何使用助记词进行创建 是否需要在EtherWallet+Account.swift添加

       public func generateMmemonics(mmemonics: String, password: String) throws {
            guard let seed = BIP39.seedFromMmemonics(mmemonics, password: password) else {
                throw WalletError.toSeedFailure
            let keystore = try BIP32Keystore(seed: seed)
            let keystoreManager = KeystoreManager([keystore!])
            guard let keystoreV3 = keystoreManager.keystores.first else {
                throw WalletError.malformedKeystore
            try saveKeystore(keystoreV3)
    opened by fengmingdev 4
  • Error

    Error "Cannot load module 'web3swift' as 'Web3swift'"

    I am having this error on Xcode 13.0 in EtherWallet.swift and the 'EtherWalletKit' pod version is 0.1.4

    Screenshot 2022-03-14 at 12 43 46 PM

    Screenshot 2022-03-14 at 12 42 35 PM

    When I updated web3swift instead of Web3swift then got another issue is "No such module 'EthereumAddress'".

    Screenshot 2022-03-14 at 12 43 24 PM

    Please give me suggestions regarding this issue.

    opened by priyankgandhi0 1
  • Support Infura V3

    Support Infura V3

    Great repo !

    Infura no longer supports the old API, now we have to access through<PROJECT_ID>

    I updated the project accordingly with the following pieces of code and my Project ID obtained through Infura dashboard:

    EtherWallet.swift private let web3Main = Web3.InfuraMainnetWeb3("<PROJECT ID>")

    Web3.swift (unchanged)

    public static func InfuraMainnetWeb3(accessToken: String? = nil) -> web3 {
            let infura = InfuraProvider(Networks.Mainnet, accessToken: accessToken)!
            return web3(provider: infura)


    public class InfuraProvider: Web3HttpProvider {
        public init?(_ net:Networks, accessToken token: String? = nil, keystoreManager manager: KeystoreManager? = nil) {
            var requestURLstring = "https://" + + ""
            if token != nil {
                requestURLstring = requestURLstring + token!
            let providerURL = URL(string: requestURLstring)
            super.init(providerURL!, network: net, keystoreManager: manager)

    Requesting the balance with EtherWallet.balance throws the following error.

    EtherWalletTest[3957:62791] CredStore - performQuery - Error copying matching creds.  Error=-25300, query={
        class = inet;
        "m_Limit" = "m_LimitAll";
        ptcl = htps;
        "r_Attributes" = 1;
        sdmn = "Project ID is required in the URL";
        srvr = "";
        sync = syna;

    It seems that the project ID is missing in the call, but printing requestURLstring shows the correct URL with the access token.

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