Prototype actor and async/await toolkit for Swift 5.5+

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Utility desolate


Prototype actor and async/await toolkit for Swift 5.5+

\"\(item)\"" case .store(item: let item, ref: _): return "POST: \"\(item)\"" case .add(item: let item): return "POST: \"\(item)\"" case .get(key: let key, ref: _): return "GET: \(key)" case .getAll(ref: _): return "GET: *" case .delete(key: let key): return "DELETE: \(key)" } } } actor Store: AbstractDesolate { public var status: Signal = .running private var storage: [String: (String, Date)] = [:] public func onMessage(msg: StoreEvent) async -> Signal { print("Received: \(msg)") switch msg { case .update(let key, let item): storage[key] = (item, Date()) case .store(let item, let ref): let key = UUID().uuidString storage[key] = (item, Date()) ref.tell(with: key) case .get(let key, let ref): ref.tell(with: storage[key]?.0) case .getAll(let ref): ref.tell(with: storage.values.sorted { $0.1 <= $1.1 } .map{ $0.0 }) case .delete(let key): storage.removeValue(forKey: key) } return .running } } let desolate = Desolate(of: Store()) desolate.tell(with: .add(item: "Hello")) // Passing message to Actor while maintaining actor-isolation ">
import Desolate

enum StoreEvent: CustomStringConvertible {
    case update(key: String, item: String)
    case store(item: String, ref: RecipientRef<String>)
    case add(item: String)
    case get(key: String, ref: RecipientRef<String?>)
    case getAll(ref: RecipientRef<[String]>)
    case delete(key: String)

    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .update(key: let key, item: let item):
            return "PUT/PATCH: \(key) -> \"\(item)\""
        case .store(item: let item, ref: _):
            return "POST: \"\(item)\""
        case .add(item: let item):
            return "POST: \"\(item)\""    
        case .get(key: let key, ref: _):
            return "GET: \(key)"
        case .getAll(ref: _):
            return "GET: *"
        case .delete(key: let key):
            return "DELETE: \(key)"

actor Store: AbstractDesolate {
    public var status: Signal = .running

    private var storage: [String: (String, Date)] = [:]

    public func onMessage(msg: StoreEvent) async -> Signal {
        print("Received: \(msg)")

        switch msg {
        case .update(let key, let item):
            storage[key] = (item, Date())

        case .store(let item, let ref):
            let key = UUID().uuidString
            storage[key] = (item, Date())
            ref.tell(with: key)

        case .get(let key, let ref):
            ref.tell(with: storage[key]?.0)

        case .getAll(let ref):
            ref.tell(with: storage.values.sorted { $0.1 <= $1.1 } .map{ $0.0 })

        case .delete(let key):
            storage.removeValue(forKey: key)

        return .running

let desolate = Desolate(of: Store())

desolate.tell(with: .add(item: "Hello")) // Passing message to Actor while maintaining actor-isolation


If you have any feedback, feel free to reach out through the issues tab or through my Twitter @d_exclaimation.

  • Reservoir


    Data structure that handle multiple topic stream

    • Reservoir, Multiple topic, multiple source / upstream, multiple downstream, single type broadcast stream.
    • Confluence, Merge combine stream.
    • Cascade, Merge concat stream.

    Not sure whether the other two will come just yet or should be suspended to focus on optimizing current code

    opened by d-exclaimation 1
  • Renamed Jet stream

    Renamed Jet stream

    Jet stream is a pretty unique name to call a reactive stream but it's not that descriptive. There are plenty of names that would fit better and explain the use of the data structures.

    opened by d-exclaimation 1
  • Bug / Enhancement: Use Desolate built-in Signal status as suppose to using custom state

    Bug / Enhancement: Use Desolate built-in Signal status as suppose to using custom state


    For some reason, I didn't use the built-in Signal status on each Desolated actors and declare unnecessary additional boolean state that require management myself. I should opt in using Signal as much as possible as it works nicely automatically and does not require manual state management.

    Code mentioned



    • Removed NonStop from Jet and use the Signal
    // (removed) private var closed: Bool = false
    public var status: Signal = .running
    private var flows: [UUID: Flow] = [:]
    /// Interface for Desolate
    public func onMessage(msg: Act) async -> Signal {
        // (removed) guard !closed else { return same }
        switch msg {
        case .next(let message):
            for nozzle in flows.values {
                await nozzle.task(with: message)
        case .complete:
            // (removed) closed = true
            for queue in flows.values {
                await queue.task(with: nil)
            return .stopped
        case .attach(let id, let nozzle):
            flows[id] = nozzle
        case .detach(id: let id):
            flows.removeValue(forKey: id)
        return .running
    bug enhancement 
    opened by d-exclaimation 1
  • Removed usage on `fatalError` and unsafe mutability

    Removed usage on `fatalError` and unsafe mutability


    Removed usage of any fatal error and unsafe mutations to prevent unsuspecting exceptions and behavior

    Code references

    Fatal Error


    Unsafe mutation

    opened by d-exclaimation 1
  • Source and Reservoir

    Source and Reservoir


    • Renamed Jet to Source
    • Renamed internal actors accordingly (Nozzle.Current -> Nozzle.Sink, Jet.Pipeline -> Source.Supply)
    • Added Reservoir a multiple topic, single type pubsub for Source stream
    opened by d-exclaimation 0
  • Xcode 13.2 Update, Older Versions support, Improvement with Callbacks

    Xcode 13.2 Update, Older Versions support, Improvement with Callbacks

    • [ ] Updated restriction to be macOS v10.15
    • [x] Improvement with callbacks (1.4.0)
    • [x] Improvement with @Sendable and Sendable object for callbacks (1.4.0)
    • [x] Removal of unused code (1.4.0)
    • [x] Improvement in Source (1.4.0)
    • [ ] Improvement in Nozzle termination
    opened by d-exclaimation 0
  • 1.4.0(Dec 15, 2021)

  • 1.3.0(Dec 6, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Source and Reservoir by @d-exclaimation in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.3(Dec 4, 2021)

  • 1.2.2(Nov 27, 2021)

  • 1.2.1(Nov 24, 2021)

  • 1.2.0(Nov 10, 2021)


    • Functional Desolate, Actors with just Functions
    • Pipe pattern for AsyncSequence streams
    • A more refined approach to AskPattern
    • TimeInterval to Nanosecond bridge

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.2(Nov 5, 2021)


    • Updated Nozzle performance by removing static delay and replaced with re-enqueue to managed concurrency consistency.
    • Added capabilities to construct Nozzle with a builder closure,
    • Make Task, Optional, Result extensions public.

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.1(Nov 5, 2021)


    First patch, make every stable API to be public allowing a proper complete experience


    • Make AskPattern properly public
    • Make @Desolated attribute public
    • Updated documentation
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Nov 4, 2021)


    Streaming update


    • Added Jet and Nozzle stream
    • Updated built-in actor implementation to use nested typing instead of top level ones
    • Improved documentation
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Nov 3, 2021)


    A functional toolkit for Swift Actors and Concurrency


    • Functional struct interface for Actors
    • Bridges functions for synchronous and asynchronous
    • Built-in Desolated actors like Capsules and Timers
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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