Your Data Storage Troubleshooter πŸ› 



Your Data Storage Troubleshooter πŸ› 


StorageKit is a framework which reduces the complexity of managing a persistent layer. You can easily manage your favorite persistent frameworks (Core Data / Realm at the moment), accessing them through a high-level interface.

Our mission is keeping the persistence layer isolated as much as possible from the client codebase. In this way, you can just focus on developing your app. Moreover, you can migrate to another persistent framework easily, keeping the same interface: StorageKit will do almost everything for you.

  • Hassle free setup πŸ‘
  • Easy to use πŸ€–
  • Extensible πŸš€
  • Support for background queries πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
  • Fully tested ( well, almost, ... ☺️ )

StorageKit is a Swift 3 and XCode 8 compatible project.

Build Status

Branch Status
Master BuddyBuild
Develop BuddyBuild

Table of Contents

  1. How it works
  2. Define entities
  3. CRUD
  4. Background operations
  5. Installation
  6. Core Mantainers
  7. Known issues
  8. TODO
  9. License
  10. Credits

How it works

The first step is to create a new Storage object with a specific type (either .CoreData or .Realm) which is the entry-point object to setup StorageKit:

let storage = StorageKit.addStorage(type: .Realm)


let storage = StorageKit.addStorage(type: .CoreData(dataModelName: "Example")

The storage exposes a context which is the object you will use to perform the common CRUD operations, for instance:

try storage.mainContext?.fetch(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "done == false"), sortDescriptors: [sortDescriptors], completion: { (fetchedTasks: [RTodoTask]?) in
    self.tasks = fetchedTasks
        // do whatever you want


let task = functionThatRetrieveASpecificTaskFromDatabase()

do {
    try storage.mainContext?.delete(task)
} catch {
    // manage the error

That's it! πŸŽ‰

In just few lines of code you are able to use your favorite database (through the Storage) and perform any CRUD operations through the StorageContext.

Define Entities

Both Core Data and Realm relies on two base objects to define the entities:

Code Data Entity

import RealmSwift

class RTodoTask: Object {
    dynamic var name = ""
    dynamic var done = false
    override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
        return "taskID"

StorageKit is not able to define your entity class. It means that you must define all your entities manually. It's the only thing you have to do by yourself, please bear with us.

You can create a new entity using in this way:

do {
    try let entity: MyEntity = context.create()
} catch {}

If you are using Realm, entity is an unmanaged object and it should be explicitily added to the database with:

do {
    try storage.mainContext?.add(entity)
} catch {}


C as Create

do {
    try let entity: MyEntity = context.create()
} catch {}

This method creates a new entity object: an NSManagedObject for Core Data and an Object for Realm.


You must create a class entity by yourself before using StorageKit. Therefore, for Core Data you must add an entity in the data model, for Realm you must create a new class which extends the base class Object. If you are using the Realm configuration, you have to add it in the storage before performing any update operations.

do {
    try let entity: MyEntity = context.create()
    entity.myProperty = "Hello"

    try context.add(entity)
} catch {}

R as Read

    try context.fetch { (result: [MyEntity]?) in
        // do whatever you want with `result`

As you can see, in order to perform a query over a specific data type, you have to explicitily write it in this way result: [MyEntity]?.

U as Update

do {
    try context.update {
        entity.myProperty = "Hello"
        entity2.myProperty = "Hello 2"
} catch {}


If you are using the Realm configuration, you have to add the entity in the storage (with the method add) before performing any update operations.

D as Delete

do {
    try let entity: MyEntity = context.create()
    entity.myProperty = "Hello"

    try context.delete(entity)
} catch {}

Background Operations

Good news for you! StorageKit has been implemented with a strong focus on background operations and concurrency to improve the user experience of your applications and making your life easier πŸŽ‰

Storage exposes the following method:

storage.performBackgroundTask {[weak self] backgroundContext in
    // the backgroundContext might be nil because of internal errors
    guard let backgroundContext = backgroundContext else { return }
    do {
        // perform your background CRUD operations here on the `backgroundContext`
           backgroundContext.fetch { [weak self] (entities: [MyEntity]?) in
        // do something with `entities`
    } catch {

Now the point is that entities are retrieved in a background context, so if you need to use these entities in another queue (for example in the main one to update the UI), you must pass them to the other context through another method exposed by the Storage:

storage.getThreadSafeEntities(for: context, originalContext: backgroundContext, originalEntities: fetchedTasks, completion: { safeFetchedTaks in
    self?.tasks = safeFetchedTaks
    DispatchQueue.main.async {

The method func getThreadSafeEntities<T: StorageEntityType>(for destinationContext: StorageContext, originalContext: StorageContext, originalEntities: [T], completion: @escaping ([T]) -> Void) create an array of entities with the same data of originalEntities but thread safe, ready to be used in destinatinationContext.

This means that, once getThreadSafeEntities is called, you will be able to use the entities returned by completion: @escaping ([T]) -> Void) in the choosen context.

The common use of this method is:

  1. perform a background operation (for instance a fetch) in performBackgroundTask
  2. move the entities retrieved to the main context using getThreadSafeEntities
storage.performBackgroundTask {[weak self] (backgroundContext, backgroundQueue) in
    guard let backgroundContext = backgroundContext else { return }
    do {
        // 1
        backgroundContext.fetch { [weak self] (entities: [MyEntity]?) in
            // 2
            storage.getThreadSafeEntities(for: context, originalContext: backgroundContext, originalEntities: entities, completion: { safeEntities in
                self?.entities = safeEntities
    } catch {



Add StorageKit to your Podfile

target 'MyTarget' do
    pod 'StorageKit', '~> 0.3.1'
$ pod install


github "StorageKit/StorageKit" ~> "0.3.1"

Then on your application target Build Phases settings tab, add a "New Run Script Phase". Create a Run Script with the following content:

/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks

and add the following paths under "Input Files":


Core Mantainers

Ennio Masi @ennioma
Marco Santarossa @MarcoSantaDev

Known Issues

  • Now it's not possible to exclude Realm.framework and RealmSwift.framework from the installation
  • UI Test target doesn't work in the example project


  • Remove Realm dependency if not needed (the user can decide between Core Data or Realm)
  • Add Reactive interface
  • Distribute through the Swift Package Manager
  • Add more functionalities to the context
  • Add notifications
  • Add migrations


StorageKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Boxes icon provided by Nuon Project (LLuisa Iborra). We have changed the boxes color.

  • Model vs Entity

    Model vs Entity


    I was looking at the examples and it seems like you still have to have 2 fetching codes based on which storage type is it using. The difference is only if is CoreData managed object or Realm object. I think this could also be abstracted out in the way that objects returned from the storage would actually be some structs that the entities would map to. We are using this approach currently at our project.

    Enhancement Discussion 
    opened by zdnk 6
  • 'SortDescriptor' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context

    'SortDescriptor' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context

    What did you do?

    Imported RealmSwift to use Object class and then used also SortDescriptor, everything in the same file.

    β„Ή Please add here the steps to reproduce the issue.


    • [x] iOS
    • [x] macOS
    • [x] tvOS

    StorageKit Version


    What did you expect to happen

    We shouldn't have any compile errors.

    What happened instead?

    The compile error 'SortDescriptor' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context

    Demo Project


    Bug Rejected 
    opened by MarcoSantarossa 4
  • Ambiguous fetch

    Ambiguous fetch

    I'd like to write:

    context.fetch { (products: [Product]?) in 
       // things with my products

    in order to fetch ALL my products. But it doesn't compile. (It says: missing parameter)

    Enhancement Merged 
    opened by sirioz 2
  • Pr 19

    Pr 19


    Add the possibility to update an object on add, it it already exists.


    the add method implemented in Realm now includes the possibility to update an entity if it already exists with the same identifier

    Open Questions and Pre-Merge TODOs

    • [x] This branch is unit tested
    • [x] This branch is updated with develop
    • [x] The documentation/Readme is up to date with the changes of this branch
    Enhancement Needs Review 
    opened by ennioma 2
  • Errors should be decoupled from the backing storage

    Errors should be decoupled from the backing storage


    I think that error handling should be decoupled from the backing storage. Now if I want to catch errors I need to reintroduce a dependancy to a Realm or CoreData.


    do {
                try storage.mainContext?.add(user)
            } catch (let error) // this error depends on the backing storage module
    Enhancement Merged 
    opened by sirioz 2
  • Wrong method to work with CoreData private context

    Wrong method to work with CoreData private context

    In CoreDataStorage.swift file this function is not well implemented:

    func performBackgroundTask(_ taskClosure: @escaping TaskClosure) {
            let context = makePrivateContext()
            backgroundTaskQueue.async { [unowned self] in
                taskClosure(context, self.backgroundTaskQueue)

    Instead of a background queue you should use the NSManagedOBjectContest performBlock() method

    Enhancement Merged 
    opened by eugeniobaglieri 2
  • Add supporting for macOS πŸ’»

    Add supporting for macOS πŸ’»


    Add supporting for OSX


    • Add target macOS
    • Add files to new target
    • Setup project properly

    Open Questions and Pre-Merge TODOs

    • [x] This branch is unit tested
    • [x] This branch is updated with develop
    • [x] The documentation/Readme is up to date with the changes of this branch
    Enhancement Needs Review 
    opened by MarcoSantarossa 1
  • Add error handling

    Add error handling


    Add error handling in the public interface


    Add errors

    Open Questions and Pre-Merge TODOs

    • [x] This branch is unit tested
    • [x] This branch is updated with develop
    • [x] The documentation/Readme is up to date with the changes of this branch
    Enhancement Needs Review 
    opened by MarcoSantarossa 1
  • Issue 21 - Fetch with default parameters

    Issue 21 - Fetch with default parameters


    Add default parameter values for fetch


    Add protocol extension with default parameter values.

    Open Questions and Pre-Merge TODOs

    • [x] This branch is unit tested
    • [x] This branch is updated with develop
    • [x] The documentation/Readme is up to date with the changes of this branch
    Enhancement Needs Review 
    opened by MarcoSantarossa 1
  • Cascade deleting

    Cascade deleting


    Implemented the very useful (and mandatory) "Cascade deletion" feature. I see no reasons not to use it by default, so I did not expose the "cascading" parameter.

    In Progress 
    opened by sirioz 0
  • Indentation problems + file moved

    Indentation problems + file moved


    Using the code in the blog post I've seen multiple issues with indentation. I've also moved a single file in a proper folder


    Replace tabs with spaces

    Open Questions and Pre-Merge TODOs

    • [x] This branch is updated with develop
    • [x] The documentation/Readme is up to date with the changes of this branch
    opened by ennioma 0
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