Easiest local storage library in Swift




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SundeedQLite is the easiest offline database integration, built using Swift language


  • iOS 12.0+
  • XCode 10.3+
  • Swift 5+


Installation via CocoaPods

SundeedQLite is available through CocoaPods. CocoaPods is a dependency manager that automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like MarkdownKit in your projects. You can install CocoaPods with the following command:

gem install cocoapods

To integrate SundeedQLite into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SundeedQLite"

Afterwards, run the following command:

pod install


  • + : It's used to mark the primary key in the database.
  • << : It's used to mark the ASCENDING sorting method
  • >> : It's used to mark the DESCENDING sorting method
  • <~> : It's used to map between objects returned from the database to specific property
  • <*> : It's used to state that if this property is returned nil from the database, the whole parent object shall be dropped.
  • <**> : It's used to state that if this array was empty, or one of the elements was mandatory ( <*> ), the whole parent object shall be dropped


  • Primary keys should always be strings.
  • To create a nested object (e.g: Employee), both Employer and Employee should have primary keys.

Supported Types

  • SundeedQLiter Objects
  • String
  • Int
  • Double
  • Float
  • Bool
  • Date
  • UIImage
  • Array
  • enum/struct (see below documentation)


  • Nested objects will be normally saved
  • Optional and non-optional values of the above mentioned types will also be saved
  • Arrays of objects or primitive data type will be saved
  • No nil returned value from the database shall be added to an array while retrieving


To Listen to events happening you can always add any listener with a block of code to be executed when the event happens.

Supported Events

  • Save
  • Update
  • Retrieve
  • Delete
  • AllEvents

P.S: Always remember to save an instance of this listener to stop it whenever it's not needed anymore.


import SundeedQLite

class Employer: SundeedQLiter {
    var id: String!
    var fullName: String?
    var employees: [Employee]?

    required init() {}
        func sundeedQLiterMapping(map: SundeedQLiteMap) {
            id <~> map["id"]+
            fullName <~> map["fullName"]<<
            employees <~> map["employees"]
class Employee: SundeedQLiter {
    var id: String!
    var firstName: String?
    required init() {}
    func sundeedQLiterMapping(map: SundeedQLiteMap) {
        id <~> map["id"]
        firstName <~> map["firstName"]
import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    var employerSaveListener: Listener?
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let employee = Employee()
        employee.firstName = "Nour"

        let employer = Employer()
        employer.id = "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678"
        employer.fullName = "Nour Sandid"
        employer.employees = [employee]
        employerSaveListener = employer.onSaveEvents({ (object) in 
    deinit {

Custom Types

To save variables with custom types like enum or struct, you can use SundeedQLiteConverter

class TypeConverter: SundeedQLiteConverter {
    func fromString(value: String) -> Any? {
       return Type(rawValue: value)
    func toString(value: Any?) -> String? {
        return (value as? Type)?.rawValue

enum Type: String {
    case manager
    case ceo

class Employer: SundeedQLiter {
    var type: Type?
    func sundeedQLiterMapping(map: SundeedQLiteMap) {
        type <~> (map["type"], TypeConverter())


To Save


To Retrieve

Employer.retrieve { (employers) in
    for employer in employers {

Employer.retrieve(withFilter: SundeedColumn("fullName") == "Nour Sandid",
                  orderBy: SundeedColumn("fullName"),
                  ascending: true) { (employers) in
    for employer in employers {

To Reset The Database


Built Using




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