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A sample project showcasing how to build an infinite list using the Combine and SwiftUI frameworks, and the MVVM iOS app architecture.
A sample project showcasing how to build an infinite list using the Combine and SwiftUI frameworks, and the MVVM iOS app architecture.
Todo Combine SwiftUI It's an experiment project for the brand new SwiftUI + Combine + restful API with dark mode Build follow restfult to-do-api to ru
SwiftUI-MVVM-C A template project that uses SwiftUI for UI, Combine for event handling, MVVM-C for software architecture. I have done some small proje
AirQualityMonitoring-SwiftUI-Combine Demo to show Air Quality Indices of Cities (in India) using SwiftUI and Combine Framework Demo Video City List wi
Superhero Composable Watch Example Calling all superhero and Apple Watch enthusi
SwiftUI-Combine-Example This is an example project of SwiftUI and Combine using GitHub GET /search/users API. 📋 Requirements Swift5.1 Beta Xcode11.0
SwiftUI | Breaking Bad App Application that shows the characters of Breaking Bad.
MovieSwiftUI MovieSwiftUI is an application that uses the MovieDB API and is built with SwiftUI. It demos some SwiftUI (& Combine) concepts. The goal
Best architecture for SwiftUI + Combine The content of the presentation: First of the proposed architectures - MVP + C Second of the proposed architec
SwiftUI_Resume a simple "resume" writed by swiftUI + Combine
ShapeEdit ShapeEdit is a showcase for Advanced ScrollView, inspired by WWDC sample with the same name. ShapeEdit is build in SwiftUI, with exception o
GitSearchWithMVVM-C-CleanArchitecture Github repo search with using mvvm-c and clean architecture and using combine swift. Content Overview How To Run
MDBannersView A swift package with an iOS UI component that loads and displays images from remote urls, local assets and displays in a slide-show form
DeTeXt Finding the symbol you want to use in LaTeX can be hard since you can't memorize all the possible commands and packages for every symbol you mi
HomeTwitter Small iOS & ipadOS application written in SwiftUI and Combine, that fetches twitter users and tweets using Twitter's api. This is just a s
SwiftUI-APOD An example Astronomy Picture of the Day(APOD) application using SwiftUI and Combine under iOS 13 Requirement Xcode 11 macOS 10.15 Catalin
SwiftUI-Combine-Example This is an example project of SwiftUI and Combine using GitHub GET /search/users API. ?? Requirements Swift5.1 Beta Xcode11.0
SwiftUI-Flux Flux enables us to have unidirectional data flow and make it testable. It's used to be implemented using RxSwift or ReactiveSwift in the
SwiftUI-MVVM One of the biggest idea for having MVVM is that most of data flow can be testable. Data binding in view layer by SwiftUI is awesome. Howe
SwiftUI_Tasks Tasks is simple ToDo app developed using SwiftUI and Coredata which having features like Add,Delete,Rearrange and send notification base