SwiftVerbalExpressions is a Swift library that helps to construct difficult regular expressions



Build Status Carthage compatible

Swift Regular Expressions made easy

SwiftVerbalExpressions is a Swift library that helps to construct difficult regular expressions - ported from the awesome JavaScript VerbalExpressions.


Here's a couple of simple examples to give an idea of how VerbalExpressions works:

Testing if we have a valid URL

// Create an example of how to test for correctly formed URLs
let tester = VerEx()
    .anythingBut(" ")

// Create an example URL
let testMe = "https://www.google.com"

// Use test() method
if tester.test(testMe) {
    print("We have a correct URL") // This output will fire
else {
    print("The URL is incorrect")

// Use =~ operator
if testMe =~ tester {
    print("We have a correct URL") // This output will fire
else {
    print("The URL is incorrect")

prin(tester) // Outputs the actual expression used: "^(?:http)(?:s)?(?::\/\/)(?:www)?(?:[^ ]*)$"

Replacing strings

let replaceMe = "Replace bird with a duck"

// Create an expression that seeks for word "bird"
let verEx = VerEx().find("bird")

// Execute the expression like a normal RegExp object
let result = verEx.replace(replaceMe, with: "duck")

print(result) // Outputs "Replace duck with a duck"

Shorthand for string replace:

let result2 = VerEx().find("red").replace("We have a red house", with: "blue")

print(result2) // Outputs "We have a blue house"

API documentation

You can find the documentation for the original JavaScript repo on their wiki.


Clone the repo and fork! Pull requests are warmly welcome!


Thank you to @jehna for coming up with the awesome original idea!
Thank you to @kishikawakatsumi for ObjectiveCVerbalExpressions from which I borrowed some code!

Other implementations

You can view all implementations on VerbalExpressions.github.io

Installation and use

This version is under testing, but it supports Swift Package Manager. Therefore it can be included in the project with:

            url: "https://github.com/VerbalExpressions/SwiftVerbalExpressions.git",
            from: "


            name: "YourProject",
            dependencies: ["VerbalExpressions"]),
  • use struct instead of class, overloading operators

    use struct instead of class, overloading operators

    1. Updated Class to be a Struct instead. This makes the whole thing immutable, and get value semantics. A regular expression is clearly 'data' and should have value semantics.
    2. Added two more functions for the custom operators, which just allow you to reverse the arguments. if a =~ b is true, b =~ a should also be true. This can be done because string matching is commutative.
    opened by nmn 15
  • Test Syntax Error in Swift 4

    Test Syntax Error in Swift 4

    Somewhere along the line, NSRegularExpressonOptions became NSRegularExpression.Options, which is a struct instead of a class. This means that a few of VerbalExpressionss methods are mutating now that .options has value semantics instead of reference semantics. This, in turn, causes a syntax error in the testSearchOneLine() test (on line 197) because it declares tester as a let, but the searchOneLine() method is one of the newly-mutating methods.

    I see three ways around this:

    1. Make tester a var instead of a let, and just deal with having mutating functions.
    2. Make VerbalExpressions a class instead of a struct.
    3. Make .options a wrapper class for the "real" options.

    (Personally, I'm torn between 2 & 3)

    Anyway, I can submit a PR with everything updated to Swift 3/4 syntax (it compiles & tests under both language settings). Just let me know how you want this fixed.

    opened by TheOtherDave 1
  • Swift 3 Syntax

    Swift 3 Syntax

    All I did was run the migrator and fix all but one of the warnings. There's an unused return value in one of the tests. I'm not sure if it's a left-over line of code, or if the function should get the @discardableResult annotation.

    opened by TheOtherDave 1
  • Missing features:

    Missing features:

    Fixed in #5

    • [x] Can't use another VerbalExpression as an argument in a VerbalExpression Chain. This is a common use-case explained in the original JS version of the library.
    • [x] No .or method
    opened by nmn 0
  • [Question] Is it possible to locate between strings?

    [Question] Is it possible to locate between strings?

    Are lazy quantifiers like these (?s)(?<=---).*(?=---) supported in VerEx?

    I wanted to extract any text between two sets of '---' in a string, is it possible?

    Thank you.

    opened by lf-araujo 0
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