A simple and customizable Markdown Parser for Swift

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Text MarkdownKit



Version Carthage compatible License Platform CI

MarkdownKit is a customizable and extensible Markdown parser for iOS and macOS. It supports many of the standard Markdown elements through the use of Regular Expressions. It also allows customization of font and color attributes for all the Markdown elements.




Installation via CocoaPods

MarkdownKit is available through CocoaPods. CocoaPods is a dependency manager that automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like MarkdownKit in your projects. You can install CocoaPods with the following command:

gem install cocoapods

To integrate MarkdownKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "MarkdownKit"

Afterwards, run the following command:

pod install

Installation via Carthage

MarkdownKit is available through Carthage. Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage via Homebrew with the following command:

brew update
brew install carthage

To integrate MarkdownKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "ivanbruel/MarkdownKit"

Afterwards, run the following command:

carthage update --use-xcframeworks

Installation via Swift Package Manager

MarkdownKit is available through Swift Package Manager.

To add MarkdownKit as a dependency of your Swift package, simply add the following line to your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/bmoliveira/MarkdownKit.git", from: "1.7.0")

Supported Elements

*italic* or _italics_
**bold** or __bold__

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

> Quote

* List
- List
+ List

`code` or ```code```


In order to use MarkdownKit to transform Markdown into NSAttributedString, all you have to do is create an instance of MarkdownParser and call the parse(_) function.

let markdownParser = MarkdownParser()
let markdown = "I support a *lot* of custom Markdown **Elements**, even `code`!"
label.attributedText = markdownParser.parse(markdown)


let markdownParser = MarkdownParser(font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18))
markdownParser.enabledElements = .disabledAutomaticLink
markdownParser.bold.color = UIColor.red
markdownParser.italic.font = UIFont.italicSystemFont(ofSize: 300)
markdownParser.header.fontIncrease = 4


To add new Markdown elements all you have to do is implement the MarkdownElement protocol (or descendants) and add it to the MarkdownParser.

import MarkdownKit

class MarkdownSubreddit: MarkdownLink {

  private static let regex = "(^|\\s|\\W)(/?r/(\\w+)/?)"

  override var regex: String {
    return MarkdownSubreddit.regex

  override func match(match: NSTextCheckingResult,
                             attributedString: NSMutableAttributedString) {
    let subredditName = attributedString.attributedSubstringFromRange(match.rangeAtIndex(3)).string
    let linkURLString = "http://reddit.com/r/\(subredditName)"
    formatText(attributedString, range: match.range, link: linkURLString)
    addAttributes(attributedString, range: match.range, link: linkURLString)

let markdownParser = MarkdownParser(customElements: [MarkdownSubreddit()])
let markdown = "**/r/iosprogramming** can be *markdown* as well!"
label.attributedText = markdownParser.parse(markdown)


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


This library is heavily inspired in TSMarkdownParser and also SwiftyMarkdown.

Special thanks to Michael Brown for helping out with the UTF-16 Escaping/Unescaping.


MarkdownKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Color of

    Color of "regular" text

    In my case I have this string that is displayed as a button label. "Already registered? **Login**"

           let parser = MarkdownParser(font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17))
            parser.automaticLinkDetectionEnabled = false
            parser.bold.color = UIColor.white
            parser.header.color = UIColor.white

    My problem is that "Already registered?" is displayed in blue and "Login" is white as set by bold-attribute. How can the color for regular text be set? Why is it set to blue?

    opened by ogezue 7
  • Combined bold and italic formatting doesn't work as expected.

    Combined bold and italic formatting doesn't work as expected.

    First of all: Awesome framework, thank you for open-sourcing it! 👍

    When nesting emphasis and strong delimiters (i.e. bold and italic delimiters) as follows:


    I would expect word to be formatted both bold and italic:


    This is specified in the CommonMark Spec and as you can see above, it's also the default behavior on GitHub.

    The MarkdownKit parser currently formats the Markdown input above as only italic:


    I would suggest to change the parser's behavior according to the specification.

    opened by mischa-hildebrand 5
  • Fix parsing of markdown code element

    Fix parsing of markdown code element

    This solves issue #8 whereby 2 anomalies occurred constantly when parsing grave accent to represent markdown element code. For example, let c1 = this is code, c2 = this is code too

    1. When either c1 or c2 occurs at the the beginning of a file, it will cause a runtime error.

    2. When either c1 or c2 occurs somewhere within the file, it doesn't cause a runtime error but as explained in #8, it outputs a random string of numbers.

    After further investigation, the culprit is in the regex string: "(?<!\\\\)(?:\\\\\\\\)*+(+)(._?[^]._?)(\1)(?!)"`. I am not good at regex yet but that's where the issue is. So, in my implementation, I modified the regex string and no anomaly occurs and thus no runtime error.

    opened by yohannes 5
  • Example does not compile

    Example does not compile


    I'm just trying to use your code. I download Example project but I have a compilation Error

    ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator9.3.sdk/Developer/Library/Frameworks'

    Can you please help

    opened by ghost 5
  • App crash on link markdown

    App crash on link markdown

    The app is crashing on this format of link: [(William) Davenport Griffen](/artists/(william)-davenport-griffen)

    The issue is with the name William in brackets. It seems that the framework treats (William) as a separate link.. instead of just a plain text. The app is crashing in the MarkdownLink.swift file on formatText function.


    opened by victormihaita 3
  • Fix build for macCatalyst

    Fix build for macCatalyst

    Currently library fails to build when targeting Mac Catalyst platform. It happens due to canImport(AppKit) pre-compile check which is true on Mac Catalyst, but many APIs like NSFont still are not available. This PR adds targetEnvironment checks.

    opened by ky1vstar 2
  • Carthage Install Failing

    Carthage Install Failing

    I'm trying to install via Carthage on Xcode 12.2 and keep getting this error:

    *** Building scheme "MarkdownKit-AppKit" in MarkdownKit.xcworkspace
    *** Building scheme "MarkdownKit" in MarkdownKit.xcworkspace
    Build Failed
    	Task failed with exit code 1:
    	/usr/bin/xcrun lipo -create /Users/tj/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/12.2_12B45b/MarkdownKit/1.7.0/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/MarkdownKit/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/MarkdownKit.framework/MarkdownKit /Users/tj/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/12.2_12B45b/MarkdownKit/1.7.0/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/MarkdownKit.framework/MarkdownKit -output /Volumes/VNStorage/Repos/iosSwitchbacks/switchbacks-ios/Carthage/Build/iOS/MarkdownKit.framework/MarkdownKit
    This usually indicates that project itself failed to compile. Please check the xcodebuild log for more details: /var/folders/yt/zk5_9dxd08b_4gpddjpl6qx00000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.RtHQE3.log

    Is this because Xcode 12.2 (Swift 5.3.1) is not supported? Or maybe arm64 architecture needs to be excluded?

    opened by tjolsen-vn 2
  • Errors occur when installing via Swift Package Manager

    Errors occur when installing via Swift Package Manager

    If you go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency, paste in https://github.com/bmoliveira/MarkdownKit.git, click Next, leave it at the default up to 1.4.1 rule, click Next, you'll get an error stating:

    https://github.com/bmoliveira/MarkdownKit.git has no Package.swift manifest for version 1.4.1 in https://github.com/bmoliveira/MarkdownKit.git

    If you instead put in 1.7.0 as is implied in the Readme, you'll get an error stating:

    Dependencies could not be resolved because no versions of 'MarkdownKit' match the requirement 1.7.0..<2.0.0 and root depends on 'MarkdownKit' 1.7.0..<2.0.0.

    Screen Shot 2021-03-22 at 1 33 50 PM
    opened by jordanhbuiltbyhq 2
  • Links without explicit schemes formatted but not working

    Links without explicit schemes formatted but not working

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Parse a markdown text containing links without explicit schemes:
    let markdownParser = MarkdownParser()
    let markdown = """
        Link with implicit scheme: old.reddit.com
        Link with explicit scheme: https://old.reddit.com/
    textView.attributedText = markdownParser.parse(markdown)
    1. Observe that the link with the implicit scheme is formatted as a link
    2. Select the link

    Expected behaviour Either the link is opened in Safari, or the text is not formatted as a link at all

    Actual behaviour

    • The link is formatted as a link
    • Selecting the link does nothing
    • Printed to console: Could not find any actions for URL old.reddit.com without any result.

    My suggestion would be to have an option for a default scheme for links that is added if the scheme is nil.

    opened by rberggreen 2
  • Crash in `String+UTF16.swift` - `unescapeUTF16()`

    Crash in `String+UTF16.swift` - `unescapeUTF16()`

    I have experienced a crash in the unescapeUTF16 method in String+UTF16.swift. The markdown that led to the crash can be found here: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0240-ordered-collection-diffing.md

    The crash was found on the line let endIndex = index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: $0 + 4) in the following code snippet:

    stride(from: 0, to: count, by: 4).forEach {
        let startIndex = index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: $0)
        let endIndex = index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: $0 + 4)
        let hex4 = String(self[startIndex..<endIndex])
        if let utf16 = UInt16(hex4, radix: 16) {
    opened by Frederiks96 2
  • Abandoned????


    Since the maintainer appears to have abandoned this, I have cloned and renamed this project, and merged most of the outstanding PRs manually. I also support Swift 4. New PRs are welcomed as well. https://github.com/davidlari/Haring

    opened by DavidLari 2
  • Fails to parse markdown starting or ending with a whitespace

    Fails to parse markdown starting or ending with a whitespace

    The parser fails to parse this string:**Kids ** has arrived at **UAT Test**

    Expected result: Kids has arrived at Test

    Actual result: Kids ** has arrived at ** UAT Test

    Version 1.7.1 used

    opened by theedov 0
  • Three ticks and new lines

    Three ticks and new lines

    Parsing new lines inside 3 ticks ( ``` ) is returning with a weird format. It'll show a tick at the beginning and the end, and the content will format as if I had only used one tick.

    opened by mathist 0
  • Bad parsing result

    Bad parsing result

    If I try to parse: "``Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.``" The resulted string value is "뻊"

    If I add a space at the beginning and pass in: " ``Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.``"

    Then it parses properly.

    opened by mathist 0
  • Combination of italic with custom markdown element not working

    Combination of italic with custom markdown element not working

    Reproducible for the case when text has mixed text-decoration style with custom markdown element. In my case. I have the custom element that not supports by markdown be default - underline(++). I implement the custom markdown element for parsing (like MarkdownStrikethrough).

    class MarkdownUnderline: MarkdownCommonElement {
    	var font: MarkdownFont?
    	var color: MarkdownColor?
    	private static let regex = "(.?|^)(\\+\\+)(?=\\S)(.+?)(?<=\\S)(\\2)"
    	var regex: String {
    		return MarkdownUnderline.regex
    	public init(font: MarkdownFont?, color: MarkdownColor? = nil) {
    		self.font = font
    		self.color = color
    	public func match(_ match: NSTextCheckingResult, attributedString: NSMutableAttributedString) {
    		attributedString.deleteCharacters(in: match.range(at: 4))
    		var attributes = attributedString.attributes(
    			at: match.range(at: 3).location,
    			longestEffectiveRange: nil,
    			in: match.range(at: 3)
    		attributes[.underlineStyle] = NSNumber.init(value: NSUnderlineStyle.single.rawValue)
    		attributedString.addAttributes(attributes, range: match.range(at: 3))
    		attributedString.deleteCharacters(in: match.range(at: 2))

    But parsing result is not correct, for example for text **_++Lorem ipsum++_** will be produced the attributed text: image

    _++Lorem ipsum++_ image

    If I change the regex to (.?|^)(\\*|_)(?=\\S)(.+?)(?<=\\S)(\\2) ,that was implemented for fix, the parsing result is correct.

    opened by S2V 4
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