WANNA SDK enhances your iOS app with virtual try-on capabilities for shoes and watches


Get started with WANNA SDK

WANNA SDK enhances your iOS app with virtual try-on capabilities for shoes and watches. With this feature, your users will be able to see in real time how the selected product looks on them, just by pointing their smartphone camera at their feet or wrist.

This tutorial walks you through the simplest try-on use case: load the library, start the camera, show the virtual try-on and unload everything when done. We won't be paying much attention to error handling or more elaborate use scenarios.

Check out also the code sample that implements this use case. See the ios/Swift folder in the distribution.


To work with WANNA SDK, you will need:

  • WANNA distribution.
    Use either the frameworks or the CocoaPod.
  • the license key that authorizes WANNA SDK use.
    Contact our sales representative at account@wanna.fashion to get one.
  • 3D models of your products.
    A model ID should be an alphanumeric string, with hyphens and underscores but no other special characters. Otherwise, set the IDs in any way convenient to you: the ID can be an internal product code or a vendor ID, as long as it is unique for each model. The models will be stored in a content delivery network (CDN) to ensure availability across different regions. Note that each color should have its own modelβ€”WANNA SDK can't touch up the colors on the fly.


Add WANNA SDK to your project either as a CocoaPod or by embedding the frameworks in your Xcode project.


Create a Podfile if you haven't yet:

$ cd 
$ pod init

Add the WannaSDK pod to your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

platform :ios, '13.0'


target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'WannaSDK', '~> 5.2'

Install the pod:

$ pod install


  1. Add WsneakersCoreSDK.xcframework and WsneakersUISDK.xcframework to your project in Xcode.
  2. Embed these frameworks in the main bundle of your project.


Write your part of the code

WANNA SDK will only provide the try-on experience. Some things you will have to implement for yourself:

  • the launch button on the product page
  • any overlays for the camera window, tips for the user, etc.

Implement virtual try-on

Note: Add the NSCameraUsageDescription key to Info.plist, so that your app can use the camera.

In ViewController, add a new UIView component using Interface Builder and select WsneakersUISDKView custom class for it.

Write the code for working with the SDK in WsneakersViewController.swift:

  1. Initialize the try-on session.
    For sneakers, call the createSession method:
    let session = try WsneakersUISDKSession.createSession(withConfig: clientConfig, withBorderCrop: 0.0, progress: { progress in return true })
    For watches, call the createWatchSession method:
    let session = try WsneakersUISDKSession.createWatchSession(withConfig: clientConfig, withBorderCrop: 0.0, progress: { progress in return true })
    Note that this method requires the license key (clientConfig) that authorizes your use of WANNA SDK.
    If needed, crop the try-on view with a different value of borderCrop, so that the relevant area is zoomed in. You may want to show a progress indicator in the progress block, because the initialization, with loading all the resources, will take some time.
    The good time to initialize is when the user goes to a screen that offers virtual try-on and you expect them to use it. Note that initialization will take up some processing resources and download traffic on the user's device. To prevent overuse of these resources, avoid initializing too early.
    Important! You may not create a session instance in different threads simultaneously.
  2. Implement a WsneakersUISDKSessionDelegate protocol and assign it to the delegate property of the session object. The hasVisibleFeet parameter will tell you if we've found the object on which to try on your product - feet or wrist - in the camera view. This can be useful if you'd like to show a tip to the user when the camera isn't pointed in the right direction.
  3. Connect the view you created to the session via an outlet:
    @IBOutlet var tryonView : WsneakersUISDKView! wsneakersSession.wsneakersUISDKView = wsneakersView
  4. When the session has loaded and everything is ready, startSession to begin work.
  5. To show the try-on screen, call the startDrawing method each time the try-on becomes active.
  6. Make sure your app handles the "idle" time with no user input so that the screen isn't dimmed or turned off during virtual try-on:
    UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true
    Don't forget to reset this setting when the try-on session is completed. See the recommendations at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiapplication/1623070-isidletimerdisabled
  7. Once the session has loaded successfully, create the storage object that will load and manage models. Use the createStorage method, passing in the client configuration string. This is also where you can limit cache size for model storage, we suggest about 200 MB.
    let storage = try! WsneakersUISDKRenderModelStorage.createStorage(withConfig: clientConfig, withCacheSize: 1024*1024*200)
    Once the user has tried on a model, it will be kept in cache until you destroy the session. If the stored models overflow the cache, WANNA SDK will delete the model that was unused the longest. If you need to remove the stored models, call clearCache.
    Important! You may not create a storage instance in different threads simultaneously.
  8. Call the getRenderModel method of the storage object, passing the model ID as input. At this point we will download the model, which may take some time. If the user has tried this model on in this session and it's already in cache, that will save time.
    The completion block will contain a WsneakersUISDKRenderModel object representing the model.
  9. Pass the model object into the changeRenderModel method of the session object. WANNA SDK will render the product on the user's feet, or wrist, once they are in the frame.
  10. Whenever the user goes out of the virtual try-on, stopDrawing to turn off the camera view and the model rendering. If they then come back, startDrawing again. You might also want to removeRenderModel from the session, so that the old model won't be showing while the new one isn't ready yet.
  11. When the user is done with their session, stopDrawing and stopSession to clear the resources. Note that the 3D models storage is kept even after exiting the app, and the stored models will be available on the next run.


Our distribution includes a simple code sample in Swift: see ios/Swift folder in the distribution. Use it to test our SDK capabilities or as a starting point to develop your own app.

Before building and running the sample:

  1. Enter your license key in WANNASDKDefaults.swift:
  1. Assign a development team to the sample Xcode project, to ensure it's signed correctly. Go to the Signing & Capabilities tab in Xcode and choose the appropriate value in the Team dropdown list.


  • ios folder with code samples in Swift and Objective-C for the basic virtual try-on scenario.
  • WannaSDK folder with the library files required if you are using WANNA SDK. Redistribute these with your application.
  • readme folder with this file and other product documentation.

System requirements

  • iOS version: 12.0 or later
  • Supported devices: iPhone SE/6s and later
  • Memory requirements:
    • Footprint (zipped), contributes to the downloadable size of your app:
      • iOS 12.2 and later: 3.4 MB for library files
      • iOS 12.0 - 12.1.4: 5.9 MB for library files
    • Footprint (unzipped), contributes to the space your app takes up when installed:
      • iOS 12.2 and later: 8.6 MB for library files
      • iOS 12.0 - 12.1.4: 16.3 MB for library files
      • 25 MB cache for neural networks and auxiliary files
    • RAM: up to 600 MB, depending on the size and quality of the 3D model
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