RangeSeedSlider provides a customizable range slider like a UISlider.



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RangeSeekSlider provides a customizable range slider like a UISlider. This library is based on TomThorpe/TTRangeSlider (Objective-C) and made with Swift.



You can try on Appetize.io


Build Xcode project.

  1. Open RangeSeekSlider.xcodeproj.
  2. Change Scheme to RangeSeekSliderDemo
  3. Run


Add the RangeSeekSlider like you would with any other UIControl. Either:

  • Add a view in your storyboard/xib and change its Class and Module to RangeSeekSlider. You can set all the properties in the Attributes Inspector and see a live preview:

Interface Builder Module Screenshot

Interface Builder Screenshot


  • Create the RangeSeekSlider in code using RangeSeekSlider() then add it as a subview to your code and set the relevant autolayout properties or frame.

The default slider ranges from 0.0 -> 100.0 and has 10.0 preselected as the minimum, and 90.0 as the maximum.

Values that the user has selected are exposed using the selectedMinValue and selectedMaxValue properties. You can also use these properties to change the selected values programatically if you wish.

Other customisation of the control is done using the following properties:


The tintColor property (which you can also set in Interface Builder) sets the overall color of the control, including the color of the line, the two handles, and the labels.

It is safe to change the tintColor at any time, if the control is currently visible the color change will be animated into the new color.


The minimum possible value to select in the range


The maximum possible value to select in the range


The preselected minumum value (note: This should be less than the selectedMaxValue)


The preselected maximum value (note: This should be greater than the selectedMinValue)


The font of the minimum value text label. If not set, the default is system font size 12.0.


The font of the maximum value text label. If not set, the default is system font size 12.0.


Each handle in the slider has a label above it showing the current selected value. If you change number format, update each properties of NumberFormatter. By default, this is displayed as a decimal format.


When set to true the labels above the slider controls will be hidden. Default is false.


Fixes the labels above the slider controls. If true, labels will be fixed to both ends. Otherwise labels will move with the handles. Default is false.


The minimum distance the two selected slider values must be apart. Default is 0.0.


The maximum distance the two selected slider values must be apart. Default is CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude.


The color of the minimum value text label. If not set, the default is the tintColor.


The color of the maximum value text label. If not set, the default is the tintColor.


If set it will update the color of the handles. Default is tintColor.


The colorBetweenHandles property sets the color of the line between the two handles.


If set it will update the color of the handle borders. Default is tintColor.


The color of the entire slider when the handle is set to the minimum value and the maximum value. Default is nil.


If true, the control will mimic a normal slider and have only one handle rather than a range.

In this case, the selectedMinValue will be not functional anymore. Use selectedMaxValue instead to determine the value the user has selected.


If true the control will snap to point at each step (property) between minValue and maxValue. Default value is disabled.


If enableStep is true, this controls the value of each step. E.g. if this value is 20, the control will snap to values 20,40,60...etc. Set this is you enable the enableStep property.


If set the image passed will be used for the handles.


If set it will update the size of the handles. Default is 16.0.


If set it update the scaling factor of the handle when selected. Default is 1.7. If you don't want any scaling, set it to 1.0.


Set the height of the line. It will automatically round the corners. If not specified, the default value will be 1.0.


If set it will update the size of the handle borders. Default is 0.0


If set it will update the size of the padding between label and handle. Default is 8.0


The label displayed in accessibility mode for minimum value handler. If not set, the default is empty String.


The label displayed in accessibility mode for maximum value handler. If not set, the default is empty String.


The brief description displayed in accessibility mode for minimum value handler. If not set, the default is empty String.


The brief description displayed in accessibility mode for maximum value handler. If not set, the default is empty String.

func setupStyle()

When subclassing RangeSeekSlider and setting each item in setupStyle(), the design is reflected in Interface Builder as well. setup_style.gif


  • Swift 3.0+
  • iOS 9.0+



RangeSeekSlider is available through Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "WorldDownTown/RangeSeekSlider"

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

When installed with Carthage, @IBDesignable can't be available (Carthage Issue). But we have a workaround is shown in Stack Overflow. It is able to use @IBDesignable by subclassing RangeSeekSlider.

@IBDesignable class CustomRangeSeekSlider: RangeSeekSlider {}


RangeSeekSlider is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'RangeSeekSlider'


Download and drop RangeSeekSlider/Sources folder in your project.


WorldDownTown, WorldDownTown@gmail.com


RangeSeekSlider is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Change the selected value programmatically

    Change the selected value programmatically

    New Issue Checklist

    • [x] Updated RangeSeekSlider to the latest version
    • [x] Checked Gitter

    Issue Description

    I think this is more of a feature request than an issue.

    I noticed that you can't programmatically change the min and max values after they've been set initially. It'll be nice if there is an option to do that.

    I'm adding a demo project here just in case. It has a slider with min value being 0 and max value is 5. I set the min to 1 and max to 3 in the viewDidLoad and it appears in the slider correctly.

    Then I'm trying to change them to 2 and 4 upon a button tap but nothing's happening.

    Demo project

    opened by Isuru-Nanayakkara 14
  • Min label visible after setting *disableRange*

    Min label visible after setting *disableRange*

    New Issue Checklist

    • [x] Updated RangeSeekSlider to the latest version
    • [x] Checked Gitter

    Issue Description

    After setting the disableRange to true, minLabel still shows up. I guess the following line (469):

            minLabel.isHidden = hideLabels

    Should read:

            minLabel.isHidden = hideLabels || disableRange

    Let me know if that's the fix or I am using it wrong and I'll send a PR.

    Thank you, H.


    opened by hernangonzalez 4
  • Missing CFBundleVersion

    Missing CFBundleVersion

    New Issue Checklist

    • [x] Updated RangeSeekSlider to the latest version
    • [ ] Checked Gitter

    Issue Description

    After adding this framework to our application, we are getting the following error when uploading to iTunes Connect (TestFlight beta):

    [11:13:20]: [Transporter Error Output]: ERROR ITMS-90056: "This bundle Payload/XXXX.app/Frameworks/RangeSeekSlider.framework is invalid. The Info.plist file is missing the required key: CFBundleVersion."
    [11:13:20]: Transporter transfer failed.
    [11:13:20]: ERROR ITMS-90056: "This bundle Payload/XXXX.app/Frameworks/RangeSeekSlider.framework is invalid. The Info.plist file is missing the required key: CFBundleVersion."


    • Library version 1.7.0
    • iOS version 10-11
    • Swift version 4

    Framework was installed via Carthage, adding the following to our Cartfile:

    # Used for time sliders
    github "WorldDownTown/RangeSeekSlider"
    opened by eneko 3
  • Please update master Cocoapod repository.

    Please update master Cocoapod repository.

    New Issue Checklist

    • [x] Updated RangeSeekSlider to the latest version
    • [x] Checked Gitter

    Issue Description

    Latest version on Cocoapods is 1.5.0. https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/tree/d69f13d37c9af9b99757ac6379b0c55aea78beb1/Specs/6/4/d/RangeSeekSlider

    Could you please update with latest changes?

    Thank you.

    opened by hernangonzalez 3
  • Feature Request-  update slider by Textfields Input (vice versa)

    Feature Request- update slider by Textfields Input (vice versa)

    New Issue Checklist

    • [ ] update slider by Textfields Input
    • [ ] update textfields by update slider

    Issue Description

    insert min and max value in textField to update range slide, and if slide value is changed textfields should also updated

    • iOS 14
    • Swift 5
    opened by naveedmcs 1
  • Typo in ReadMe

    Typo in ReadMe

    New Issue Checklist

    • [x] Updated RangeSeekSlider to the latest version
    • [x] Checked Gitter

    Issue Description

    the example code in Carthage section:

    @IBDesignable class CustomRangeSeekSlider: RangeSeedSlider {}

    should be

    @IBDesignable class CustomRangeSeekSlider: RangeSeekSlider {}

    opened by aalenliang 1
  • Handle border width & color not working

    Handle border width & color not working

    New Issue Checklist

    • [x] Updated RangeSeekSlider to the latest version
    • [x] Checked Gitter

    Issue Description

    Setting handle border and color has no effect. Looks like its property is not even used in the code.


    Just define a value for the border properties other than the color used for the handle itself.

    opened by hernangonzalez 0
  • Handles overlapping

    Handles overlapping

    While using long values for min & max this kind of overlapping issues will acquire. Example min = 0 and max = 100 means both handlers are overlapping while come together.

    Attached screenshot for your reference, please check and do the needful thanks.


    • Xcode version - 14.0
    • iOS version - 16.0
    • Swift version - 5.0


    opened by HariVijay44 0
  • Issue in Swipe to increase and decrease with thumb

    Issue in Swipe to increase and decrease with thumb

    Issue Description



    I integrated Range seek slider for price range but it will take time to increase decrease value while we swipe with thumb (working fine in demo). I attached a sample video in same thread. please check once and let me know if anything more you want for reference.

    Thanks and regards Deepak Kumar


    opened by Deepak-kumar-varshney 1
  • On max label colour changes to the blue

    On max label colour changes to the blue

    Issue Description

    When we set the min slider value to 0 and max slider value to max the label color changes. And there is no method or variable to the colour to black on max reach


    opened by vijay12345678910 0
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