A simple, powerful and elegant implementation of the coordinator template in Swift for UIKit


A simple, powerful and elegant implementation of the coordinator template in Swift for UIKit


Swift Package Manager


How to use Jumper


Jumper out of the box has three kinds of coordinator protocols that your coordinators can implement:

You can also implement your own coordinator, see the source code.

  • RootCoordinable - It is a UIViewController container, great for starting logic in your application.
  • NavigationCoordinable - Used for stack navigation
  • TabCoordinable - Implements 'UITabBarController`


final class AppCoordinator: RootCoordinable {

    // step 1
    var navigation: RootNavigation<AppCoordinator> = .init(initial: \.onboarding)
    // step 2
    @Route var onboarding = onboardingScreen
    @Route var home = homeScreen

    // step 3
    func onboardingScreen() -> ScreenView {
    func homeScreen() -> TabBarCoordinator {

In this example, an AppCoordinator is created that implements the RootCoordinable protocol

  • Step 1 - You have to implement the navigation property and initialize it with Route by default
  • Step 2 - Initialization of transitions, set using the keyword @Route which should indicate the function of creating a View or another Coordinator for the transition
  • Step 3 - Implementation of methods referenced by Route

List of transition methods

  • root(\.someRoute) Replaces the current view or coordinator
  • root(\.someRoute, input: "any type")
  • isRoot(\.someRoute) Returns a boolean value that indicates whether the given Route is root
  • hasRoot(\.someRoute) Returns the root coordinator or nil if the specified Route is not root
  • present(\.someRoute) Is presented by a view or coordinator
  • present(\.someRoute, input: "any type")
  • present(\.someRoute, input: "any type", animated: false)
  • dismiss() Dismiss the current Coordinator

You can pass an argument to each transition method using the input field, which will be passed to the view/coordinator creation function.

@Route var userList = userListScreen

func userListScreen(listData: [User]) -> UserListCoordinator {
    UserListCoordinator(data: listData)

calling such a transition will look like this

coordinator.present(\.userList, input: userListData)


final class AuthorizationCoordinator: NavigationCoordinable {
    var navigation: Navigation<AuthorizationCoordinator> = .init(initial: \.authorization)
    @Route var authorization = authorizationScreen
    @Route var registration = registrationScreen
    func authorizationScreen() -> ScreenView {
    func registrationScreen() -> ScreenView {

List of transition methods

  • push(\.someRoute)
  • push(\.someRoute, input: "any type")
  • push(\.someRoute, animated: false)
  • push(stack: )
  • pop(\.someRoute)
  • pop(\.someRoute, animated: false)
  • pop(to: \.someRoute) going to the specified Route
  • pop(to: \.someRoute, animated: false)
  • popToRoot()
  • popToRoot(animated: false)
  • present(\.someRoute)
  • present(\.someRoute, input: "any type")
  • present(\.someRoute, input: "any type", animated: false)
  • dismiss() Dismiss the current Coordinator

using the push(stack:) method you can push several Routes into the navigation stack at once, and the animation will be applied only for the last transition

coordinator.push {

you can do the same with the Route chain

    .push(\.yellow, animated: false)
    .push(\.green, animated: false)
    .push(\.green, animated: false)
    .push(\.green, animated: false)
    .push(\.yellow, animated: false)
    .push(\.green, animated: true)


final class TabBarCoordinator: TabCoordinable {
    // Step 1
    var navigation: TabNavigation<TabBarCoordinator> = .init {
    // Step 2
    @Route(tabItem: mainTab) var main = mainScreen
    @Route(tabItem: settingsTab) var settings = settingsScreen

    // Step 3
    func mainScreen() -> MainCoordinator {
    func settingsScreen() -> SettingsCoordinator {
    // Step 4
    func mainTab() -> UITabBarItem {
            .image(UIImage(systemName: "circle.fill"))
    func settingsTab() -> UITabBarItem {
            .image(UIImage(systemName: "square.fill"))

Here everything is similar to other coordinators, with a small exception, a new argument appears in @Route, to which you must pass TabItem, and in the initialization of the navigation property, a list of routes that will be tabs is now passed

  • Step 1 - Initialize navigation with several Routes that will be tabs in the tabbar
  • Step 2 - Define Route by specifying TabItem in the argument
  • Step 3 - Define the coordinators for transitions
  • Step 4 - Define the methods that will return TabItem's

List of transition methods

  • focus(\.someTabRoute) switching to tab
  • present(\.someRoute) presentation of Route
  • dismiss() Dismiss the current Coordinator


In order to show the alert and other pop-up elements through the coordinator, you must support the ScreenViewPresentable protocol

For example, create the AlertCoordinable protocol and implement the Alert display logic in it. To get the controller to which you want to show the popup element, call the view() method

let controller = view()

public protocol AlertCoordinable: ScreenViewPresentable {
    func showAlert(title: String, message: String)

extension AlertCoordinable {
    func presentAlert(title: String, message: String) {
        let controller = view()
        let alertController = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
        let completeAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel, handler: nil)
        controller.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Implement the 'AlertCoordinable` protocol in the coordinator. Now the coordinator has the opportunity to display an alert

final class SettingsCoordinator: NavigationCoordinable, AlertCoordinable {
coordinator.presentAlert(title: "Title", message: "Message")


Sometimes you may need to access the UITabBarController, UINavigationController or UIViewController controller from your coordinator, there is a configure(controller: ) method for this

final class MainCoordinator: NavigationCoordinable {
    func configure(controller: UINavigationController) {
        // Customize here


One of the strengths of Jumper is the integration of transitions into chains

    .push(\.todoDetail, input: todoIdentifier)

each transition, if it is a transition to the coordinator, returns the transition coordinator, if it is a transition to the view, then the current coordinator is returned.

For example: There are two transitions in the SettingsCoordinator coordinator:

final class SettingsCoordinator: NavigationCoordinable {
    @Route var rateApp = rateAppScreen
    @Route var notification = notificationScreen

    func rateAppScreen() -> ScreenView {
    func notificationScreen() -> NotificationCoordinator {
coordinator.present(\.rateApp) \\ return SettingsCoordinator
coordinator.present(\.notification) \\ return NotificationCoordinator

Deep Linking

By combining Route into chains, you get DeepLink out of the box, to implement them, define the scene(scene:, openURLContexts:) method in SceneDelegate

func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) {

define the onOpenURL(url:) method in your app coordinator

func onOpenURL(_ url: URL?) {
    guard let url = url else { return }
    guard let deepLink = try? DeepLink(url: url) else { return }

    if let coordinator = self.hasRoot(\.home) {
        switch deepLink {
        case .todo(let id):
                .present(\.todo, input: id)
        case .settings:
        case .home:

You can see the implementation of DeepLink in the Demo project.

To test the 'DeepLink ' use the terminal command xcrun simctl openurl booted <url>

deep links that are configured in the Demo project

Switching to Main Tab

xcrun simctl openurl booted jumper://io.idevs/home

Switching to Settings Tab

xcrun simctl openurl booted jumper://io.idevs/settings

Opens the modal view and passes the hello-world argument to it

xcrun simctl openurl booted jumper://io.idevs/todo/hello-world


Demo project

Download the demo project from repository


MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

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