An App-specific Simple Routing Library



An App-specific Simple Routing Library


let r = Router()
r.addRoute("tbx://index") { _ in
r.addRoute("tbx://intTest/:value") { ctx in
    let v = try ctx.params.getInt("value")
    print("hello \(v)")
r.addRoute("tbx://file/*name") { ctx in
    let name = try ctx.params.getString("name")
    print("file \(name)")
r.addRoute("tbx://long/long/:name/path") { ctx in
    let name = try ctx.params.getString("name")
    print("hello \(name)")


Swift, iOS 9.0+, maxOS 10.10+


TrieRouter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'TrieRouter'




TrieRouter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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