A usermanager written in swift 3.0 saves you from hassle of saving your active user session.



A usermanager written in swift 3.0 saves you from hassle of saving your active user session.

Call api and give the json to MOProfile to make a model and call


let profileFromServer = [ "firstName" : "Zeeshan", "userName" : "xeieshan", "lastName" : "Haider", "id" : 1, "email" : "xeieshan@gmail.com" ] as [String : Any]

let profileModel : MOProfile = MOProfile(profileFromServer as Dictionary<String, AnyObject>) UserManager.setCurrentUser(newCurrentUser: profileModel)

You can access properties of your loggedin user like

debugPrint((UserManager.currentUser?.firstName)! as String)

To logout simply call


If you want to see if your user is logged (for autologin)

if UserManager.currentUser != nil { // Take to App } else { // Take to Login // After Login save user }

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  • logOutCurrentUser error

    logOutCurrentUser error

    First of all, awesome stuff!

    logOutCurrentUser calls setCurrentUser(newCurrentUser: nil) in which assert(newCurrentUser != nil, "Trying to set current user to nil! Use [MOUser logOutCurrentUser] instead!") gets triggered.

    I guess remove the call to setCurrentUser in logOutCurrentUser?

    opened by benaneesh 1
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