Drop in user input validation for your iOS apps.



Validator is a user input validation library written in Swift. It's comprehensive, designed for extension, and leaves the UI up to you.

Here's how you might validate an email address:

let emailRule = ValidationRulePattern(pattern: EmailValidationPattern.standard, error: validationError)
"invalid@email,com".validate(emailRule) // -> .invalid(validationError)

... or that a user is over the age of 18:

let eighteenYearsAgo = Date().addingTimeInterval(-568024668)
let drinkingAgeRule = ValidationRuleComparison<Date>(min: eighteenYearsAgo, error: validationError)
let dateOfBirth = Date().addingTimeInterval(-662695446) // 21 years old
dateOfBirth.validate(rule: rule) // -> .valid

... or that a number is within a specified range:

let numericRule = ValidationRuleComparison<Int>(min: 50, max: 100, error: validationError)
42.validate(numericRule) // -> .invalid(validationError)

.. or that a text field contains a valid Visa or American Express card number:

let cardRule = ValidationRulePaymentCard(availableTypes: [.visa, .amex], error: validationError)
paymentCardTextField.validate(cardRule) // -> .valid or .invalid(validationError) depending on what's in paymentCardTextField


  • Validation rules:
    • Required
    • Equality
    • Comparison
    • Length (min, max, range)
    • Pattern (email, password constraints and more...)
    • Contains
    • URL
    • Payment card (Luhn validated, accepted types)
    • Condition (quickly write your own)
  • Swift standard library type extensions with one API (not just strings!)
  • UIKit element extensions
  • Open validation error types
  • An open protocol-oriented implementation
  • Comprehensive test coverage
  • Comprehensive code documentation





CocoaPods Compatible CocoaPods Compatible

pod 'Validator'


Carthage Compatible

github "adamwaite/Validator"


Validator can validate any Validatable type using one or multiple ValidationRules. A validation operation returns a ValidationResult which matches either .valid or .invalid([Error]).

let rule = ValidationRulePattern(pattern: EmailValidationPattern.standard, error: validationError)

let result = "invalid@email,com".validate(rule: rule)
// Note: the above is equivalent to Validator.validate(input: "invalid@email,com", rule: rule)

switch result {
case .valid: print("😀")
case .invalid(let failures): print(failures.first?.message)

Validation Rules


Validates a type exists (not-nil).

let stringRequiredRule = ValidationRuleRequired<String?>(error: validationError)

let floatRequiredRule = ValidationRuleRequired<Float?>(error: validationError)

Note - You can't use validate on an optional Validatable type (e.g. myString?.validate(aRule...) because the optional chaining mechanism will bypass the call. "thing".validate(rule: aRule...) is fine. To validate an optional for required in this way use: Validator.validate(input: anOptional, rule: aRule).


Validates an Equatable type is equal to another.

let staticEqualityRule = ValidationRuleEquality<String>(target: "hello", error: validationError)

let dynamicEqualityRule = ValidationRuleEquality<String>(dynamicTarget: { return textField.text ?? "" }, error: validationError)


Validates a Comparable type against a maximum and minimum.

let comparisonRule = ValidationRuleComparison<Float>(min: 5, max: 7, error: validationError)


Validates a String length satisfies a minimum, maximum or range.

let minLengthRule = ValidationRuleLength(min: 5, error: validationError)

let maxLengthRule = ValidationRuleLength(max: 5, error: validationError)

let rangeLengthRule = ValidationRuleLength(min: 5, max: 10, error: validationError)


Validates a String against a pattern.

ValidationRulePattern can be initialised with a String pattern or a type conforming to ValidationPattern. Validator provides some common patterns in the Patterns directory.

let emailRule = ValidationRulePattern(pattern: EmailValidationPattern.standard, error: validationError)

let digitRule = ValidationRulePattern(pattern: ContainsNumberValidationPattern(), error: someValidationErrorType)

let helloRule = ValidationRulePattern(pattern: ".*hello.*", error: validationError)


Validates an Equatable type is within a predefined SequenceType's elements (where the Element of the SequenceType matches the input type).

let stringContainsRule = ValidationRuleContains<String, [String]>(sequence: ["hello", "hi", "hey"], error: validationError)

let rule = ValidationRuleContains<Int, [Int]>(sequence: [1, 2, 3], error: validationError)


Validates a String to see if it's a valid URL conforming to RFC 2396.

let urlRule = ValidationRuleURL(error: validationError)

Payment Card

Validates a String to see if it's a valid payment card number by firstly running it through the Luhn check algorithm, and secondly ensuring it follows the format of a number of payment card providers.

public enum PaymentCardType: Int {
    case amex, mastercard, visa, maestro, dinersClub, jcb, discover, unionPay

To be validate against any card type (just the Luhn check):

let anyCardRule = ValidationRulePaymentCard(error: validationError)

To be validate against a set of accepted card types (e.g Visa, Mastercard and American Express in this example):

let acceptedCardsRule = ValidationRulePaymentCard(acceptedTypes: [.visa, .mastercard, .amex], error: validationError)


Validates a Validatable type with a custom condition.

let conditionRule = ValidationRuleCondition<[String]>(error: validationError) { $0.contains("Hello") }

Create Your Own

Create your own validation rules by conforming to the ValidationRule protocol:

protocol ValidationRule {
    typealias InputType
    func validate(input: InputType) -> Bool
    var error: ValidationError { get }


struct HappyRule {
    typealias InputType = String
    var error: ValidationError
    func validate(input: String) -> Bool {
        return input == "😀"

If your custom rule doesn't already exist in the library and you think it might be useful for other people, then it'd be great if you added it in with a pull request.

Multiple Validation Rules (ValidationRuleSet)

Validation rules can be combined into a ValidationRuleSet containing a collection of rules that validate a type.

var passwordRules = ValidationRuleSet<String>()

let minLengthRule = ValidationRuleLength(min: 5, error: validationError)
passwordRules.add(rule: minLengthRule)

let digitRule = ValidationRulePattern(pattern: .ContainsDigit, error: validationError)
passwordRules.add(rule: digitRule)


Any type that conforms to the Validatable protocol can be validated using the validate: method.

// Validate with a single rule:

let result = "some string".validate(rule: aRule)

// Validate with a collection of rules:

let result = 42.validate(rules: aRuleSet)

Extend Types As Validatable

Extend the Validatable protocol to make a new type validatable.

extension Thing : Validatable { }

Note: The implementation inside the protocol extension should mean that you don't need to implement anything yourself unless you need to validate multiple properties.


The validate: method returns a ValidationResult enum. ValidationResult can take one of two forms:

  1. .valid: The input satisfies the validation rules.
  2. .invalid: The input fails the validation rules. An .invalid result has an associated array of types conforming to ValidationError.


Initialize rules with any ValidationError to be passed with the result on a failed validation.


struct User: Validatable {

    let email: String

    enum ValidationErrors: String, ValidationError {
        case emailInvalid = "Email address is invalid"
        var message { return self.rawValue }

    func validate() -> ValidationResult {
        let rule ValidationRulePattern(pattern: .emailAddress, error: ValidationErrors.emailInvalid)
        return email.validate(rule: rule)

Validating UIKit Elements

UIKit elements that conform to ValidatableInterfaceElement can have their input validated with the validate: method.

let textField = UITextField()
textField.text = "I'm going to be validated"

let slider = UISlider()
slider.value = 0.3

// Validate with a single rule:

let result = textField.validate(rule: aRule)

// Validate with a collection of rules:

let result = slider.validate(rules: aRuleSet)

Validate On Input Change

A ValidatableInterfaceElement can be configured to automatically validate when the input changes in 3 steps.

  1. Attach a set of default rules:

    let textField = UITextField()
    var rules = ValidationRuleSet<String>()
    rules.add(rule: someRule)
    textField.validationRules = rules
  2. Attach a closure to fire on input change:

    textField.validationHandler = { result in
      switch result {
      case .valid:
      case .invalid(let failureErrors):
    	    let messages = failureErrors.map { $0.message }
        print("invalid!", messages)
  3. Begin observation:

    textField.validateOnInputChange(enabled: true)

Note - Use .validateOnInputChange(enabled: false) to end observation.

Extend UI Elements As Validatable

Extend the ValidatableInterfaceElement protocol to make an interface element validatable.


extension UITextField: ValidatableInterfaceElement {

    typealias InputType = String

    var inputValue: String { return text ?? "" }

    func validateOnInputChange(enabled: Bool) {
        switch validationEnabled {
        case true: addTarget(self, action: #selector(validateInputChange), forControlEvents: .editingChanged)
        case false: removeTarget(self, action: #selector(validateInputChange), forControlEvents: .editingChanged)

    @objc private func validateInputChange(_ sender: UITextField) {


The implementation inside the protocol extension should mean that you should only need to implement:

  1. The typealias: the type of input to be validated (e.g String for UITextField).
  2. The inputValue: the input value to be validated (e.g the text value for UITextField).
  3. The validateOnInputChange: method: to configure input-change observation.


There's an example project in this repository.


Any contributions and suggestions are most welcome! Please ensure any new code is covered with unit tests, and that all existing tests pass. Please update the README with any new features. Thanks!




Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Swift 4.1 issue

    Swift 4.1 issue

    I have a problem with building last version of library with last SDK 11.3. The issue is following: UISlider+Validator doesn't confirm to protocol function ValidateabeInterfaceElement, also same issue is for UITextField and UITextView

    opened by rockyftn 11
  • Email regex too strict

    Email regex too strict

    The regex requires a TLD, which isn't required in the email address spec[0]. There's been a lot written[1] about email regex that's too strict and I tend to agree that it's better to have false positives than false negatives, especially with a default validator. The regex actually fails a lot of valid email addresses (although most will likely rarely appear).

    Here's a list[2] of valid email address the regex fails,

    • "much.more unusual"@example.com
    • "very.unusual.@.unusual.com"@example.com
    • "very.(),:;<>[]".VERY."very@\ "very".unusual"@strange.example.com
    • admin@mailserver1
    • #!$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}|~@example.org
    • "()<>[]:,;@\"!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}| ~.a"@example.org
    • " "@example.org (space between the quotes)
    • example@localhost (sent from localhost)
    • user@com
    • user@localserver
    • user@[IPv6:2001:db8::1]

    [0] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822#section-3.4 [1] Email spec in ABNF and also includes the regex implementation https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#valid-e-mail-address [2] Taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_address#Valid_email_addresses

    opened by adamkuipers 9
  • How to make UITextView implement ValidatableInterfaceElement?

    How to make UITextView implement ValidatableInterfaceElement?


    Great library! I have really enjoyed using it so far to validate UITextField's, it was painless. I was wondering how one could validate for a UITextView. After reading the readme, I came up with:

    extension UITextView: ValidatableInterfaceElement {
        public typealias InputType = String
        var inputValue: String { return text ?? "" }
        public func validateOnInputChange(validationEnabled: Bool) {
            switch validationEnabled {
            case true: addTarget(self, action: "validateInputChange:", forControlEvents: .EditingChanged)
            case false: removeTarget(self, action: "validateInputChange:", forControlEvents: .EditingChanged)
        @objc private func validateInputChange(sender: UITextView) {

    which is probably very wrong, because it is just a copy and paste, and the compiler gives these errors:

    Type 'UITextView' does not conform to protocol 'ValidatableInterfaceElement' Use of unresolved identifier addTarget Use of unresolved identifier removeTarget

    These errors make sense, because UITextView does not have addTarget/removeTarget methods. Sadly, my Swift-fu and Obj-C-fu are laughable, but it seems possible as in the following Stackoverflow question:


    I tried making my UIViewController that has the UITextView implement UITextViewDelegate, and then:

        func textViewDidChange(textView: UITextView) {
            keyText = textView.text

    but I am not sure how to wire this all up and make it work. Any ideas/suggestions? Also this could be an opportunity to add to the library, like UITextView+Validator.swift, as it would seem to be a pretty common thing, at least I would think so :).

    Thanks very much.

    opened by brcolow 9
  • Validate on input change blows up for UITextField subclasses

    Validate on input change blows up for UITextField subclasses

    Validate on input change blows up for UITextField subclasses on this line with the following message:

    Could not cast value of type 'Validator.(Box in _8483EA982F7B609A32A9F5BE7106930E)<(Validator.ValidationResult, MyApp.MyTextField) -> ()>' (0x1257e01b0) to 'Validator.(Box in _8483EA982F7B609A32A9F5BE7106930E)<(Validator.ValidationResult, UITextField) -> ()>' (0x1257e0330).

    I came up with a workaround by overriding methods and properties declared by ValidatableInterfaceElement in my MyTextField, but it would be nice if I didn't need to do that :)

    extension MyTextField {
        typealias InputType = String
        override var inputValue: String { return text ?? "" }
        override func validateOnInputChange(validationEnabled: Bool) {
            switch validationEnabled {
            case true: addTarget(self, action: "validateInputChange:", forControlEvents: .EditingChanged)
            case false: removeTarget(self, action: "validateInputChange:", forControlEvents: .EditingChanged)
        @objc private func validateInputChange(sender: MyTextField) {

    Any ideas on how to approach this issue?

    opened by tomaskraina 8
  • How to use custom rule in swift 3.0

    How to use custom rule in swift 3.0

    Hi @adamwaite , I am using Validator in my project. Can you please help me in using custom rule in swift 3.0 Please check below code:

    internal struct WhitespaceRule {
        typealias InputType = String
        var error: ValidationError = ValidationError(message: "")
        init(message: String?) {
            self.error = ValidationError(message: message ?? "Please enter valid character")
        func validate(input: String?) -> Bool {
            guard let nameText = input else { return false }
            let trimmedString = nameText.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespaces)
            return !trimmedString.isEmpty
            return true

    But when I use this rule in my class like

    nameRules.add(rule: WhitespaceRule(message: "Please enter an item name"))

    It is giving me error argument type 'WhitespaceRule' does not conform to expected type 'ValidationRule'


    opened by vandanakanwar 6
  • Why differentiate between ValidationRule and ValidationRuleSet?

    Why differentiate between ValidationRule and ValidationRuleSet?

    This is an awesome project. A real treasure trove of Swift patterns for us newbies. I feel odd filing an issue for a general question. Maybe it would be a good idea to start up a Google Group, or something of that ilk?

    Why differentiate between ValidationRule and ValidationRuleSet? I would have thought that ValidationRuleSet would inherit from ValidationRule. I'm sure that I'm missing some overriding pattern. TIA

    opened by maguro 6
  • Swift 3.0 Compatibility

    Swift 3.0 Compatibility

    This branch is intended to add Swift 3.0 compatibility. For the most part it's done—this compiles—but there's a runtime error I'm hoping to get some hope with.

    Currently, ValidatableInterfaceElement uses Objective-C associated objects to store the ValidatableRuleSet and ValidationHandler on UIKit elements to refer to later. In order to do this in Swift, we're using an NSObject wrapper class.

    The wrapper class was initially causing some compilation issues with ValidationRuleSet, so I removed the Box calls from that property and everything seems to be okay.

    public var validationRules: ValidationRuleSet<InputType>? {
        get {
            let rules = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &ValidatableInterfaceElementRulesKey) as? ValidationRuleSet<InputType>
            return rules
        set(newValue) {
            if let n = newValue {
                objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &ValidatableInterfaceElementRulesKey, n, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)

    This is where the Box was removed.

    The problem comes with ValidationHandler. This does still need the Box class because closures are not Objective-C objects and cannot be stored as such. Setting and getting the associated object (containing the closure) seems to work fine, but calling the closure causes a runtime error on validation. This is where I'm stuck. I'm not sure what the issue is here, or why it broke in Swift 3.0, but I think it might have to do with types?

    public func validate(rules rs: ValidationRuleSet<InputType>) -> ValidationResult {
        let result = Validator.validate(input: inputValue, rules: rs)
        if let h = validationHandler {
            // This is the method that is causing a crash.
            // We've received the handler closure as an associated object,
            // but calling it causes exc_bad_access.
            h(result, self)
        return result

    This is where the runtime crash occurs.

    Anyway, any help is greatly appreciated! Really looking forward to having Swift 3.0 support for this great library.

    opened by jedmund 6
  • Anyway to pass custom error based on specific condition?

    Anyway to pass custom error based on specific condition?

    The ValidationRuleCondition accepts a block to evaluate a custom condition. But is there anyway to pass custom error based on a specific condition. I know there is ValidationRuleSet to validate multiple inputs. But my specific use case requires me to return custom errors based on specific conditions. Is there an elegant solution to do this?

    opened by Tayyab-VenD 5
  • Require Function

    Require Function

    Hello All,

    I have a really quick question, is there an example for using the require function? I've tried implementing and once I use

    let stringRequiredRule = ValidationRuleRequired<String?>(failureError: ValidationError(message: "😫"))

    stringCell.validationRuleSet?.add(rule: stringRequiredRule)

    I get the following error Generic parameter 'R' could not be inferred

    opened by AdventuresOfMar 5
  • Error while trying to set via Carthage

    Error while trying to set via Carthage

    I`m getting this error when I add this repo in my Cartfile. like this: github "adamwaite/Validator" this is the error:

    `Failed to discover shared schemes in project Example.xcodeproj — either the project does not have any shared schemes, or xcodebuild timed out.

    If you believe this to be a project configuration error, please file an issue with the maintainers at https://github.com/adamwaite/Validator/issues/new`

    What can I do?

    opened by txaiwieser 5
  • Missing return in a function expected to return 'Bool'

    Missing return in a function expected to return 'Bool'

    Upgraded to Swift 5 and build fails on ValidationResult.swift - isValid does not return a Bool

    public enum ValidationResult {
        case valid
        case invalid([ValidationError])
        public var isValid: Bool {
            self == .valid
    opened by alexolivier 4
  • Inconsistent deployment target on SPM

    Inconsistent deployment target on SPM

    The iOS deployment target for iOS and tvOS on both cocoapods and Carthage is 9.0 and 10.0 respectively, while the deployment target for iOS and tvOS on SPM is 11.0 for both, it would be better to match the deployment target for SPM to that of the other dependency managers.

    opened by Vidhyadharan24 1
  • ValidationRuleSet init(rules: [Rule]) does not work with more than one Rule

    ValidationRuleSet init(rules: [Rule]) does not work with more than one Rule

    I noticed when trying to use ValidationRuleSet's public init(rules: [Rule]) with more than one Rule with the same validate type I get an error.

    For example using ValidationRuleLength and an email pattern with ValidationRulePattern, provides the Xcode compile time error Cannot convert value of type 'ValidationRuleLength' to expected element type '_'

    Any ideas how to solve this? Currently adding them individually works though.


    opened by be-bert 1
  • xcode 11.3.1 gives an error

    xcode 11.3.1 gives an error "Ambiguous use of 'validate' "

    When i tries to make build of my project validator package class UITextView+validator.swift gives an error message "Ambiguous use of 'validate' ". Please fix it.

    opened by pradeep-appscoop 0
  • Fix swift-tools-version

    Fix swift-tools-version

    Without this change, it would not be possible to build Validator with Xcode 10.3.

    One may argue that SPM is only integrated starting with Xcode 11 (which includes Swift 5.1), but there are other dependency managers relying on the Package.swift manifest like Accio and sometimes they are still used with Xcode 10.3.

    Also after having merged this, it would good to release a new version.

    opened by fredpi 0
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Apps @ Chip. London.
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