RxValidator Easy to Use, Read, Extensible, Flexible Validation Checker.


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Easy to Use, Read, Extensible, Flexible Validation Checker.

It can use without Rx.


RxValidator is written in Swift 4. Compatible with iOS 8.0+



RxValidator is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'RxValidator'

At a Glance

You just use like this:

//without Rx
    .asObservable() or .check()
//with Rx



RxValidatorResult.valid //multiple condition Validate.to("vbmania@me.com") .validate(StringShouldNotBeEmpty()) .validate(StringIsNotOverflowThen(maxLength: 50)) .validate(StringShouldBeMatch("[a-z]+@[a-z]+\\.[a-z]+")) .check() // result -> RxValidatorResult.valid ">
Validate.to("word is not empty")
// result -> RxValidatorResult.valid

//multiple condition
    .validate(StringIsNotOverflowThen(maxLength: 50))
// result -> RxValidatorResult.valid


let targetDate: Date //2018-05-05
let sameTargetDate: Date
let afterTargetDate: Date
let beforeTargetDate: Date

	.validate(.shouldEqualTo(date: sameTargetDate))             //(1)
	.validate(.shouldAfterOrSameThen(date: sameTargetDate))     //(2)
	.validate(.shouldBeforeOrSameThen(date: sameTargetDate))    //(3)
	.validate(.shouldBeforeOrSameThen(date: afterTargetDate))   //(4)
	.validate(.shouldBeforeThen(date: afterTargetDate))         //(5)
	.validate(.shouldAfterOrSameThen(date: beforeTargetDate))   //(6)
	.validate(.shouldAfterThen(date: beforeTargetDate))         //(7)
	// check() result
	// valid result  -> RxValidatorResult.valid
	// (1) not valid -> RxValidatorResult.notEqualDate
	// (2) not valid -> RxValidatorResult.notAfterDate
	// (3) not valid -> RxValidatorResult.notBeforeDate
	// (4) not valid -> RxValidatorResult.notBeforeDate
	// (5) not valid -> RxValidatorResult.notBeforeDate
	// (6) not valid -> RxValidatorResult.notAfterDate
	// (7) not valid -> RxValidatorResult.notAfterDate



Working with RxSwift


RxValidatorResult.stringIsEmpty // (2) validError -> RxValidatorResult.stringIsOverflow // (3) validError -> RxValidatorResult.stringIsNotMatch }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) ">
Validate.to("word is not empty")
    .subscribe(onNext: { value in
	//print("word is not empty")
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

Validate.to("word is not empty")
    .map { $0 + "!!" }
    .bind(to: anotherObservableBinder)
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

//Multiple condition
    .validate(StringShouldNotBeEmpty())                         //(1)
    .validate(StringIsNotOverflowThen(maxLength: 50))           //(2)
    .validate(StringShouldBeMatch("[a-z]+@[a-z]+\\.[a-z]+"))    //(3)
    .subscribe(onNext: { value in
    onError: { error in
        let validError = RxValidatorResult.determine(error: error)
        // (1) validError -> RxValidatorResult.stringIsEmpty
        // (2) validError -> RxValidatorResult.stringIsOverflow
        // (3) validError -> RxValidatorResult.stringIsNotMatch
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)


    .subscribe(onNext: { value in
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)
    .subscribe(onNext: { value in
    onError: { error in
        let validError = RxValidatorResult.determine(error: error)
        //validError -> RxValidatorResult.notEvenNumber
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)


RxValidatorResult.notEqualDate // (2) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notAfterDate // (3) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notBeforeDate // (4) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notBeforeDate // (5) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notBeforeDate // (6) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notAfterDate // (7) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notAfterDate }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) ">
let targetDate: Date //2018-05-05
let sameTargetDate: Date
let afterTargetDate: Date
let beforeTargetDate: Date

	.validate(.shouldEqualTo(date: sameTargetDate))             //(1)
	.validate(.shouldAfterOrSameThen(date: sameTargetDate))     //(2)
	.validate(.shouldBeforeOrSameThen(date: sameTargetDate))    //(3)
	.validate(.shouldBeforeOrSameThen(date: afterTargetDate))   //(4)
	.validate(.shouldBeforeThen(date: afterTargetDate))         //(5)
	.validate(.shouldAfterOrSameThen(date: beforeTargetDate))   //(6)
	.validate(.shouldAfterThen(date: beforeTargetDate))         //(7)
	.subscribe(onNext: { value in
        print(value) //print("2018-05-05")
	}, onError: { error in
		let validError = RxValidatorResult.determine(error: error)
        // (1) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notEqualDate
        // (2) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notAfterDate
        // (3) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notBeforeDate
        // (4) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notBeforeDate
        // (5) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notBeforeDate
        // (6) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notAfterDate
        // (7) validError -> RxValidatorResult.notAfterDate
	.disposed(by: disposeBag)

Chaining from Observable

    .subscribe(onNext: { (text) in
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)
let text = PublishSubject<String>()
    .subscribe(onNext: { (text) in
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

Instant Condition Validation

10 }) .check() Validate.to(Date()) .validate({ !$0.isToday }) .check() Validate.to("swift") .validate({ $0 == "objc" }, message: "This is not swift") .check() Validate.to(7) .validate({ $0 > 10 }, message: "Number is too small.") .check() Validate.to(Date()) .validate({ !$0.isToday }, message: "It is today!!") .check() ">
    .validate({ $0 == "objc" })

    .validate({ $0 > 10 })

    .validate({ !$0.isToday })

    .validate({ $0 == "objc" }, message: "This is not swift")

    .validate({ $0 > 10 }, message: "Number is too small.")

    .validate({ !$0.isToday }, message: "It is today!!")


enum RxValidatorResult

    case notValid
    case notValidWithMessage(message: String)
    case notValidWithCode(code: Int)
    case undefinedError
    case stringIsOverflow
    case stringIsEmpty
    case stringIsNotMatch
    case notEvenNumber
    case invalidateDateTerm
    case notBeforeDate
    case notAfterDate
    case notEqualDate

Working with ReactorKit (http://reactorkit.io)

func mutate(action: Action) -> Observable {

case let .changeTitle(title):
  return Validate.to(title)
    .validate(StringIsNotOverflowThen(maxLength: TITLE_MAX_LENGTH))
    .flatMap { Observable<Mutation>.just(.updateTitle(title: $0)) }
    .catchError({ (error) -> Observable<Mutation> in
        let validError = ValidationTargetErrorType.determine(error: error)
        return Observable<Mutation>.just(.setTitleValidateError(validError, title))


Supported Validation Rules

StringIsNotOverflowThen(maxLength: Int)
StringShouldBeMatch("regex string")


DateValidatorType.shouldBeCloseDates(date: Date, termOfDays: Int)

Make custom ValidationRule like this:

//String Type
class MyCustomStringValidationRule: StringValidatorType {
    func validate(_ value: String) throws {
        if {notValidCondition} {
            throw RxValidatorResult.notValidate(code: 999) //'code' must be defined your self.  

//Int Type
class MyCustomIntValidationRule: IntValidatorType {
    func validate(_ value: Int) throws {
        if {notValidCondition} {
            throw RxValidatorResult.notValidate(code: 999) //'code' must be defined your self.  

I want to be...

  • More Built-in Validation Rules. (Help me. Welcome to PR.)
  • Support More Type (Array, Float, Double, etc)
  • More Flexible Code via Generics.
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  • Fix DateValidatorType

    Fix DateValidatorType

    Given func testDateValidation() does not cover after target date because it's same to target date

    let targetDate = "2018-05-29T12:00+09:00".date(format: .iso8601Auto)!.absoluteDate
    let afterTargetDate = "2018-05-29T12:00+09:00".date(format: .iso8601Auto)!.absoluteDate
    • Add unit test for after target date and fix failed test case
    • Add unit test for same target date when validate with .shouldBeforeThen or .shouldAfterThen fix failed test case

    related links https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/comparisonresult

    Constants case orderedAscending The left operand is smaller than the right operand.

    case orderedSame The two operands are equal.

    case orderedDescending The left operand is greater than the right operand.

    opened by cruisediary 2
  • Usability improvements and support some features.

    Usability improvements and support some features.

    Simplify usage.

    Improve code for extensibility using Extension.

    /// Before
    /// After

    Added method that validating with the custom message.

    For the below situations:

        state.map { $0.email }
          .validate(.shouldNotBeEmpty, message: "Empty email.")
          .validate(.isNotOverflowThen(max: 50), message: "Overflow email.")
          .validate(.shouldBeMatch("[a-z]+@[a-z]+\\.[a-z]+"), message: "Not email address."),
        state.map { $0.password }
           .validate(.shouldNotBeEmpty, message: "Empty password.")
           .validate(.isNotUnderflowThen(min: 6), message: "Password too short.")
      ) { Credential(email: $0, password: $1) }

    I suggest the following method:

        .validate(.shouldEqualTo("Not Equal", message: "Custom Message"))
    /// Throws `RxValidatorResult.notValidWithMessage(message: "Custom Message")`

    Support Numeric type.

    Added some validate rules for Numeric types using generics.

    • NumberShouldEqualTo()
    • NumberShouldGreaterThan()
    • NumberShouldLessThan()

    and, IntValidator has integrated into NumberValidator.

    Delete Example.

    This example is only for testing, so added test in the base project and remove it.


    • Changed the architecture between Validator to be the same.
    • Add some rules.
    • Increase test coverage.
    opened by kawoou 1
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