Lightweight lib around NSURLSession to ease HTTP calls


AeroGear iOS HTTP

Maintenance circle-ci License GitHub release CocoaPods Platform

Thin layer to take care of your http requests working with NSURLSession.

Project Info
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Build: CocoaPods
Languague: Swift 4
Issue tracker:
Mailing lists: aerogear-users (subscribe)
aerogear-dev (subscribe)


  • Json serializer
  • Multipart upload
  • HTTP Basic/Digest authentication support
  • Pluggable object serialization
  • background processing support



In your Podfile add:

pod 'AeroGearHttp'

and then:

pod install

to install your dependencies



To perform an HTTP request use the convenient methods found in the Http object. Here is an example usage:

let http = Http(baseURL: "")

http.request(method: .get, path: "/get", completionHandler: {(response, error) in
     // handle response

http.request(method: .post, path: "/post",  parameters: ["key": "value"],
                    completionHandler: {(response, error) in
     // handle response


The library also leverages the build-in foundation support for http/digest authentication and exposes a convenient interface by allowing the credential object to be passed on the request. Here is an example:

NOTE: It is advised that HTTPS should be used when performing authentication of this type

let credential = URLCredential(user: "john",
                                 password: "pass",
                                 persistence: .none)

http.request(method: .get, path: "/protected/endpoint", credential: credential,
                                completionHandler: {(response, error) in
   // handle response

You can also set a credential per protection space, so it's automatically picked up once http challenge is requested by the server, thus omitting the need to pass the credential on each request. In this case, you must initialize the Http object with a custom session configuration object, that has its credentials storage initialized with your credentials:

// create a protection space
let protectionSpace = URLProtectionSpace(host: "",
                        port: 443,
                        protocol: NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTP,
                        realm: "",
                        authenticationMethod: NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest)

// setup credential
// notice that we use '.ForSession' type otherwise credential storage will discard and
// won't save it when doing 'credentialStorage.setDefaultCredential' later on
let credential = URLCredential(user: "user",
                        password: "password",
                        persistence: .forSession)
// assign it to credential storage
let credentialStorage = URLCredentialStorage.shared
credentialStorage.setDefaultCredential(credential, for: protectionSpace);

// set up default configuration and assign credential storage
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
configuration.urlCredentialStorage = credentialStorage

// assign custom configuration to Http
let http = Http(baseURL: "", sessionConfig: configuration)
http.request(method: .get, path: "/protected/endpoint", completionHandler: {(response, error) in
    // handle response

OAuth2 Protocol Support

To support the OAuth2 protocol, we have created a separate library aerogear-ios-oauth2 that can be easily integrated, in order to provide out-of-the-box support for communicating with OAuth2 protected endpoints. Please have a look at the "Http and OAuth2Module" section on our documentation page for more information.


For more details about that please consult our documentation.

Demo apps

Take a look in our demo apps:


If you would like to help develop AeroGear you can join our developer's mailing list, join #aerogear on Freenode, or shout at us on Twitter @aerogears.

Also takes some time and skim the contributor guide


Join our user mailing list for any questions or help! We really hope you enjoy app development with AeroGear!

Found a bug?

If you found a bug please create a ticket for us on Jira with some steps to reproduce it.

  • added basic/digest support option

    added basic/digest support option

    done for AGIOS-255

    the functionality is exercised in the HttpAuthenticationTests test case class where the different http/digest options are executed plus a test case with where a protection space is used and assigned to the NSURLSession.defaultConfiguration() (without the need to pass any credential object)

    besides the tests, a demo app exerting basic/digest has also been created to demonstrate and can be found here

    opened by cvasilak 9
  • Convert AeroGearHttp Test scheme to Integration Tests scheme

    Convert AeroGearHttp Test scheme to Integration Tests scheme

    this PR adds an 'IntegrationTests' target that enables tests to be run within the context of the emulator. Details of why this was required can be found on our JIRA AGIOS-330

    To test: After running pod install and opening the workspace, choose IntegrationTest schema, and then choose Product->Test. Tests should run and succeed.

    @corinnekrych @danbev mind to have a look?

    opened by cvasilak 6
  • revisit http to git oauth2 module

    revisit http to git oauth2 module

    • be able to modify URL after having created Http object
    • inject headers for oauth2 token
    • string response serializer required by facebook OAuth2 provider
    opened by corinnekrych 4
  • Linking http-stubs to AeroGearTests build phase.

    Linking http-stubs to AeroGearTests build phase.

    To test:

    1. First clean out you build folder in Xcode using CTRL+SHIFT+OPTION+CMD
    2. rm -rf AeroGearHttpTests/aerogear-ios-httpstub/
    3. git submodule init && git submodule update
    4. In Xcode now run the test using CMD+U
    opened by danbev 4
  • Added Support for File Uploads With Responses

    Added Support for File Uploads With Responses

    Currently it is impossible to get a response from a file upload. This allows someone to specify a response serializer like:

    http.upload(method, data: data, responseSerializer: JsonResponseSerializer(), progress: { (b, writtenBytes, totalBytes) -> Void in
    }, completionHandler: { (response, error) -> Void in
    opened by k3zi 3
  • Agios 428.ios 8.3.migration

    Agios 428.ios 8.3.migration

    This is the changes required for iOS 8.3 Do not merge yet as Travis is not ready. Let's wait for next week announcement:

    opened by corinnekrych 2
  • switch to XCTAssertTrue assertion

    switch to XCTAssertTrue assertion

    switching to XCTAssertTrue assertion when comparing solve the test failure. Seems to be some buggy optimisation that causes test case to fail if XCTAssertEqual is used. In the following code, testExample1 succeeds and testExample2 fails although they are identical code.

    My search on the net haven't revealed something concrete reasoning apart from some suggestions to switch to XCTAssertTrue [1].

    func testExample1() {
        XCTAssertEqual("foobar", "foobar")
    func testExample2() {
        XCTAssertEqual("foobar", "foobar")


    opened by cvasilak 2
  • pass response data to completionHandler even upon error

    pass response data to completionHandler even upon error

    Upon server error some information about error itself may come in data field of response. This change passes this data even upon error! In this case the client code can check for error in this way:

    http.POST("login", parameters: params, completionHandler: {(response, error) in 
        if(error != nil) {
            println(response) // print response data that may describe the error.
    opened by brunomacf 2
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