Versatile HTTP Networking in Swift


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Net is a versatile HTTP networking library written in Swift.

🌟 Features

  • URL / JSON / Property List Parameter Encoding
  • Upload File / Data / Stream / Multipart Form Data
  • Download File using Request or Resume Data
  • Authentication with URLCredential
  • Basic, Bearer and Custom Authorization Handling
  • Default and Custom Cache Controls
  • Default and Custom Content Types
  • Upload and Download Progress Closures with Progress (only iOS >= 11)
  • cURL Command Debug Output
  • Request and Response Interceptors
  • Asynchronous and synchronous task execution
  • Inference of response object type
  • Network reachability
  • TLS Certificate and Public Key Pinning
  • Retry requests
  • Codable / Decodable / Encodable protocols compatible (JSON / Property List)
  • Customizable acceptable status codes range
  • watchOS Compatible
  • tvOS Compatible
  • macOS Compatible
  • Alamofire Implementation
  • MoyaProvider Extension
  • Kommander Extension
  • RxSwift Extension
  • Stub Implementation

📋 Requirements

  • iOS 8.0+ / macOS 10.9+ / tvOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
  • Xcode 9.0+
  • Swift 4.0+

📲 Installation

Net is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'NetClient'

For Swift 3 compatibility use:

pod 'NetClient', '~> 0.2'

Or you can install it with Carthage:

github "intelygenz/NetClient-iOS"

Or install it with Swift Package Manager:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")

🐒 Usage

Build a NetRequest

import Net

do {
    let request = try NetRequest.builder("YOUR_URL")!
                .setJSONBody(["foo", "bar"])
                .setURLParameters(["foo": "bar"])
                .setAcceptEncodings([.gzip, .deflate])
                .setBasicAuthorization(user: "user", password: "password")
                .setHeaders(["foo": "bar"])
} catch {
    print("Request error: \(error)")

Request asynchronously

import Net

let net = NetURLSession() "YOUR_URL")!).async { (response, error) in
    do {
        if let object: [AnyHashable: Any] = try response?.object() {
            print("Response dictionary: \(object)")
        } else if let error = error {
            print("Net error: \(error)")
    } catch {
        print("Parse error: \(error)")

Request synchronously

import Net

let net = NetURLSession()

do {
    let object: [AnyHashable: Any] = try"YOUR_URL").sync().object()
    print("Response dictionary: \(object)")
} catch {
    print("Error: \(error)")

Request from cache

import Net

let net = NetURLSession()

do {
    let object: [AnyHashable: Any] = try"YOUR_URL").cached().object()
    print("Response dictionary: \(object)")
} catch {
    print("Error: \(error)")

Track progress

import Net

let net = NetURLSession()

do {
    let task = try"YOUR_URL").progress({ progress in
} catch {
    print("Error: \(error)")

Add interceptors for all requests

import Net

let net = NetURLSession()

net.addRequestInterceptor { request in
    request.addHeader("foo", value: "bar")
    request.setBearerAuthorization(token: "token")
    return request

Retry requests

import Net

let net = NetURLSession()

net.retryClosure = { response, _, _ in response?.statusCode == XXX }

do {
    let task = try"YOUR_URL").retry({ response, error, retryCount in
        return retryCount < 2
} catch {
    print("Error: \(error)")

🧙‍♂️ Codable


import Net

let request = NetRequest.builder("YOUR_URL")!


import Net

let net = NetURLSession()

do {
    let object: Decodable = try"YOUR_URL").sync().decode()
    print("Response object: \(object)")
} catch {
    print("Error: \(error)")

🤝 Integrations

Love Alamofire?

pod 'NetClient/Alamofire'
import Net

let net = NetAlamofire()


Love Moya?

pod 'NetClient/Moya'
import Net
import Moya

let request = NetRequest("YOUR_URL")!
let provider = MoyaProvider<NetRequest>()
provider.request(request) { result in
    switch result {
    case let .success(response):
        print("Response: \(response)")
    case let .failure(error):
        print("Error: \(error)")

Love Kommander?

pod 'NetClient/Kommander'
import Net
import Kommander

let net = NetURLSession()
let kommander = Kommander.default "YOUR_URL")!).execute(by: kommander, onSuccess: { object in
    print("Response dictionary: \(object as [AnyHashable: Any])")
}) { error in
    print("Error: \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")
} "YOUR_URL")!).executeDecoding(by: kommander, onSuccess: { object in
	print("Response object: \(object as Decodable)")
}) { error in
    print("Error: \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")

Love RxSwift?

pod 'NetClient/RxSwift'
import Net
import RxSwift

let request = NetRequest("YOUR_URL")!
_ = { print($0) }

Stub Implementation

pod 'NetClient/Stub'
import Net

let net = NetStub()

net.asyncBehavior = .delayed(.main, .seconds(10)) // If you want to delay the response.

net.nextResult = .response(NetResponse.builder()

// Your test request here

net.nextResult = .error(.net(code: 500, message: "Your network error.", headers: ..., object: ..., underlying: ...))

// Your test request here

❤️ Etc.

  • Contributions are very welcome.
  • Attribution is appreciated (let's spread the word!), but not mandatory.

👨‍💻 Authors


👮‍♂️ License

Net is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Added NetStub with nextResult property.

    Added NetStub with nextResult property.

    Goals ⚽


    Implementation Details 🚧

    NetStub class conforming Net protocol and NetTaskStub NetTask subclass. Some open functions have changed to public.

    Testing Details 🔍

    Just set nextResponse property of NetStub instance to desired test result.

    This change is Reviewable

    enhancement question 
    opened by alexruperez 7
  • New removable interceptors API.

    New removable interceptors API.

    Issue Link :link:

    Goals :soccer:

    Resolve @juantrias issues on

    Core/NetTask.swift, line 215 at r1 (raw file):

    Previously, RobertoEstrada (Roberto Estrada) wrote…

    Actually, reading the style guide, it does not rule nor rule out this edge case so we're in quite an alegal situation. For the moment I'm going to consider this OK but i'm going to propose an exception for cases like this in the style guide.

    I agree with @RobertoEstrada. In this case I see no real benefit on declaring protocol conformance in extensions, since this extensions need to be empty because of the problem with open members declared inside extensions Maybe we can put // MARK: comments to separate the implementation of the different protocols

    Stub/NetStub.swift, line 18 at r1 (raw file):

        open static var shared: Net = NetStub()
        open var requestInterceptors = [RequestInterceptor]()

    Could be requestInterceptors and responseInterceptors private? I understand that nextResult needs to be public because it's the way to mock a response

    Stub/NetStub.swift, line 42 at r1 (raw file):

            if let builder = requestBuilder {
                requestInterceptors.forEach({ interceptor in
                    requestBuilder = interceptor(builder)

    It seems like you are passing the same builder object to each interceptor in the chain, so you are overwriting the requestBuilder in each iteration ignoring the result of the previous interceptor

    Stub/NetStub.swift, line 46 at r1 (raw file):

            guard let nextResult = nextResult else {
                return NetTaskStub(request: requestBuilder?.build())

    NetTaskStub.request should be optional? Can we have a NetTask without a request? The request parameter of stub() should be optional?

    Stub/NetTaskStub.swift, line 10 at r2 (raw file):

    import Foundation
    class NetTaskStub: NetTask {

    Could be NetTaskStub a protocol implementation instead of a NetTask subclass? I generally prefer implement protocols over inheritance for mocks, to clearly separate the mock from the production code and do not end calling by accident production code in the tests. Maybe in this case we need to reuse much of the NetTask code for the Stub and it is OK to inherit, or to place the common code in a NetTask protocol extension

    Stub/NetTaskStub.swift, line 15 at r2 (raw file):

            completionClosure = completion
            progressClosure?(Progress(totalUnitCount: 0))
            completion?(response, error)

    If we do not stub response or error we will call completion block with both params nil. Should we return a "Next result not specified." error like in sync()?

    URLSession/NetURLSession.swift, line 11 at r2 (raw file):

    import Foundation
    open class NetURLSession: Net {

    Should be open instead of public? Why a client would need to override instead of extend NetURLSession? Same for NetAlamofire and the rest of adapters

    Implementation Details 🚧

    New removable interceptors API with unique tokens.

    This change is Reviewable

    opened by alexruperez 5
  • Release 0.4.1 with RxSwift extension. Resolves #2

    Release 0.4.1 with RxSwift extension. Resolves #2

    Issue Link :link:

    Goals :soccer:

    Create a RxSwift extension for NetClient

    Implementation Details 🚧

    NetTask rx extension

    This change is Reviewable

    opened by alexruperez 3
  • Release 0.4.0 URLSessionConfiguration builder

    Release 0.4.0 URLSessionConfiguration builder

    Issue Link :link:

    Goals :soccer:

    Create a builder class for URLSessionConfiguration as NetRequest and NetResponse have.

    Implementation Details 🚧

    URLSessionConfiguration extension with a builder class.

    Testing Details 🔍

    Added NetMultipathServiceType tests.

    This change is Reviewable

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by alexruperez 3
  • [ci skip] Get more Open Source Helpers

    [ci skip] Get more Open Source Helpers

    CodeTriage is an app I have maintained for the past 4-5 years with the goal of getting people involved in Open Source projects like this one. The app sends subscribers a random open issue for them to help "triage". For some languages you can also suggested areas to add documentation.

    The initial approach was inspired by seeing the work of the small core team spending countless hours asking "what version was this in" and "can you give us an example app". The idea is to outsource these small interactions to a huge team of volunteers and let the core team focus on their work.

    I want to add a badge to the README of this project. The idea is to provide an easy link for people to get started contributing to this project. A badge indicates the number of people currently subscribed to help the repo. The color is based off of open issues in the project.

    Here are some examples of other projects that have a badge in their README:


    Thanks for building open source software, I would love to help you find some helpers.

    This change is Reviewable

    help wanted question 
    opened by schneems 0
  • RxNetClient


    opened by alexruperez 0
  • Package Resolution Failed:

    Package Resolution Failed: "NetClient-iOS" could not be resolved

    When adding the package Xcode 12.2 shows an error "Package Resolution Failed NetClient-iOS could not be resolved:"

    • Add Package: Resolving package dependencies because every version of NetClient-iOS contains incompatible tools version and root depends on NetClient-iOS 0.5.0..<1.0.0, version solving failed.
    • Failed to resolve dependencies

    Capture d’écran 2020-11-25 à 14 10 20

    opened by Adobels 0
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