AsyncExtensions aims to mimic Swift Combine operators for async sequences.



Build Status CombineExt supports Swift Package Manager (SPM)

AsyncExtensions provides a collection of operators, async sequences and async streams that mimics Combine behaviour.

The purpose is to be able to chain operators, just as you would do with any reactive programming framework:

    .Merge(sequence1, sequence2, sequence3)
    .handleEvents(onElement: { print($0) }, onFinish: { print("Finished") })
    .scan("") { accumulator, element in accumulator + "\(element)" }
    .collect { print($0) }

Async Sequences

Async Streams


More operators and extensions are to come. Pull requests are of course welcome.

Async Sequences


Just is an AsyncSequence that outputs a single value and finishes.

let justSequence = AsyncSequences.Just<Int>(1)
for try await element in justSequence {
    // will be called once with element = 1


Empty is an AsyncSequence that immediately finishes without emitting values.

let emptySequence = AsyncSequences.Empty<Int>()
for try await element in emptySequence {
    // will never be called


Fail is an AsyncSequence that outputs no elements and throws an error.

let failSequence = AsyncSequences.Fail<Int, Swift.Error>(error: NSError(domain: "", code: 1))
do {
    for try await element in failSequence {
        // will never be called
} catch {
    // will catch `NSError(domain: "", code: 1)` here


From is an AsyncSequence that outputs elements from a traditional Sequence.

let fromSequence = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

for await element in fromSequence {
    print(element) // will print 1 2 3 4 5

A variation offers to set an interval of time between each element.

let fromSequence = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], interval: .milliSeconds(10))

for await element in fromSequence {
    print(element) // will print 1 2 3 4 5 with an interval of 10ms between elements


Merge is an AsyncSequence that merges several async sequences respecting their temporality while being iterated over. When all the async sequences have finished, so too does the merged async sequence. If an async sequence fails, so too does the merged async sequence.

// 0.1ms   1ms    1.5ms   2ms     3ms     4.5ms
//  4       1       5      2       3        6

let asyncSequence1 = AsyncStream(Int.self, bufferingPolicy: .unbounded) { continuation in
    Task {
        try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000)
        try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000)
        try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000)

let asyncSequence2 = AsyncStream(Int.self, bufferingPolicy: .unbounded) { continuation in
    Task {
        try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 100_000)
        try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_400_000)
        try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 3_000_000)

let mergedAsyncSequence = AsyncSequences.Merge(asyncSequence1, asyncSequence2)

for try await element in mergedAsyncSequence {
    print(element) // will print -> 4 1 5 2 3 6


Zip2 is an AsyncSequence that combines the latest elements from two sequences according to their temporality and emits a tuple to the client. If any async sequence ends successfully or fails with an error, so too does the zipped async Sequence.

let asyncSequence1 = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
let asyncSequence2 = AsyncSequences.From(["5", "4", "3", "2", "1"])

let zippedAsyncSequence = AsyncSequences.Zip2(asyncSequence1, asyncSequence2)

for try await element in zippedAsyncSequence {
    print(element) // will print -> (1, "5") (2, "4") (3, "3") (4, "2") (5, "1")


Zip3 is an AsyncSequence that combines the latest elements from two sequences according to their temporality and emits a tuple to the client. If any async sequence ends successfully or fails with an error, so too does the zipped async Sequence.

let asyncSequence1 = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
let asyncSequence2 = AsyncSequences.From(["5", "4", "3", "2", "1"])
let asyncSequence3 = AsyncSequences.From([true, false, true, false, true])

let zippedAsyncSequence = AsyncSequences.Zip3(asyncSequence1, asyncSequence2, asyncSequence3)

for try await element in zippedAsyncSequence {
    print(element) // will print -> (1, "5", true) (2, "4", false) (3, "3", true) (4, "2", false) (5, "1", true)


Zip is an AsyncSequence that combines the latest elements from several sequences according to their temporality and emits an array to the client. If any async sequence ends successfully or fails with an error, so too does the zipped async Sequence.

let asyncSequence1 = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3])
let asyncSequence2 = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3])
let asyncSequence3 = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3])
let asyncSequence4 = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3])
let asyncSequence5 = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3])

let zippedAsyncSequence = AsyncSequences.Zip(asyncSequence1, asyncSequence2, asyncSequence3, asyncSequence4, asyncSequence5)

for try await element in zippedAsyncSequence {
    print(element) // will print -> [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] [2, 2, 2, 2, 2] [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]


Timer is an async sequence that repeatedly emits the current date on the given interval, with the given priority.

let timer = AsyncSequences.Timer(priority: .high, every: .seconds(1))

Task {
    for try await element in timer {

// will print:
// 2022-03-06 19:31:22 +0000
// 2022-03-06 19:31:23 +0000
// 2022-03-06 19:31:24 +0000
// 2022-03-06 19:31:25 +0000
// 2022-03-06 19:31:26 +0000
// and will stop once timer.cancel() is called or the parent task is cancelled.

Async Streams


Passthrough is an async sequence in which one can send values over time.

let passthrough = AsyncStreams.Passthrough<Int>()

Task {
    for try await element in passthrough {
        print(element) // will print 1 2

Task {
    for try await element in passthrough {
        print(element) // will print 1 2

.. later in the application flow



CurrentValue is an async sequence in which one can send values over time. The current value is always accessible as an instance variable. The current value is replayed for any new async loop.

let currentValue = AsyncStreams.CurrentValue<Int>(1)

Task {
    for try await element in currentValue {
        print(element) // will print 1 2

Task {
    for try await element in currentValue {
        print(element) // will print 1 2

.. later in the application flow


print(currentValue.element) // will print 2


Replayis an async sequence in which one can send values over time. Values are buffered in a FIFO fashion so they can be iterated over by new loops. When the bufferSize is outreached the oldest value is dropped.

let replay = AsyncStreams.Replay<Int>(bufferSize: 3)

(1...5).forEach { replay.send($0) }

for try await element in replay {
    print(element) // will print 3, 4, 5


Streamed is a property wrapper that streams a property as an AsyncSequence. It is a structured concurrency equivalent to Combine @Published.

class Weather {
    @Streamed var temperature: Double
    init(temperature: Double) {
        self.temperature = temperature

let weather = Weather(temperature: 20)
Task {
    for try await element in weather.$temperature {
        print ("Temperature now: \(element)")

// ... later in the application flow

weather.temperature = 25

// will print:
// Temperature now: 20.0
// Temperature now: 25.0



collect(_:) iterates over each element of the AsyncSequence and give it to the async block.

let fromSequence = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3])
    .collect { print($0) } // will print 1 2 3


scan(_:_:) transforms elements from the upstream async sequence by providing the current element to a closure along with the last value returned by the closure. Each intermediate value will be emitted in the downstream async sequence.

let sourceSequence = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
let scannedSequence = sourceSequence.scan("") { accumulator, element in accumulator + "\(element)"}

for try await element in scannedSequence {

// will print:


switchToLatest() re-emits elements sent by the most recently received async sequence. This operator applies only in the case where the upstream async sequence's Element is it-self an async sequence.

let sourceSequence = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3])
let mappedSequence = { element in
	AsyncSequences.From(["a\(element)", "b\(element)"])
let switchedSequence = mappedSequence.switchToLatest()

for try await element in switchedSequence {
    print(element) // will print a3 b3


flatMapLatest(_:) transforms the upstream async sequence elements into an async sequence and flattens the sequence of events from these multiple sources async sequences to appear as if they were coming from a single async sequence of events. Mapping to a new async sequence will cancel the task related to the previous one.

This operator is basically a shortcut for map() and switchToLatest().

let sourceSequence = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3])
let flatMapLatestSequence = sourceSequence.flatMapLatest { element in
	AsyncSequences.From(["a\(element)", "b\(element)"])

for try await element in flatMapLatestSequence {
    print(element) // will print a3 b3


prepend(_:) prepends an element to the upstream async sequence.

let sourceSequence = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3])
let prependSequence = sourceSequence.prepend(0)

for try await element in prependSequence {
    print(element) // will print 0 1 2 3


handleEvents(onStart:onElement:onCancel:onFinish) performs the specified closures when async sequences events occur.

let sourceSequence = AsyncSequences.From([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
let handledSequence = sourceSequence.handleEvents {
   print("Begin iterating")
} onElement: { element in
   print("Element is \(element)")
} onCancel: {
} onFinish: { termination in

for try await element in handledSequence {}

// will print:
// Begin iterating
// Element is 1
// Element is 2
// Element is 3
// Element is 4
// Element is 5
// finished


assign(to:on:) assigns each element from the async sequence to a property on an object.

class Root {
    var property: String = ""

let root = Root()
let fromSequence = AsyncSequences.From(["1", "2", "3"])
try await fromSequence.assign(to: \.property, on: root) // will set the property value to "1", "2", "3"


multicast(_:) is useful when you have multiple client loops, but you want the upstream async sequence to only produce a single AsyncIterator.

let stream = AsyncStreams.Passthrough<(String, Int)>()
let multicastedAsyncSequence = ["First", "Second", "Third"]
    .map { ($0, Int.random(in: 0...100)) }
    .handleEvents(onElement: { print("AsyncSequence produces: ($0)") })

Task {
    try await multicastedAsyncSequence
        .collect { print ("Task 1 received: \($0)") }

Task {
    try await multicastedAsyncSequence
        .collect { print ("Task 2 received: \($0)") }


// will print:
// AsyncSequence produces: ("First", 78)
// Stream 2 received: ("First", 78)
// Stream 1 received: ("First", 78)
// AsyncSequence produces: ("Second", 98)
// Stream 2 received: ("Second", 98)
// Stream 1 received: ("Second", 98)
// AsyncSequence produces: ("Third", 61)
// Stream 2 received: ("Third", 61)
// Stream 1 received: ("Third", 61)


share() shares the output of an upstream async sequence with multiple client loops. share() is effectively a shortcut for multicast(_:) using a Passthrough stream, with an implicit autoconnect().

let sharedAsyncSequence = AsyncSequences.From(["first", "second", "third"], interval: .seconds(1))
    .map { ($0, Int.random(in: 0...100)) }
    .handleEvents(onElement: { print("AsyncSequence produces: \($0)") })

Task {
    try await sharedAsyncSequence
        .collect { print ("Task 1 received: \($0)") }

Task {
    try await sharedAsyncSequence
        .collect { print ("Task 2 received: \($0)") }

// will print:
// AsyncSequence produces: ("First", 78)
// Stream 2 received: ("First", 78)
// Stream 1 received: ("First", 78)
// AsyncSequence produces: ("Second", 98)
// Stream 2 received: ("Second", 98)
// Stream 1 received: ("Second", 98)
// AsyncSequence produces: ("Third", 61)
// Stream 2 received: ("Third", 61)
// Stream 1 received: ("Third", 61)


withLatestFrom(_:) merges two async sequences into a single one by combining each value from self with the latest value from the other sequence, if any.

let seq1 = AsyncStreams.CurrentValue<Int>(1)
let seq2 = AsyncStreams.CurrentValue<String>("1")

let combinedSeq = seq1.withLatestFrom(seq2)

Task {
   for try await element in combinedSeq {


// will print:
(1, "1")
(2, "1")
(3, "2")


eraseToAnyAsyncSequence() type-erases the async sequence into an AnyAsyncSequence.

  • [BUG] Latest Main branch commit breaks AsyncStreams (CurrentValue, Passthrough etc)

    [BUG] Latest Main branch commit breaks AsyncStreams (CurrentValue, Passthrough etc)

    Describe the bug I noticed a code behavior change since adding the actor code. For example, I use Passthrough as a way to pass events to an onReceive method. That stopped as it supposed the moment I updated to the updated main. The best I can describe the behavior is that fires once and then stops working after that.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    var events = AsyncStreams.Passthrough<Event>()
    // I used 


    // I have a modifier that wraps this in SwiftUI (onReceive)
    task {
     do {
             for try await event in {
                   switch event {
         } catch {}

    Expected behavior AsyncStreams works like the commit e4aeb0f and before.


    • Main

    ** Additional Info **

    I'm not sure how to really explain what is going on here. This is the best I can do.

    opened by Prince2k3 8
  • Swift Concurrency warning flags

    Swift Concurrency warning flags

    Q: Is there a reason you're not yet using the warnings to help ensure accuracy?

      swiftSettings: [
          "-Xfrontend", "-warn-concurrency",
          "-Xfrontend", "-enable-actor-data-race-checks",

    Perhaps it shouldn't be shipped that way, perhaps adding a new target just for development?

    (Fantastic library, btw)

    opened by rjchatfield 3
  • made element public

    made element public


    This change makes element property in CurrentValue public


    • [X] this PR is based on the main branch and is up-to-date, if not please rebase your branch on the top of main
    • [X] the commits inside this PR have explicit commit messages
    • [X] unit tests cover the new feature or the bug fix
    • [X] the feature is documented in the if it makes sense
    • [X] the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    opened by Prince2k3 2
  • Fix typo in

    Fix typo in


    Fix typo: Suject -> Subject


    • [x] this PR is based on the main branch and is up-to-date, if not please rebase your branch on the top of main
    • [x] the commits inside this PR have explicit commit messages
    • [ ] unit tests cover the new feature or the bug fix
    • [ ] the feature is documented in the if it makes sense
    • [ ] the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    opened by jordanekay 1
  • project: bump CHANGELOG for 0.3.0

    project: bump CHANGELOG for 0.3.0


    This PR supports the release of the version 0.3.0 Beryllium


    • [X] this PR is based on the main branch and is up-to-date, if not please rebase your branch on the top of main
    • [X] the commits inside this PR have explicit commit messages
    • [X] unit tests cover the new feature or the bug fix
    • [X] the feature is documented in the if it makes sense
    • [X] the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    opened by twittemb 1
  • operators: handle errors in other for withLatestFrom

    operators: handle errors in other for withLatestFrom


    This PR improves the error management for withLatestFrom when the other sequence fails.


    • [X] this PR is based on the main branch and is up-to-date, if not please rebase your branch on the top of main
    • [X] the commits inside this PR have explicit commit messages
    • [X] unit tests cover the new feature or the bug fix
    • [X] the feature is documented in the if it makes sense
    • [X] the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    opened by twittemb 1
  • asyncSequences: Add Timer AsyncSequence

    asyncSequences: Add Timer AsyncSequence


    This PR brings a new Timer AsyncSequence. Timer is an async sequence that repeatedly emits the current date on the given interval, with the given priority.


    • [x] this PR is based on the main branch and is up-to-date, if not please rebase your branch on the top of main
    • [x] the commits inside this PR have explicit commit messages
    • [x] unit tests cover the new feature or the bug fix
    • [x] the feature is documented in the if it makes sense
    • [x] the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    opened by twittemb 1
  • operators: add a Share operator

    operators: add a Share operator


    This PR adds the share() operator, which is a shortcut for multicast(_:) using a Passthrough stream.


    • [x] this PR is based on the main branch and is up-to-date, if not please rebase your branch on the top of main
    • [x] the commits inside this PR have explicit commit messages
    • [x] unit tests cover the new feature or the bug fix
    • [x] the feature is documented in the if it makes sense
    • [x] the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    opened by twittemb 1
  • project: fix onNext scheduling in ConcurrentAccessRegulator

    project: fix onNext scheduling in ConcurrentAccessRegulator


    This PR fixes a potential issue where the onNext function could be called in non deterministic order.


    • [x] this PR is based on the main branch and is up-to-date, if not please rebase your branch on the top of main
    • [x] the commits inside this PR have explicit commit messages
    • [x] unit tests cover the new feature or the bug fix
    • [x] the feature is documented in the if it makes sense
    • [x] the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    opened by twittemb 1
  • project: fix Multicast link in README

    project: fix Multicast link in README


    This PR fixes the broken Multicast link in the README file.


    • [x] this PR is based on the main branch and is up-to-date, if not please rebase your branch on the top of main
    • [x] the commits inside this PR have explicit commit messages
    • [x] unit tests cover the new feature or the bug fix
    • [x] the feature is documented in the if it makes sense
    • [x] the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    opened by twittemb 1
  • project: make streams async (using actors) + improve concurrent iterators

    project: make streams async (using actors) + improve concurrent iterators


    make streams async (using actors) + improve concurrent iterators


    • [x] this PR is based on the main branch and is up-to-date, if not please rebase your branch on the top of main
    • [x] the commits inside this PR have explicit commit messages
    • [x] unit tests cover the new feature or the bug fix
    • [x] the feature is documented in the if it makes sense
    • [x] the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    opened by twittemb 1
  • Avoid sharing schemes with library users

    Avoid sharing schemes with library users


    When consuming this library as a dependency in my project, I noticed Xcode autogenerated a scheme for the library among my local schemes, which is not desirable behavior.

    As a workaround, this PR gitignores .swiftpm altogether and introduces an xcworkspace as a scheme container that disallows SPM from leaking schemes onto consumers.

    Libraries as big as TCA use this approach to effectively hide away all its schemes (and subdependency schemes) from users.


    • [x] this PR is based on the main branch and is up-to-date, if not please rebase your branch on the top of main
    • [x] the commits inside this PR have explicit commit messages
    • [x] ~~unit tests cover the new feature or the bug fix~~
    • [x] ~~the feature is documented in the if it makes sense~~
    • [ ] the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    opened by davdroman 3
  • flatMapLatest + Just issues

    flatMapLatest + Just issues

    I don't know if I'm writing an issue or a feature request or just question. I have the following scenario, very simplified:

    let root = CurrentValue(false)
    let results = root.flatMapLatest {
        $0 ? Just(...).eraseToAnyAsyncSequence() : AsyncStream { ... }.eraseToAnyAsyncSequence()
    // later...
    for await result in results { ... }

    I put the fatalError after the loop because as I see it, root never completes and so we'd never reach that point. However, whenever the condition becomes true and we use Just, collection of results also exits. Now I have a few questions:

    • Is this expected? Shouldn't flatMapLatest continue even after some inner children completes, given that the outer sequence has not completed?

    • Is there anything else in the library that would help me? I tried using CurrentValue(...) instead of Just, but in that case I get no results. I think it has to do with CurrentValue being garbage collected, if I store it in a local variable it works. I'm not 100% clear on the mechanics that lead to this though (shouldn't eraseToAnySequence keep a ref to the class?)

    • Would it make sense to add something like Just(value, completeImmediately: Bool) for this use case? In the spirit of

    • Side note, wraps the closure twice, should just invoke it I think

    opened by natario1 13
  • next() can hang indefinitely if the Task is already cancelled.

    next() can hang indefinitely if the Task is already cancelled.

    ~The unstructured child task used to track iterators is not cancelled when the parent task is cancelled.~

    ~An explicit cancellation handler is required.~

    Updated for mainline branch changes. In some situations I observe that the next() never returns if the calling task is already cancelled. This fix is required.

    opened by swhitty 0
  • Youre missing async sequence builder like kotlin's

    Youre missing async sequence builder like kotlin's

    I'm a kotlin developer familiar with kotlin coroutines and Flow, which is direct mapping to async/await + AsyncSequence.

    The most powerful thing that kotlin flow has is the builder, which allows you to emit values arbitrarily and use all the async stuff since the closure is async, like so (I'll write it in async/await syntax so you understand better)

    flow { emitter in
       await emitter.emit(1)
       await Task.sleep(1_000)
       await emitter.emit(10)
       await Task.sleep(1_000)
       for 0...10 {
          await emitter.emit(100)

    when the closure returns, the flow terminates, if you throw inside the closure, then error is propagated as usual

    It allow you to then create arbitrary custom operators, or simply way to pipe async function into AsyncSequence like

    asyncSequence {
       await someFunction()
    .flatMapLatest { ... }
    .collect { ... }

    this is very needed

    opened by ursusursus 4
  • opeators: add a MapError opeator

    opeators: add a MapError opeator


    This PR adds MapError Operator, which is transforms error upstream emits


    • [ ] this PR is based on the main branch and is up-to-date, if not please rebase your branch on the top of main
    • [ ] the commits inside this PR have explicit commit messages
    • [ ] unit tests cover the new feature or the bug fix
    • [ ] the feature is documented in the if it makes sense
    • [ ] the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    opened by JCSooHwanCho 3
  • 0.5.1(Sep 29, 2022)

  • 0.5.0(Sep 26, 2022)

    This version brings a lot of internal refactoring and breaking changes + some new operators.

    Now swift-async-algorithms has been anounced, this library can be seen as a companion for the Apple repo. For now there is an overlap between both libraries, but when swift-async-algorithms becomes stable the overlapping operators while be deprecated in AsyncExtensions.

    Nevertheless AsyncExtensions will continue to provide the operators that the community needs and are not provided by Apple.

    • AsyncBufferedChannel/AsyncThrowingBufferedChannel: is the equivalent to AsyncChannel from Apple. The difference is that back-pressure is handled with a stack and the send operation is not suspending.
    • Subjects: the subject suffix has been adopted to all the "hot" AsyncSequence with a shared output. A throwing counterpart has been added.
    • zip and merge are top level functions to match Apple repo.
    • AsyncThrowingJustSequence: an AsyncSequence that takes a throwing closure to compute the only element to emit.
    • AsyncStream.pipe(): creates and AsyncStream by escaping the Continuation and returning a tuple to manipulate the inputs and outputs of the stream.
    • mapToResult(): maps events (elements or failure) from an AsyncSequence to a Result. The resulting AsyncSequence cannot fail.
    • AsyncLazySequence: is a renaming to match Apple repo for creating an AsyncSequence from a Sequence.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.0(Mar 21, 2022)

  • 0.3.0(Mar 13, 2022)

    • Operators: new share() operator
    • Operators: new withLatestFrom(_:) operator
    • AsyncSequences: new Timer AsyncSequence
    • AsyncStreams: send() functions are now synchronous
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.1(Mar 2, 2022)

    This release fixes a potential issue where ConcurrentAccessRegulator could call the onNext function in a non deterministic way timeline wise.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Mar 2, 2022)

    This release brings:

    • AsyncStreams.CurrentValue element made public and available with get/set
    • A new Multicast operator
    • A new Assign operator
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0(Jan 31, 2022)

    This release brings the first set of operators:

    Async Sequences:

    • Just
    • Empty
    • Fail
    • From
    • Merge
    • Zip2
    • Zip3
    • Zip

    Async Streams:

    • Passthrough
    • CurrentValue
    • Replay


    • Collect
    • Scan
    • SwitchToLatest
    • FlatMapLatest
    • HandleEvents
    • EraseToAnyAsyncSequence
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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Example project showing how to use async/await with iOS 13

ios13AsyncAwait Example project showing how to use async/await with iOS 13 Article This source code is a part of an article published at This Dev Brai

Michał Tynior 7 Oct 2, 2022
Using async / await on iOS 13: everything you need to know

Using async / await on iOS 13: everything you need to know! ?? Content This repository contains the code sample I've used during December 14th's lives

Vincent Pradeilles 11 Feb 1, 2022
iOS 13-compatible backports of commonly used async/await-based system APIs that are only available from iOS 15 by default.

AsyncCompatibilityKit Welcome to AsyncCompatibilityKit, a lightweight Swift package that adds iOS 13-compatible backports of commonly used async/await

John Sundell 367 Jan 5, 2023
straightforward networking and error handling with async-await and URLSession

AsyncAwaitNetworkingPlayground How To Run Just clone the project, open it and run. Some notes about AsyncAwaitNetworkingPlayground It's a straightforw

Fırat Yenidünya 17 Dec 11, 2022
PixabayImageSearchSample - SwiftUI + LazyVGrid + Pixabay API + Codable + sync/async Sample

PixabayImageSearchSample SwiftUI + LazyVGrid + Pixabay API + Codable + sync/asyn

null 3 Nov 23, 2022
AsyncTaskKit - contains some additions to async/await Task

AsyncTaskKit This repo contains some additions to async/await Task. In general i

Michał Zaborowski 0 Jan 2, 2022
Lightweight async/await networking library with interceptor support - usable from iOS 13+.

Lightweight async/await networking library with interceptor support. ?? Getting started AsyncNetwork's session acts as a wrapper to URLSession by addi

Paul 9 Oct 4, 2022