⚡️ Fast async task based Swift framework with focus on type safety, concurrency and multi threading


Build Status Plaforms Carthage Compatible Swift Package Manager Compatible Pod version

Our apps constantly do work. The faster you react to user input and produce an output, the more likely is that the user will continue to use your application. As our applications grow in complexity, the more and more work needs to be done. You need to start thinking about how to categorize and optimize work, how to make that work more efficient, more optimized and finally, faster. In most cases that doesn’t end very well because you need to know a lot about concurrency, multithreading etc. - it’s a very complex field. You need to know all API specifics before you are able to write something.

Overdrive was created as a result of that struggle. It is a framework that exposes several simple concepts which are made on top of complex system frameworks that enable multithreading, concurrency and most importantly, more speed.

let task = URLSessionTask(url: "https://api.swiftable.io")

  .onValue { json in
  }.onError { error in

TaskQueue.background.add(task: task)


What can I do with Overdrive?

  • Execute tasks concurrently
  • Utilize multi-core systems by default
  • Easily defer task execution to custom thread or queue
  • Ensure that multiple tasks are executed in the correct order
  • Express custom conditions under which tasks can be executed
  • Enforce testability
  • Retry tasks that finished with errors
  • Write thread safe code by default


  • Xcode 8.0+
  • Swift 3
  • Platforms:
    • iOS 8.0+
    • macOS 10.11+
    • tvOS 9.0+
    • watchOS 2.0+
    • Ubuntu



github "arikis/Overdrive" >= 0.3

Cocoa Pods

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'Your App Target' do
  pod 'Overdrive', '~> 0.3'

Swift Package Manager

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "Your Package Name",
  dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "https://github.com/arikis/Overdrive.git",
             majorVersion: 0,
           minor: 3)

Manual installation

Overdrive can also be installed manually by dragging the Overdrive.xcodeproj to your project and adding Overdrive.framework to the embedded libraries in project settings.


Overdrive features two main classes:


  1. Create subclass of Task<T>
  2. Override run() method and encapsulate any synchronous or asynchronous operation
  3. Finish execution with value(T) or error(Error) by using finish(with:) method
  4. Create instance of subclass
  5. Add it to the TaskQueue when you want to start execution

Example Task<UIImage> subclass for photo download task:

class GetLogoTask: Task<UIImage> {

  override func run() {
    let logoURL = URL(string: "https://swiftable.io/logo.png")!

    do {
      let logoData = try Data(contentsOf: logoURL)
      let image = UIImage(data: logoData)!
      finish(with: .value(image)) // Finish with image
    } catch {
      finish(with: .error(error)) // Finish with error if any

To setup completion blocks, you use onValue and onError methods:

let logoTask = GetLogoTask()

  .onValue { logo in
    print(logo) // UIImage object
  }.onError { error in

To execute the task add it to the instance of TaskQueue

let queue = TaskQueue()
queue.add(task: logoTask)


TaskQueue executes tasks concurrently by default. Maximum number of concurrent operations is defined by the current system conditions. If you want to limit the number of maximum concurrent task executions use maxConcurrentTaskCount property.

let queue = TaskQueue()
queue.maxConcurrentTaskCount = 3

Thread safety

All task properties are thread-safe by default, meaning that you can access them from any thread or queue and not worry about locks and access synchronization.


Overdrive framework was heavily inspired by talks and code from several Apple WWDC videos.

Overdrive is a term for an effect used in electric guitar playing that occurs when guitar amp tubes starts to produce overdriven, almost distorted sound, due to the higher gain(master) setting.

Long term plans

This section defines some long term plans for Overdrive. They're not scheduled for implementation or for any specific version.

Remove Foundation.Operation dependency

Currently, Overdrive leverages Foundation.Operation and Foundation.OperationQueue classes for concurrency and execution. While those classes provide excellent functionality, they're still rewrites of their Objective C counterpart (NSOperation and NSOperationQueue). This means that writing Task<T> requires a lot of overrides and state management.

For example, any task subclass must override run() method to define execution point. If this method is not overridden, queue will perform assert to notify that this method should be overridden. Same will happen if super.run() is called.

In the future, Overdrive should only use libdispatch for it's functionality.

  • Release with the memory leak fixed?

    Release with the memory leak fixed?

    Overdrive: 0.2.2 Package manager (SPM, Carthage, CocoaPods, Manual): CocoaPods Xcode: 8.3.1 Platform: iOS

    Hi @arikis,

    The project I'm working on requires Overdrive to work, and while I know I'm not supposed to be asking for ETAs around here, I wanted to know if we can just release a minor bumped version of Overdrive (maybe 0.2.3) with mainly the task observer memory leak fixed. I would be happy to help in any way I can.

    opened by biocross 7
  • Support for Many to One Dependencies

    Support for Many to One Dependencies

    Overdrive: 0.2.2 Package manager (SPM, Carthage, CocoaPods, Manual): CocoaPods Xcode: 8.2.1 Platform: iOS

    Are there any plans for supporting repeat dependencies? For example, if I add a task A which depends on the task Z, both Z and A get added to the queue.

    Now, if I have a task B, which depends on the same instance of task Z as earlier, and I add B, it crashes because I have added the same instance of task Z again to the queue.

    What could be the other behaviour is that when Z came in the first time, Z would have been added to the queue, but the second time, Z would have simply been added as a dependency for B.

    Let me know if this is too specific to my requirements, or it's something we can have at Overdrive level?

    opened by biocross 7
  • didFinish method never called when task is finished

    didFinish method never called when task is finished

    Overdrive: 0.2.2 Package manager (SPM, Carthage, CocoaPods, Manual): CocoaPods Xcode: 8.0 Platform: iOS 10.0


    Following your test class, I wrote a basic example:

    // Custom Task
    class ImageTask: Task<UIImage> {
        override func run() {
            let logoURL = URL(string: "http://i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/161217142430-2017-cars-ferrari-1-exlarge-169.jpg")!
            do {
                let logoData = try Data(contentsOf: logoURL)
                let image = UIImage(data: logoData)!
                finish(with: .value(image)) // finish with image
            } catch {
                finish(with: .error(error)) // finish with error if any
    // Custom Task Queue
    class CustomTaskQueue: TaskQueueDelegate {
        private var queue:TaskQueue
        public init() {
            self.queue = TaskQueue(qos: .default)
            self.queue.delegate = self
        public func start() {
            let t1 = ImageTask()
            t1.name = "Image Task"
            t1.onValue { image in
                print("image downloaded \(image)")
            t1.onError { error in
                print("image error \(error.localizedDescription)")
            self.queue.add(task: t1)
        func didAdd<T>(task: Task<T>, toQueue queue: TaskQueue) {
            print("task did add \(task.name)")
        func didFinish<T>(task: Task<T>, inQueue queue: TaskQueue) {
            print("task did finish \(task.name)")

    And then call it via the following lines:

    let taskQueue = CustomTaskQueue()

    The Xcode terminal log output:

    task did add Optional("Image Task")
    image downloaded <UIImage: 0x61800008f0a0>, {780, 438}

    I can't receive the end message task did finish Optional("Image Task") when a task has been finished. I listen to the didFinish<T>(task: Task<T>, inQueue queue: TaskQueue) method but nothing happens. Did I make a mistake ?

    Thank you in advance

    opened by pimeo 2
  • Retry triggered on success?

    Retry triggered on success?

    Overdrive: 0.2.1 Package manager (SPM, Carthage, CocoaPods, Manual): Cocoapods 1.1 Xcode: 8.2 beta 2 Platform: iOS 10

    Running a simple, non-failable task with retry, retries even if the task finishes without error.

    let inlineTask = InlineTask { (_) in
    queue.add(task: inlineTask)

    prints inlineTask 3 Times to the console, even if the documentation of retry states:

    If the task finishes with error, it will be executed again until retry count becomes zero.

    opened by hffmnn 2
  • Tasks added to suspended TaskQueue won't run

    Tasks added to suspended TaskQueue won't run

    Overdrive: 0.2.2 Package manager (SPM, Carthage, CocoaPods, Manual): CocoaPods Xcode: 8.2.1 Platform: iOS 10

    Tasks added to a TaskQueue being suspended don't run after setting isSuspended = false. Seems to be a Task specific issue because adding a BlockOperation to the TaskQueue's internal OperationQueue does not cause this issue. Please notice the attached sample code. ViewController.swift.zip

    opened by RaimarT 1
  • fixed state inconstancy when cancelling task

    fixed state inconstancy when cancelling task

    I encountered a problem when cancelling a task that's in pending state because it has a dependency on another task that's still running. As you just returned true for isReady property when in pending state start() is called on the cancelled task calling moveToFinishedState() leading to an illegal state transition from .pending to .finished. I solved this issue by setting the task's state to .ready as soon as super.isReady returns true.

    opened by RaimarT 1
  • `maxConcurrentTaskCount` is inaccessible for clients

    `maxConcurrentTaskCount` is inaccessible for clients

    Overdrive version: 0.2.0

    Package manager: CocoaPods 1.1

    This snippet

    let queue = TaskQueue()
    queue.maxConcurrentTaskCount = 3

    throws 'maxConcurrentTaskCount' is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level. See #2 for a possible fix.

    opened by hffmnn 1
  • SynchronousTask not finishing if result property is not set

    SynchronousTask not finishing if result property is not set

    Description: Since SynchronousTask implementation relies on result property being set to finish, not setting the result property would make the task execute forever.

    Proposed fix: Add internal method to finish the task if the result is not set.

    opened by saidsikira 1
  • fixed state inconstancy when cancelling task

    fixed state inconstancy when cancelling task

    I encountered a problem when cancelling a task that's in pending state because it has a dependency on another task that's still running. As you just returned true for isReady property when in pending state start() is called on the cancelled task calling moveToFinishedState() leading to an illegal state transition from .pending to .finished. I solved this issue by setting the task's state to .ready as soon as super.isReady returns true. Added appropriate test.

    opened by RaimarT 0
  • fixed state inconstancy when cancelling task

    fixed state inconstancy when cancelling task

    I encountered a problem when cancelling a task that's in pending state because it has a dependency on another task that's still running. As you just returned true for isReady property when in pending state start() is called on the cancelled task calling moveToFinishedState() leading to an illegal state transition from .pending to .finished. I solved this issue by setting the task's state to .ready as soon as super.isReady returns true.

    opened by RaimarT 0
  • fixed state inconstancy when cancelling task

    fixed state inconstancy when cancelling task

    I encountered a problem when cancelling a task that's in pending state because it has a dependency on another task that's still running. As you just returned true for isReady property when in pending state start() is called on the cancelled task calling moveToFinishedState() leading to an illegal state transition from .pending to .finished. I solved this issue by setting the task's state to .ready as soon as super.isReady returns true.

    opened by RaimarT 0
  • maxConcurrentCount=1 only executes the first task in the queue

    maxConcurrentCount=1 only executes the first task in the queue

    Overdrive: 0.3 Package manager (SPM, Carthage, CocoaPods, Manual): n/a Xcode: 8.3.2 (macOS 10.12.5) Platform: iOS

    When TaskQueue.maximumConcurrentTaskCount = 1`, only one task is executed. (The 2nd task is not executed.)

    Here is a test case that indicates the issue.

        func testTwoTaskShouldBothCompleteWhenMaxConcurrentTaskCountIsOne() {
            queue.maxConcurrentTaskCount = 1
            let expectation1 = self.expectation(description: "a")
            let expectation2 = self.expectation(description: "b")
            let task = anyTask(withResult: .value(1))
            task.onValue { _ in
            let task2 = anyTask(withResult: .value(1))
            task2.onValue { _ in
            queue.add(task: task)
            queue.add(task: task2)
            waitForExpectations(timeout: 5)

    The test fails as the "b" expectation is unfulfilled. Any ideas what could be wrong?

    opened by xinsight 2
  • iOS 11 Crashes - Invalid State Transformation while Evaluating Conditions

    iOS 11 Crashes - Invalid State Transformation while Evaluating Conditions

    Overdrive: 0.3 Package manager (SPM, Carthage, CocoaPods, Manual): CocoaPods Xcode: 9.0 beta 6 Platform: iOS

    The dependency system seems to be failing in iOS 11. I have tried this with Xcode 9 betas 6 & 7 (latest right now). Quite a few tests are failing, especially an assertion failure TaskConditionTests, which seems to be the most severe, which actually is affecting our production users on iOS betas with crashes.

    opened by biocross 11
  • 0.3(Apr 29, 2017)


    • Removed default method (empty) implementations of TaskQueueDelegate and TaskCondition methods as they had no real usage and could present problems if signatures are changes.


    • Fixed retain cycle when task is added to the queue

      • @RaimarT [#7]
    • Fixed state inconsistency when cancelling task

      • @RaimarT [#11]
    • Fixed an issue with adding task to a suspended queue


    • Updated signatures of some methods to conform to Swift 3 API guidelines.
    • You can now throw in onValue(:_) task method. Error will be passed to the onError(:_) method.
    • Added throwable flatMap, flatMapError, map and mapError operators on Result<T> enum.
    • Extended TaskQueueDelegate with taskWillFinishExecution(task:) method
      • @RaimarT [#13]

    Note: Framework binary is not attached with this release due to the issue with precompiled frameworks rdar://23551273

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.2(Nov 24, 2016)

  • 0.2.1(Nov 20, 2016)

  • 0.2.0(Nov 14, 2016)

  • 0.0.1(Jul 12, 2016)

Said Sikira
Global Business Development @paypal. Previously a Payments Tech Lead @iZettle
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